Archive / ISEA 358.1


Archive / ISEA 358.1

September 1, 2019

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Fuel Gas Code

September 1, 2019
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Monitoring standard for historical building structural systems

September 1, 2019
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Università di Bologna

Baraccani Simonetta – Palermo Michele -Stefano Silvestri – Giada Gasparini – Tomaso Trombetti

Abstract: In the last recent years, structural monitoring has acquired an increasing importance in the diagnosis and control of buildings, especially for historical buildings whose preservation is essential to the safeguard of cultural heritage. The aim of this study is to introduce a standardized approach for the interpretation of the large amount of data acquired from a monitoring system of historic buildings. This approach is based on the definition of specific reference quantities (extrapolated from the recorded time series) able to characterize the main features of the structural response and the preliminary identification of the order of magnitudes of these quantities. These reference quantities may be collected in a database and may become fundamental for comparing the response of similar buildings. This type of analysis has been applied to the data obtained from the Static Structural Health Monitoring (SSHM) system of two significant Italian monuments: the Cathedral of Modena and the Two Towers of Bologna (Asinelli and the Garisenda Towers), North Italy. This paper provides, also, the preliminary results of the experimental data as obtained from the Dynamic Structural Health Monitoring (DSHM) of the Asinelli Tower conducted by the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV).



Source: 2015 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems (EESMS) Proceedings

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Standing Agenda / Risk

August 31, 2019
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2021 Group B I-Codes for Healthcare

August 27, 2019
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Archive / BOMA

August 26, 2019
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Risk & Insurance Management

August 25, 2019
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Developer Name: Risk & Insurance Management Society
Acronym: RIMS
Committee Title:
Contact: Whitney Craig
Title: Director, Government Relations
Address: 5 Bryant Park
13th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Phone: (212) 655-6209
Scope: Standards relating to risk management and the integration of various risk
management practices and techniques throughout organizations.

Section 305 Educational Group

August 20, 2019
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Workspace / IKCEA

August 20, 2019
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Archive / ASABE

August 20, 2019
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