Tag Archives: D3/1


World Soil Museum














The World Soil Museum hosts a range of educational programs and workshops for students, researchers, and other visitors who are interested in learning more about soil science. These programs cover topics such as soil classification, soil management, and soil conservation, and they are designed to help people understand the vital role that soils play in supporting agriculture, ecosystems, and human societies around the world.



FinTech 100

“The most important role of technology is to create time.

Information technology epitomizes this role.

And wealth creation is ultimately about time,

freeing human time from labor.”

— George Gilder

L’italiano Luca Pacioli, riconosciuto come “Il padre della contabilità e della contabilità” è stato il primo a pubblicare un’opera sulla partita doppia, e ha introdotto il campo in Italia.


“Hatred of the rich is the

beginning of all wisdom” 

— H.L. Mencken


Today we break down the literature that informs the finances of the real assets of education settlements.   We examine a few publicly available university annual budget documents and, lately, have been looking ahead at innovation in distributed ledger solutions, digital currencies and blue sky conceptions of a circular economy which has captured the imagination of trendsniffers in every nation.

Since our 2016 estimate of $300 billion — triangulated from several private and public databases; the number that measures construction spend coupled with operations and maintenance — a fair estimate of growth is likely closer to  $500 billion now.  Based upon the US Census Bureau monthly construction spend reports we have seen a slight uptick in construction spend. We still see construction activity running at an $85-$90 billion clip.


During 2023-2024 we will be breaking down this subject into manageable segments as interest in it clarifies.  For now it is enlightening to approach finance standards with an examination of a few operating budgets:

San Jose State University 2022/2023 SJSU Budget Report

University of Minnesota 2022 Final Capital Budget Requests with Governor’s Recommendations

The 2022-2023 Budget: Overview of the Governor’s Higher Education Budget Proposals (California)

Prince George County Public Schools Operating Budget 2022 

University of Illinois Deferred Maintenance 

Central Michigan University Capital & Deferred Maintenance Budgets

Every dollar passing through the business or academic side of the education industry has rules for how it is received and tracked.*   At the moment we track, but do not dwell, on the grant management standards asserted by state and federal funding agencies.  When we do, we place them on the agenda of the appropriate colloquium.

Appropriate use of public funding underlies some — but not all — of the accounting burden of the education industry. We steer clear of the grant management requirements public funding agencies place upon the education industry; maintain focus on the titles developed and published by organizations that have a due process platform.  For example:

Accredited Standards Committee X9

Financial Industry Standards: Program of Work

Preparing for the Quantum Era

Open-IX Association

Data Center OIX-2 Certification

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board

X12 Incorporated

There are several trackworthy non-ANSI accredited standard developing organizations:

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board


Public Consultation of Implementation (This statement fairly compares with ANSI’s Due Process Guidance.   Comments due January 20, 2023)

Real Estate Information Standards Board

Kuznets curve


Send bella@standardsmichigan.com an email for a detailed advance agenda.  To join the colloquium today use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

“De armen en het geld” 1882 Vincent van Gogh



Community FY22 Appropriations Request Letterdocx

PFN_InfraInvLtr_June 2021


Half the people working in schools aren’t classroom teachers—so what?


Syllabus: Fintech 100

*Electronic Code of Federal Regulations

How the Netherlands Prevents Flood Disasters



Federal Flood Risk Management Standard

Elettrotecnico Lingua Franca

In our collaboration with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee we are sensitive to the point of view of our research and standards setting colleagues in other nations; among them CEN (European Committee for Standardization) and CENELEC (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization) are two standardization organizations in Europe, and they have some similarities and differences.

  • CEN develops standards for a wide range of products, services, and processes, including construction, consumer goods, food and agriculture, and many others.
  • CENELEC, on the other hand, focuses specifically on electrotechnical standards, including electrical equipment, electronic components, and telecommunications.

Another key difference between CEN and CENELEC is their membership. CEN has members from 34 European countries, including national standardization bodies, industry associations, and consumer organizations. CENELEC has members from 34 European countries as well, but they are limited to national electrotechnical committees, which are responsible for electrotechnical standardization in their respective countries.

Despite their differences, both CEN and CENELEC play important roles in the development and promotion of European standards, and their standards are widely recognized and used across Europe and beyond.  Its leadership committees meet this week in Brussels. CLICK HERE to access videolinks.

Electropedia: The World’s Online Electrotechnical Vocabulary

Varieties of Innovation

Business innovation involves creating new or improved business processes, models, or strategies to achieve organizational goals and gain a competitive advantage. It focuses on enhancing efficiency, customer experience, and overall business performance. Business innovation may encompass changes in marketing, operations, management, or other aspects of the business ecosystem.

