Tag Archives: D1


Designing Lighting for People and Buildings

Public Consultation on IES RP-6 Recommended Practice: Lighting Sports and Recreational Areas closes October 7

Sport Lighting

“Electrical Building World’s Columbian Exposition Chicago 1892

Today we feature the catalog of the Illumination Engineering Society — one of the first names in standards-setting in illumination technology, globally* with particular interest in its leading title IES LP-1 | LIGHT + DESIGN Lighting Practice: Designing Quality Lighting for People and Buildings.

From its prospectus:

“…LIGHT + DESIGN was developed to introduce architects, lighting designers, design engineers, interior designers, and other lighting professionals to the principles of quality lighting design. These principles; related to visual performance, energy, and economics; and aesthetics; can be applied to a wide range of interior and exterior spaces to aid designers in providing high-quality lighting to their projects.

Stakeholders: Architects, interior designers, lighting practitioners, building owners/operators, engineers, the general public, luminaire manufacturers.  This standard focuses on design principles and defines key technical terms and includes technical background to aid understanding for the designer as well as the client about the quality of the lighted environment. Quality lighting enhances our ability to see and interpret the world around us, supporting our sense of well-being, and improving our capability to communicate with each other….”

The entire catalog is linked below:

IES Lighting Library

Illumination technologies run about 30 percent of the energy load in a building and require significant human resources at the workpoint — facility managers, shop foremen, front-line operations and maintenance personnel, design engineers and sustainability specialists.  The IES has one of the easier platforms for user-interest participation:

IES Standards Open for Public Review

Because the number of electrotechnology standards run in the thousands and are in continual motion* we need an estimate of user-interest in any title before we formally request a redline because the cost of obtaining one in time to make meaningful contributions will run into hundreds of US dollars; apart from the cost of obtaining a current copy.

We maintain the IES catalog on the standing agendas of our Electrical, Illumination and Energy colloquia.   Additionally, we collaborate with experts active in the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee which meets online 4 times monthly in European and American time zones; all colloquia online and open to everyone.   Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page to join us.

Issue: [Various}

Category: Electrical, Energy, Illumination, Facility Asset Management

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Gary Fox, Jim Harvey, Kane Howard, Glenn Keates, Daleep Mohla, Giuseppe Parise, Georges Zissis

Brownian Motion” comes to mind because of the speed and interdependencies.

“Season of Light Illumination”




Use Case: Julia Programming Language for Artificial Intelligence

Julia is a programming language that has gained popularity in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and scientific computing for several reasons.

High Performance: Julia is designed to be a high-performance language, often compared to languages like C and Fortran. It achieves this performance through just-in-time (JIT) compilation, allowing it to execute code at speeds close to statically compiled languages. This makes Julia well-suited for computationally intensive AI tasks such as numerical simulations and deep learning.

Ease of Use: Julia is designed with a clean and expressive syntax that is easy to read and write. It feels similar to other high-level languages like Python, making it accessible to developers with a background in Python or other scripting languages.

Multiple Dispatch: Julia’s multiple dispatch system allows functions to be specialized on the types of all their arguments, leading to more generic and efficient code. This feature is particularly useful when dealing with complex data types and polymorphic behavior, which is common in AI and scientific computing.

Rich Ecosystem: Julia has a growing ecosystem of packages and libraries for AI and scientific computing. Libraries like Flux.jl for deep learning, MLJ.jl for machine learning, and DifferentialEquations.jl for solving differential equations make it a powerful choice for AI researchers and practitioners.

Interoperability: Julia offers excellent interoperability with other languages, such as Python, C, and Fortran. This means you can leverage existing code written in these languages and seamlessly integrate it into your Julia AI projects.

Open Source: Julia is an open-source language, which means it is freely available and has an active community of developers and users. This makes it easy to find resources, documentation, and community support for your AI projects.

Parallel and Distributed Computing: Julia has built-in support for parallel and distributed computing, making it well-suited for tasks that require scaling across multiple cores or distributed computing clusters. This is beneficial for large-scale AI projects and simulations.

Interactive Development: Julia’s REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) and notebook support make it an excellent choice for interactive data analysis and experimentation, which are common in AI research and development.

While Julia has many advantages for AI applications, it’s important to note that its popularity and ecosystem continue to grow, so some specialized AI libraries or tools may still be more mature in other languages like Python. Therefore, the choice of programming language should also consider the specific requirements and constraints of your AI project, as well as the availability of libraries and expertise in your development team.

