London Fog

The London Fog drink, also known as an Earl Grey tea latte, originated in Vancouver, Canada, not London as the name suggests. It was first created in the late 1990s at the Buckwheat Café by a woman who was pregnant and looking for a beverage. The drink is made by steeping Earl Grey tea in steamed milk, often with the addition of vanilla syrup, creating a beverage with the flavor of bergamot from the tea. The combination of tea, milk, and vanilla creates a drink that has since become popular in coffee shops across North America.


London Fog

October 31, 2024
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The Cafe’s London Fog | Yield: 16oz


16oz  Cup
1  Earl Grey tea bag
1oz  Vanilla syrup
11oz  Hot water
4oz  Steamed milk


1. Fill the cup with hot water
2. Add vanilla syrup
3. Add tea bag
4. Top with steamed milk

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