On the other hand, technology innovation revolves around the development and application of new technologies or the improvement of existing ones. It aims to introduce novel solutions, products, or services by leveraging advancements in technology. Technology innovation can be driven by scientific research, engineering breakthroughs, or the integration of emerging technologies to address specific needs.

While business innovation is broad and encompasses various facets of organizational improvement, technology innovation specifically centers on advancements in technology and their strategic implementation. Successful companies often integrate both types of innovation to stay competitive, using business innovation to optimize processes and technology innovation to enable novel solutions and capabilities.



Noteworthy innovations relevant to the development and maintenance of the real assets of education settlements:

  1. Proptech Platforms: Various proptech (property technology) platforms have emerged to streamline property management tasks, including tenant communication, rent collection, and maintenance requests. Examples include Buildium, AppFolio, and Propertyware.
  2. Blockchain in Real Estate: Blockchain technology is being explored for its potential to enhance transparency, security, and efficiency in real estate transactions. Smart contracts on blockchain can automate and secure property transactions.
  3. Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR): VR and AR technologies are being used for virtual property tours, allowing potential buyers or tenants to explore properties remotely. This helps in saving time and making more informed decisions.
  4. Predictive Analytics: Data analytics and machine learning are being employed to analyze market trends, predict property values, and assess investment opportunities. This enables more data-driven decision-making in real estate.
  5. IoT (Internet of Things): IoT devices are being integrated into buildings for smart property management. This includes smart thermostats, security systems, and energy-efficient solutions, enhancing overall property performance.
  6. Automated Valuation Models (AVMs): AVMs leverage algorithms and data analysis to estimate property values. These tools provide quick and automated property valuations, aiding in pricing decisions.
  7. Digital Transaction Platforms: Platforms that facilitate end-to-end digital real estate transactions are gaining popularity. These platforms aim to simplify the buying and selling process, reducing paperwork and increasing efficiency.
  8. Energy-efficient Technologies: Sustainable and energy-efficient solutions are becoming integral to real estate development. Innovations include smart building systems for energy management, green construction materials, and renewable energy integration.
  9. Crowdfunding for Real Estate: Crowdfunding platforms allow individuals to invest in real estate projects with smaller amounts of capital. This democratizing approach to real estate investment provides opportunities for a broader range of investors.
  10. Facial Recognition and Biometrics: Some property management systems are incorporating facial recognition and biometric technologies for enhanced security in access control and building management.

Blockchain Technology


Distributed Ledger Technology

The U.S. Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issued a draft report — and a commenting opportunity the repport — that details a high-level technical overview of blockchain technology, its architecture, and how it works as the foundation of modern cryptocurrencies.  NIST requested feedback from the public and private sectors, national and international, for the final publication.  The document, Draft NIST Interagency Report (NISTIR) 8202: Blockchain Technology Overview, provided an in-depth look at the technologies that compromise blockchain systems and breaks down how blockchains can best be utilized, and how blockchain technology can be an asset to a business and its products.

“We want to help people understand how blockchains work so that they can appropriately and usefully apply them to technology problems,” said Dylan Yaga, a NIST computer scientist and co-author of the report. “It’s an introduction to the things you should understand and think about if you want to use blockchain.”

The report appears to have integrated public comment and now a landing page for NIST work in this area — as well as contact information for project leaders — is linked below

NIST Report on Blockchain Technology Aims to Go Beyond the Hype

Blockchain Technology Overview

NIST Headquarters / Gaithersburg, Maryland

Blockchain technology is a standing item on our Blockchain and Finance colloquia; open to everyone.  Keep in mind that blockchain is a nascent (or “pre-adoption”) technology.

Issue: [18-25]

Category: Finance, Academics,  Administration & Management

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jack Janveja, Richard Robben


Standard Reference Material

Metrology is the scientific discipline that deals with measurement, including both the theoretical and practical aspects of measurement. It is a broad field that encompasses many different areas, including length, mass, time, temperature, and electrical and optical measurements.  The goal of metrology is to establish a system of measurement that is accurate, reliable, and consistent. This involves the development of standards and calibration methods that enable precise and traceable measurements to be made.

The International System of Units is the most widely used system of units today and is based on a set of seven base units, which are defined in terms of physical constants or other fundamental quantities.  Another important aspect of metrology is the development and use of measurement instruments and techniques. These instruments and techniques must be designed to minimize errors and uncertainties in measurements, and they must be calibrated against recognized standards to ensure accuracy and traceability.

Metrology also involves the development of statistical methods for analyzing and interpreting measurement data. These methods are used to quantify the uncertainty associated with measurement results and to determine the reliability of those results.

National Institute for Standards & Technology

Federal Participation in Consensus Standards

ARCHIVE: UM Welcomes ANSI 2015

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