We present a use case below:

Université Sorbonne Paris Nord

A Julia Module for Polynomial Optimization with Complex Variables applied to Optimal Power Flow


Julie Sliwak – Lucas Létocart | Université Sorbonne Paris Nord

Manuel Ruiz | RTE R&D, Paris La Défense

Miguel F. Anjos | University of Edinburgh


ABSTRACT.  Many optimization problems in power transmission networks can be formulated as polynomial problems with complex variables. A polynomial optimization problem with complex variables consists in optimizing a real-valued polynomial whose variables and coefficients are complex numbers subject to some complex polynomial equality or inequality constraints. These problems are usually directly expressed with real variables. In this work, we propose a Julia module allowing the representation of polynomial problems in their original complex formulation. This module is applied to power system optimization and its generic design enables the description of several variants of power system problems. Results for the Optimal Power Flow in Alternating Current problem and for the Preventive-Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow problem are presented.

University of Edinburg

CLICK HERE to order complete paper

Scope of Nursing Practice

"The trained nurse has become one of the great blessings of humanity, taking a place beside the physician and the priest" - William Osler"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about" - Angela Schwindt "The true art of pediatrics lies not only in curing diseases but also in preventing them" - Abraham JacobiGermany


Table of Contents


The American Nurses Association has developed several standards related to nursing practice, which are designed to guide the professional practice of nursing and promote quality patient care. Some of the ANA standards include:

  1. Standards of Practice: These standards describe the responsibilities and accountabilities of registered nurses in the provision of safe, competent, and ethical nursing care.
  2. Standards of Professional Performance: These standards describe the behaviors and competencies that are expected of registered nurses in their professional roles, such as leadership, education, and communication.
  3. Code of Ethics for Nurses: This code provides guidance for ethical decision-making and practice in nursing. It includes provisions related to patient rights, confidentiality, professional boundaries, and accountability.
  4. Nursing Administration: This standard addresses the role of nursing administration in ensuring safe and effective nursing care. It includes standards related to leadership, management, and quality improvement.
  5. Nursing Informatics: This standard addresses the role of nursing informatics in improving healthcare outcomes. It includes standards related to the use of technology and information systems in nursing practice.
  6. Advanced Practice Registered Nurses: This standard addresses the role of advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) in providing safe and effective care. It includes standards related to education, certification, and practice.

It’s worth noting that these are just a few examples of the ANA standards, and that there may be other standards that are relevant to specific areas of nursing practice. The ANA periodically updates its standards to reflect changes in nursing practice and healthcare delivery.

Rooibos Tea

Rooibos tea, also known as red bush tea, is a popular herbal tea that is native to South Africa. It is made from the leaves of the Aspalathus linearis plant, which is found only in the Western Cape region of South Africa.

The plant grows in a microclimate where it is exposed to a combination of hot, dry summers and cold, wet winters, which gives it its distinctive flavor and aroma.  It is used in cooking and baking, and can be found in a variety of products, including desserts, skincare products, and even beer.

EU protection for Rooibos tea is good news for South African agriculture


Management of University Endowment Fund Archives under the Background of Big Data

Sui Jie, et al

Department of Economics and Management, Tianjin Normal University of Vocation and Technology

University endowment fund archives are very valuable document collection in the development of the University Foundation. With the advent of the era of big data, the management of university endowment fund archives presents many features, such as intelligence, convenience and high efficiency. We analyze problems about the management of university endowment fund archives under the background of the era of big data. Finally, the suggestion is put forward how to promote the efficiency of university endowment fund archives under the background of the era of big data.

CLICK HERE to order complete paper


Resource Endowments Strategy for Sustainable E-Government

How Harvard and Other Colleges Manage Their Endowments


The Economics of Hedge Funds

Introduction to the American Art of Fundraising

Latte Macchiato

Finding a life partner with whom to raise a family is more

important than choice of campus, its architecture, career path

or what is remembered of Plato, Dante, Euler, Shakespeare or Dirac.

Standards Tennessee

Trevecca Dining


Human Resources 300

Office in a Small City 1953 Edward Hopper


“Choose a job you love,

and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

Kong Fuzi, Confucius


Today we dwell on titles that inform management of the education industry in the United States specifically; but also more generally in global markets where the education industry is classified as a Producer and a User of human resources.  It is an enormous domain; likely the largest.

Human Resources 100 covers skilled trade training in all building construction disciplines.

Human Resources 200 covers the range of skills needed to manage an educational setting — school districts, colleges and universities

Human Resources 300 covers higher level management of these settings.  (Representative Organization Charts)

Estate Services | University of Oxford

Harvard University Finance Administration

Human Resources 500 covers everything else

Human Resources 500

Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

Engineering a Fair Future: Why we need to train unbiased AI

Recommended Reading:

On the Origin of Species | Charles Darwin

“The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life | Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray

“The Human Side of Enterprise” 1960 by Douglas McGregor | MIT Management Sloan School

University of Chicago Press: Readings in Managerial Psychology




Lee Webster

Virginia Commonwealth University: “Self Reliance” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Paris Review: The Myth of Self-Reliance

Using ANSI Human Resource Standards to Create Business Advantage in the Workplace

Colleges and Organizational Structure of Universities

Apprenticeships: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice

“Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber” James Damore



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