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Breakfast Table Trilogy

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Ice Hockey Arena Lighting

National Collegiate Athletic Association: August 2022 IRS Form 900 Tax Filing

After athletic arena life safety obligations are met (governed legally by NFPA 70, NFPA 101, NFPA 110,  the International Building Code and possibly other state adaptations of those consensus documents incorporated by reference into public safety law) business objective standards may come into play.For almost all athletic facilities,  the consensus documents of the Illumination Engineering Society[1], the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers[2][3] provide the first principles for life safety.  For business purposes, the documents distributed by the National Collegiate Athletic Association inform the standard of care for individual athletic arenas so that swiftly moving media production companies have some consistency in power sources and illumination as they move from site to site.  Sometimes concepts to meet both life safety and business objectives merge.


During hockey season the document linked below provides information to illumination designers and facility managers:

NCAA Best Lighting Practices

Athletic programs are a significant source of revenue and form a large part of the foundation of the brand identity of most educational institutions in the United States.   We focus primarily upon the technology standards that govern the safety, performance and sustainability of these enterprises.  We collaborate very closely with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee where subject matter experts in electrical power systems meet 4 times each month in the Americas and Europe.

See our CALENDAR for our next colloquium on Sport facility codes and standards  We typically walk through the safety and sustainability concepts in play; identify commenting opportunities; and find user-interest “champions” on the technical committees who have a similar goal in lowering #TotalCostofOwnership.

Issue: [15-138]*

Category: Electrical, Architectural, Arts & Entertainment Facilities, Athletics

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Jack Janveja, Jose Meijer, Scott Gibbs


[1] Illumination Engineering Handbook

[2] IEEE 3001.9 Recommended Practice for Design of Power Systems for Supplying Lighting Systems for Commercial & Industrial Facilities

[3] IEEE 3006.1 Power System Reliability


* Issue numbering before 2016 dates back to the original University of Michigan codes and standards advocacy enterprise 

The “Sugaring” Season

Vermont is the largest producer of maple syrup in the United States, and the maple syrup industry is an important part of the state’s economy and culture. Vermont maple syrup is renowned for its high quality and distinctive flavor, and many people around the world seek out Vermont maple syrup specifically.

The maple syrup industry in Vermont is primarily made up of small-scale family farms, where maple sap is collected from sugar maple trees in early spring using a process called “sugaring.” The sap is then boiled down to produce pure maple syrup, which is graded according to its color and flavor. Vermont maple syrup is graded on a scale from Grade A (lighter in color and milder in flavor) to Grade B (darker in color and more robust in flavor).

The Vermont maple syrup industry is heavily regulated to ensure quality and safety, and the state has strict standards for labeling and grading maple syrup. In addition to pure maple syrup, many Vermont maple producers also make maple candy, maple cream, and other maple products.

University of Vermont Facilities Management



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Freely Available ICT Standards

Leap Year

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The earth makes “one” trip around the Sun in approximately 365.2425 days.  An additional day every four years helps synchronizes the calendar year with the solar year — assuming a perfect circle.  Alas, the orbit is far from circular — it is elliptical and eccentric — thus confounding assumptions about climate change.

Today we revisit our earlier inquiries, readings and research with some consideration to how computer software deals with a leap year.  Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

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Gallery: Other Ways of Knowing Climate Change

Dialectic: Climate Change

Words Matter

Climate Psychosis

Fish and Chips and the British Working Class

“Fish and Chips” | Fred Laidler (1918–1988)

Fish and Chips and the British Working Class, 1870-1930

Fish and chips was in many ways the pioneer fast-food industry.  It became an essential component of working-class diet and popular culture in parts of London, and over wide areas of industrial midland and northern England and southern Scotland, in the early decades of the twentieth century…I propose to argue that the fish and chip trade was not only important enough in itself to justify sustained historical analysis, but also that it provides a useful vantage point for examining important changes in British society more generally.”

— John Walken, 1998, Journal of Social History

The link between a college education and a lasting marriage

“You shall above all things be glad and young…”

Opening page of “The Prologue of the Wife of Bath’s Tale,” from the Ellesmere manuscript of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, c. 1400.

Researchers at the National Center for Health Statistics estimate that 78% of college-educated women who married for the first time between 2006 and 2010 could expect their marriages to last at least 20 years. But among women who have a high school education or less, the share is only 40%.

The link between a college education and a lasting marriage


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