Student Simulation Exercise in Standardization Processes


Student Simulation Exercise in Standardization Processes

February 1, 2020

“Thornberry’s Pasture, Brooklyn, Indiana” 1904 / John Ottis Adams


The National Technology Transfer & Advancement Act of 1995 states that the social negotiation of technical change must begin with privately-developed consensus products administered by the American National Standards Institute and supported by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.  Few public policy programs in US colleges and universities cover United States Public Law 104-113; much less convey its importance in leading practice discovery and promulgation.  Faculty are too busy chasing grants; and administrators are too busy chasing faculty.

To remedy this knowledge gap ANSI hosts on-site workshops to acquaint students to the US due process platform for consensus product development.  All US students are welcomed to enroll in a mock standards setting simulation exercise to be hosted at the Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) on February 21st.

From the event prospectus:

“The full day event at the IUPUI campus in Indianapolis will expose students to the challenges and opportunities in the standards setting environment. Students will also explore the analytical and practical skills needed to engage successfully in standards negotiations—just like in a professional setting.”

The application deadline for the 2020 event was February 3rd (posted here and on @StandardsMich for several month) but students, faculty and others are welcomed to attend at IUPUI in order to acquaint themselves with the event and, perhaps, help them participate in the 2021 event.

There is no cost to attend the event. Please contact Lisa Rajchel at ANSI ( as soon as possible to reserve a seat for one or more students.

Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis



Standards Michigan “Open for Comment”

Standards Indiana





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