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Root Beer Olympics

University of North Dakota | Grand Forks County

North Dakota

“Standard Root Beer” is typically made using a combination of ingredients that include water, sugar, sassafras root or extract, and various other flavoring agents. Here’s a general overview of the process:

  • Sassafras Flavoring: In traditional root beer recipes, sassafras root or extract is a key ingredient. However, it’s important to note that sassafras contains safrole, a compound that has been deemed potentially carcinogenic. For this reason, commercial root beers often use a safrole-free sassafras flavoring.
  • Sweetener: Sugar is commonly used to sweeten root beer, although some recipes may use alternatives like corn syrup or honey. The amount of sweetener can vary based on personal preference.
  • Water: Root beer typically starts with plain water as its base. The water is heated to dissolve the sweetener and other ingredients.
  • Flavorings: Besides sassafras flavoring, root beer can include a range of other flavorings to create its distinct taste. These may include wintergreen, vanilla, anise, licorice, molasses, or other herbs and spices. The exact combination of flavors varies among different root beer recipes.
  • Carbonation: Carbonation gives root beer its characteristic fizz. This can be achieved by using carbonated water or by introducing carbon dioxide gas into the mixture. In commercial production, carbonation is typically added during the bottling process.
  • Yeast Fermentation (optional): Some traditional homemade root beer recipes involve a fermentation step. Yeast is added to the root beer mixture, which consumes the sugar and produces carbon dioxide as a byproduct. This creates a natural carbonation in the beverage. However, this step can also increase the alcohol content, so it’s important to be mindful of the fermentation duration.
  • Bottling and Aging: Once the root beer is prepared, it is typically poured into bottles or kegs and sealed. Some recipes may recommend allowing the root beer to age for a certain period to develop the desired flavors.

It’s worth noting that the commercial production of root beer may involve different processes, as well as the use of artificial flavors, stabilizers, and preservatives to ensure consistency and shelf life. The specific recipe and production methods may vary among manufacturers.

Standards North Dakota


Timon of Athens

The Oxford Union Debating Society, founded in 1823, is one of the world’s most prestigious debating societies, affiliated with the University of Oxford. It has hosted numerous influential speakers and debates, including historical figures like Winston Churchill and Malcolm X. Over the years, it has played a vital role in shaping public discourse and fostering critical thinking among students. The society’s iconic debating chamber and rich tradition of lively debates have made it an enduring institution in the world of debate and public speaking.

“In an era of cancellation and defenestration we sometimes forget that we both cannot go on like this and that we have been here before. We know this because our greatest writers and artists have addressed this question in their own times.

When Roger [Scrouton] was going through his own battle with the shallows I often thought of Shakespeare’s rarely performed but great play Timon of Athens. Timon has the whole world before him. He is surrounded by friends and admirers. He is generous to all. Yet he falls on hard times and when he does absolutely everybody deserts him. He is left with nothing and nobody, and risks being filled with despair and rage. It does not help that he is shadowed by the cynical philosopher Apemantus, who has warned him that just such a desertion might occur.”

— Douglas Murray

Bourbon Research

What Is A Standard Drink?

Greg Gutfeld and guests discuss how President Biden’s alcohol czar is warning that new guidance could be only two beers a week

Mint Julep University

Speech Day

Speech Day generally refers to an annual event held at schools in the United Kingdom, particularly private or independent schools, where students showcase their achievements and receive prizes or awards. The exact date of “Speech Day” varies by school and is typically determined by the school’s academic calendar. It is usually held towards the end of the academic year, either in the summer term or in the early autumn term, before students break for the summer holidays.

Westonbirt School

LIVE: 91.3 FM Cal Poly Student Radio

“Radio is the perfect medium for communication.
It is instantaneous, and unlike television,
it allows you to use your imagination.”
-Guglielmo Marconi



The science of beer



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