All Season Outdoor Swim & Dive


All Season Outdoor Swim & Dive

June 24, 2024
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Masters University Facilities

Standards California

Summer Meals

June 24, 2024
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Summer Meals for Kids Site Finder

Ann Arbor Public Schools | Student Summer Food Service Program


“The Negro Family: The Case For National Action” 1965 Daniel Patrick Moynihan

“Black Rednecks and White Liberals” by Thomas Sowell

“Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed” by Jason L. Riley

“Losing the Race: Self-Sabotage in Black America” by John McWhorter


Kitchens 100

Kitchens 200

Kitchens 300

Commercial Kitchens

Knowledge Graph

June 23, 2024
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Freely Available ICT Standards

June 23, 2024
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“Le Lac Léman ou Près d’Evian au lac de Genève” 1883 François BocionISO and IEC Joint Technical Committee 1  is the work center for international information and communications technology (ICT) standards that are relevant to education communities.  In accordance with ISO/IEC JTC 1 and the ISO and IEC Councils, some International Standards and other deliverables are made freely available for standardization purposes.

Freely Available International Standards

We at least follow action, and sometimes contribute data and user-interest perspective, to the development of standards produced by several ANSI-accredited ICT standard developing organizations — ATIS, BICSI, IEEE, INCITS, TIA among them.  US-based organizations may communicate directly with Lisa Rajchel, ANSI’s ISO/IEC JTC 1 Senior Director for this project:  Our colleagues at other educational organizations should contact their national standards body.

We scan the status of Infotech and Cloud standards periodically and collaborate with a number of IEEE Societies.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.


The ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee for Information Technology (JTC 1)

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 36 Information technology for learning, education and training

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Data management and interchange

Artificial Intelligence Standards

June 23, 2024
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U.S. Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute

ANSI Response to NIST “A Plan for Global Engagement on AI Standards”

On April 29, 2024 NIST released a draft plan for global engagement on AI standards.

Comments are due by June 2. More information is available here.


Request for Information Related to NIST’s Assignments

Under Sections 4.1, 4.5 and 11 of the Executive Order Concerning Artificial Intelligence 

The National Institute of Standards and Technology seeks information to assist in carrying out several of its responsibilities under the Executive order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence issued on October 30, 2023. Among other things, the E.O. directs NIST to undertake an initiative for evaluating and auditing capabilities relating to Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies and to develop a variety of guidelines, including for conducting AI red-teaming tests to enable deployment of safe, secure, and trustworthy systems.

Regulations.GOV Filing: NIST-2023-0009-0001_content

Browse Posted Comments (72 as of February 2, 2024 | 12:00 EST)

Standards Michigan Public Comment


Unleashing American Innovation

Federal Agency Conformity Assessment

Time & Frequency Services

Technical Requirements for Weighing & Measuring Devices

Why You Need Standards

Summer Internship Research Fellowship

A Study of Children’s Password Practices

Human Factors Using Elevators in Emergency Evacuation

Cloud Computing Paradigm

What is time?

Readings / Radio Controlled Clocks

Standard Reference Material

Standards June: Bucolia

June 21, 2024

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Bucolia (OED adj. pl.) “pastoral, relating to country life or the affairs and occupations of a shepherd,” 1610s, earlier bucolical (1520s), from Latin bucolicus, from Greek boukolikos “pastoral, rustic,” from boukolos “cowherd, herdsman,” from bous “cow” (from PIE root *gwou- “ox, bull, cow”) + -kolos “tending,” related to Latin colere “to till (the ground), cultivate, dwell, inhabit” (from PIE root *kwel- (1) “revolve, move round; sojourn, dwell”).

Father Marquette Catholic Academy | Marquette County Michigan

Bucolia 100

Anglo-americká vysoká škola, z.ú. Czech Republic

Family Walking Tour

University of Michigan Nichols Arboretum

Lawn & Garden Tools

Universiteit Twente | Overijssel Nederland


IMI International Management Institute Switzerland

Beneath our feet

bucolia stg

Louisiana State University


Upper Wharfedale Primary Federation School District Yorkshire Dales

Oxford’s Living Libraries: Botanic Garden and Harcourt Arboretum

Washington University in St. Louis Missouri

World Soil Museum

University of Kansas | Douglas County

Nursery Stock

Notre Dame Kylemore Abbey

Landscape Guidelines

University College Cork

Landscape & Horticulture Services

Northern Michigan University | Marquette County


Lake Superior State University | Chippewa County Michigan

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