Tag Archives: Memorial Day



A flag stands for a set of principles; the reach for the ideals of a civilization–
not for the lapses of adherence to them.

“After School” 1959 Norman Rockwell

Flag Day in the United States, observed on June 14th, commemorates the adoption of the American flag by the Second Continental Congress in 1777. It’s a day to honor the symbol of the nation’s unity, freedom, and democracy. The flag represents the ideals and principles upon which the country was founded, including liberty, justice, and equality.

On Flag Day, Americans typically display the flag at their homes and businesses, participate in patriotic ceremonies, and reflect on the significance of the flag in American history and culture. It’s also a time to remember the sacrifices made by those who have served and continue to serve in defense of the nation. Flag Day serves as a reminder of the values that bind Americans together as one nation, under the banner of the stars and stripes.

United States Independence Day

There are no rigorous standard heights for flagpoles displaying the American flag in educational settlements but there are general guidelines and recommendations.

Commercial Use: In commercial settings, flagpoles can vary widely depending on the size of the building and the surrounding landscape. They can range from 20 feet for smaller businesses to over 100 feet for large corporate buildings.

Government Buildings: Flagpoles at government buildings or public spaces often range from 30 to 60 feet or more, depending on the size and prominence of the building.

Proportions: A general guideline for the American flag is that the length of the flag should be about one-quarter to one-third the height of the flagpole.

Regulations: Some local ordinances or homeowner associations may have specific guidelines regarding flagpole height, so it’s a good idea to check local regulations before installing one.

Ultimately, the height of a flagpole for the American flag depends on the context and purpose of display, as well as practical considerations such as the size of the flag itself and local regulations.


University of Michigan

Hillsdale College Michigan

Western University Ontario

Universitetet i Oslo

Northeastern University Massachusetts

University at Buffalo New York

Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

Pepperdine University / California

Colby College Maine

Finley Public School New South Wales Australia

St. Olaf College Minnesota

College of the Ozarks Missouri

University of Alaska Fairbanks


Neuqua Valley High School Illinois

Hillsdale College Michigan

Abilene Christian University Texas

University of Southern Mississippi | Image: Courtland Wells


Queensborough Community College

Bucknell University Pennsylvania



NB: “The flag stands for a set of principles, not the lack of adherence to them.” ― Craig D. Lounsbrough.  We are not sure about this source; nor the author.  We have adapted the sentiment for our home page excerpt.



Original Score (Stanley Myers)


Winslow Homer, “The Army of the Potomac–A Sharp-Shooter on Picket Duty” 1862

NCAA Rifle Competition began in 1980 and features both men’s and women’s teams competing together. The competition includes smallbore and air rifle events, with each athlete shooting in both disciplines.

The two primary events are smallbore rifle (also known as .22 caliber) and air rifle (using a .177 caliber air gun). Competitions typically involve both individual and team scoring, with athletes shooting a series of targets from different distances and positions.

Several U.S. colleges and universities have competitive rifle teams that participate in NCAA rifle competitions. Some of the notable institutions include:

  1. University of Alaska Fairbanks
  2. West Virginia University
  3. University of Kentucky
  4. Texas Christian University (TCU)
  5. University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  6. Murray State University
  7. Ohio State University
  8. University of Akron
  9. United States Military Academy (Army)
  10. University of Memphis
  11. North Carolina State University
  12. Jacksonville State University
  13. Morehead State University
  14. University of Mississippi (Ole Miss)
  15. U.S. Naval Academy (Navy)

The NCAA rifle competition serves as a pipeline for athletes aiming to compete in international events, including the Olympics where it was part of the inaugural modern Olympics in 1896.  Rifle events scheduled for the 2024 Olympics include:

  • 10m Air Rifle (Men and Women): Athletes will shoot from a standing position using a .177 caliber air rifle at a distance of 10 meters.
  • 50m Rifle Three Positions (Men and Women): Competitors will shoot from kneeling, prone, and standing positions using a .22 caliber smallbore rifle at a distance of 50 meters.
  • Mixed Team 10m Air Rifle: Teams composed of one male and one female shooter will compete together in the 10m air rifle event.

West Point Military Academy New York

University of Kentucky | Fayette County



Broadcast Club • United States Air Force Academy


“All People That On Earth Do Dwell”

This hymn traces back to the 16th century; also known as “The Old Hundredth”.  The hymn first appeared in the Anglo-Genevan Psalter, a collection of psalms and hymns used by English-speaking Protestant congregations in Geneva and later in England.  The tune is credited to Louis Bourgeois, a French composer and music editor who collaborated on the Genevan Psalter.  The psalter was influenced by the work of John Calvin and other Reformed theologians.


History of Western Civilization Told Through the Acoustics of its Worship Spaces

Sacred Spaces

Free Speech Rankings 2024

A plausible explanation for Harvard’s rank as the least accommodating in free expression supports its institutional lust to remain the most iconoclastic educational settlement in the world.

Michigan Technology University ranks highest in free speech atmospherics in the United States (followed by Auburn University Alabama) according to the organization with the most experience in this domain.

Topics of this nature are generally outside our wheelhouse but since so many young people die in wars for freedom of speech, it seems appropriate for weekend reading when Veteran’s Day is observed around the world.

Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression

2024 College Free Speech Rankings


American Battle Monuments Commission

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