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Infotech 200

"The more unlikely an event is, the more information it provides when it occurs." -- Claude Shannon (BSE University of Michigan 1936)

Infotech 200

September 24, 2024

INCITS: InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards

Today we break down the literature for building, maintaining and supporting the computing infrastructure of education communities.  We use the term “infotech” gingerly to explain action for a  broad span of technologies that encompass enterprise servers and software, wireless and wired networks, campus phone networks, and desktop computers that provide administrative services and career tech video production.   The private sector has moved at light speed to respond to the circumstances of the pandemic; so have vertical incumbents evolving their business models to seek conformance revenue in this plasma-hot domain.

Starting 2023 we break down the topic accordingly:

Infotech 100: Survey of the principal standards developing organizations whose catalogs are incorporated by reference into federal and state legislation.  Revision cycles.

Infotech 200: Campus computing facilities for research and education

Infotech 300: Communication networks, wired and unwired at the demarcation point; crucial for defining the responsibilities and boundaries between the service provider and the customer.

Infotech 400:  System, middleware and software — Python, Fortran 2018, Apache, Julia, C++ and others

We collaborate closely with the IEEE Education and Healthcare Electrotechnology Committee.  Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

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