Category Archives: Athletics/Sport/رياضة


Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa & Hot Tub Code


“The Bathing Pool” / Hubert Robert (French, 1733–1808) / Gift of J.P. Morgan

2024 Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code


The IAPMO code development process is one of the best in the land.  Its Read-Only Access — needed for light research — is also the best in the land; unlike other ANSI accredited standards developers (who shall be un-named).   The current edition is dated 2024, with the 2027 revision accepted public input until March 3, 2025 according the schedule linked below:

2027 USPSHTC Code Development Calendar


What are Plumbing Codes?

Uniform Plumbing Code

Coronavirus in Plumbing Systems

Sport News

Sport Standards


Winter Sport

Wild Swimming


INTERVIEW: Student Ellie Ford on founding the University’s first cold water swimming group















“Port Meadow is absolutely beautiful and a wonderful place to swim. We often swim in a different spot from other open water swimming groups in order to create a more relaxed environment – especially for our beginners. We do special beginners swims on Saturdays, to ease new members into the practise slowly and very carefully.

Safety is paramount, so I’ll walk them in to the water and they can immerse themselves as much as they want. We never allow anyone to jump or dive into cold water – the shock can cause a swimmer to gulp for air and subsequently ingest water; it’s always a gentle process.” — Ellie















Sex Difference in Female and Male Ice Swimmers

Ice Swimming

Mas-fhìor do: Goireasan Spòrs


“The only true sport is that which arises spontaneously

from the heart and the blood.”

— Alistair MacLean

The University of Stirling has produced several famous athletes over the years. Here are a few examples:

Duncan Scott: Duncan Scott is a Scottish swimmer who graduated from the University of Stirling in 2018. He has won numerous medals at major international competitions, including the Olympics, the World Championships, and the Commonwealth Games.

Andy Murray: While Andy Murray did not technically graduate from the University of Stirling, he did attend the university for a brief period in the early 2000s. Murray is a famous Scottish tennis player who has won multiple Grand Slam titles and an Olympic gold medal.

Ross Murdoch: Ross Murdoch is a Scottish swimmer who graduated from the University of Stirling in 2016. He has won multiple medals at major international competitions, including the Commonwealth Games.

Robbie Renwick: Robbie Renwick is a Scottish swimmer who graduated from the University of Stirling in 2009. He has won multiple medals at major international competitions, including the Olympics and the Commonwealth Games.


University of Stirling

Sports, Recreational Facilities & Equipment

Maths and Sport


Sports, Recreational Facilities & Equipment

“Dancing Reflections” 2015 Isabel Emrich | Academy of Art University California

Recreational sports, athletic competition, and the facilities that support it, are one of the most visible activities in any school, college or university in any nation.   Enterprises of this kind have the same ambition for safety and sustainability at the same scale as the academic and healthcare enterprises.  

According to IBISWorld Market Research, Sports Stadium Construction was a $6.1 billion market in 2014, Athletic & Sporting Goods Manufacturing was a $9.2 billion market in 2015, with participation in sports increasing 19.3 percent by 2019 — much of that originating in school, college and university sports and recreation programs.  We refer you to more up to date information in the link below:

Sports & Athletic Field Construction Industry in the US – Market Research Report

We track leading practice discovery in titles released by International Standards Organization’s  ISO/TC 83: Sports and other recreational facilities and equipment.  The German Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) iss the global Secretariat and ASTM International as the US Technical Advisory Group Administrator. 

From the ISO TC/83 prospectus:

BUSINESS PLAN | ISO/TC 83 Sports and recreational equipment | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

Standards by ISO/TC 83

Academic units in the US that want to offer their sports management or international studies students a front row seat on the technology and management of sport may want to participate in  ISO/TC/83 business.  To start, organizations within the United States may communicate directly with ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, Phone: (610) 832-9804.   Contact: Joe Khoury ([email protected]).

We refresh our understanding of the current status of best practice literature at least once per month during our Sport colloquia.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

Issue: [19-46]

Category: Athletics and Recreation, International,

Contact: Mike Anthony, Jack Janveja, Christine Fischer


International harmonized stage codes

Mixed Gender Sport by Design

All Season Outdoor Swim & Dive

Masters University Facilities

Standards California

Sports Equipment & Surfaces

“The National Game” 1889 Arthur Streeton




Sport is the bloom and glow of a perfect health.

—Ralph Waldo Emerson


Sport programs, facilities and equipment support one of the most visible and emotionally engaging enterprises in the education communities.   These programs are central to the brand identity of the community and last, but not least, physical activity keeps our young people healthy in body and mind.

ASTM International is one of the first names among the 300-odd ANSI accredited standards setting organizations whose due processes discover and promulgate the standard of care for the design, construction, operations and maintenance of the facilities that support these enterprises.   The parent committee is linked below:

ASTM Committee F08 on Sports Equipment, Playing Surfaces, and Facilities

While ASTM bibliography is largely product-oriented, there are many titles that set the standard of care for sport enterprises and the accessories to these enterprises.  To identify a few:

ASTM 1487-17 Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public Use

ASTM F1774  Standard Specification for Climbing and Mountaineering Carabiners

ASTM F2060-00(2011) Standard Guide for Maintaining Cool Season Turfgrasses on Athletic Fields

ASTM F1703-13 Standard Guide for Skating and Ice Hockey Playing Facilities

ASTM F1953-10 Standard Guide for Construction and Maintenance of Grass Tennis Courts

ASTM F1081-09(2015) Standard Specification for Competition Wrestling Mats

ASTM F2950-14 Standard Safety and Performance Specification for Soccer Goals

ASTM F2461-16e1 Standard Practice for Manufacture, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Aquatic Play Equipment

When the General Requirements of an athletic facility construction project indicates: “Conform to all applicable standards” then, in the case of an sport facility, the ASTM title is likely the document that defines the standard of care from a product standpoint.  Interoperability of the products in a sport setting are quite another matter.

At the international level, we track action in ISO/TC 83 Sports and other recreational facilities and equipment administered globally by the Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.   ASTM International is ANSI’s Technical Advisory Group for  this committee.

University of Maine

The ASTM standards development process depends heavily on face-to-face meetings — typically two times per year – in different parts of the United States.   The benefit of this arrangement lies in the quality of discussion among subject matter experts that results produced from face-to-face discussion.  The price to pay for this quality, however, lies in the cost of attendance for the user-interest in the education industry.   Relatively few subject matter experts directly employed by a school district, college or university who are charged with lowering #TotalCostofOwnership can attend the meetings.   Many of the subject matter experts who are in attendance at the ASTM meetings from the education industry tend to be faculty who are retained by manufacturers, insurance, testing laboratories, conformity and compliance interests.  (See our discussion of Incumbent Interests)

That much said, ASTM welcomes subject matter experts on its technical committees (Click here)  We encourage participation by end users from the education industry — many of them in the middle of athletic facility management organization charts.   The parent committee meets twice a year; after which we usually find public review redlines developed during those meetings to hit our radar.  The link to the schedule of face-to-face meetings appears below:

F08 Meetings

Note that the August 2020 cancelled but the November 2020 meeting still appears on the schedule.  It is likely that much of the committee work will be done online.

We are required to review draft ASTM consensus products with some care — owing to copyright restrictions — so we do it interactively online during teleconferences devoted to Sport.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

Issue: [7-7] [10-32] [13-165] [20-156] 

Category: Sport, Management, Risk Management

Contact: Mike Anthony, Jack Janveja, George Reiher, Richard Robben

Synthetic Turf Guidelines


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