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A melange of wine research

United States Food & Drug Administration | Distilled Spirits


What California College Students are Wearing

“Everything which is in any way beautiful is beautiful in itself….
That which is really beautiful has no need of anything”…
— Marcus Aurelius (Meditations)



Evaluating devices to reduce microfiber emissions from washing machines

10 Tampa Bay

Towards Crafting Beer with Artificial Intelligence

Beer was discovered accidentally as a result of grains being left in water and undergoing fermentation. The process of making beer involves converting the starches in grains (such as barley or wheat) into sugars, which are then fermented by yeast to produce alcohol.  It was often consumed as a safer alternative to water, which could be contaminated with disease-causing pathogens. 

Beer was also used in religious ceremonies and was considered a valuable commodity for trade.  Over time, beer-making techniques spread throughout the world, and different regions developed their own unique styles of beer; now supported by artificial intelligence algorithms that analyze chemical compounds to identify specific flavor and aroma profiles for more nuanced flavors.

Towards Crafting Beer with Artificial Intelligence

Marc Bravin, et al

Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Rotkreuz, Switzerland


Abstract:  The art of brewing beer has a long tradition that dates back to the very dawn of civilization. While the brewing process has been automated to a great extent, the creation of new beer recipes remains the result of creativity and human expertise with only minor support from software to validate chemical constraints. We collected a dataset of 157,000 publicly available recipes from all over the world and created a transformer-based model to support the creative process in brewing by suggesting new beer recipe templates. As a proof of concept, we crafted the IPA “Deeper” along a recipe generated by our model. Over 100 international newspapers and radio stations have reported on the first AI-crafted beer from Switzerland over the past few months. For the first time, this paper reveals the underlying pipeline architecture of eight transformer networks trained end-to-end that made this remarkable success possible.

CLICK HERE for complete paper

There are several international organizations and agreements that set standards for beer production and labeling:

Food Safety Management

Codex Alimentarius


RECIPE: 1 cucumber, peeled and seeded, chopped 1 red bell pepper, seeded, chopped 3 vine ripe tomatoes ¼ red onion, peeled 2 garlic, whole cloves 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil 3 Cup tomato juice without added salt ½ lemon, juiced 1 Tbs sugar 2 tsp white wine vinegar 1 Cup italian parsley, coarsely chopped ½ tsp kosher salt

Combine the ingredients. Blend slightly (in a food processor or blender), to desired consistency. Cover and refrigerate. Serve chilled as a soup. Nutrition Facts (per serving) Calories: 70 Fat: 2.0 gm. Sodium: 115 mg. Carbohydrate: 13 gm. Fiber: 2.0 gm. Protein: 2.0 gm.

Kitchens 300


Ball State University was founded in 1918 and was originally named the Eastern Indiana Normal School and primarily a teacher’s college. The university was renamed Ball State University in 1965, in honor of the five Ball brothers, who began by manufacturing and selling wooden jacketed tin cans. In 1884, the company introduced the Ball Improved Mason Jar, which became a popular way to preserve food.

The university is home to the Center for Middletown Studies, which conducts research on the social and cultural dynamics of small-town America.

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Standards Indiana


Ice Cream at the Rock

Michigan Central

The invention of ice cream, as we know it today, is a product of historical evolution, and there isn’t a single individual credited with its creation. Various cultures and civilizations throughout history have contributed to the development of frozen treats resembling ice cream.

One of the earliest records of frozen desserts can be traced back to ancient China, where people enjoyed a frozen mixture of milk and rice around 200 BC. Similarly, ancient Persians and Arabs had a tradition of mixing fruit juices with snow or ice to create refreshing treats.

In Europe, frozen desserts gained popularity in the 17th and 18th centuries, and it was during this time that the more modern version of ice cream, made with sweetened milk or cream, began to take shape. During this period, ice cream became more widely accessible and enjoyed by the nobility and upper classes.

MSU Extension: Dairy Store

MSU Infrastructure Planning and Facilities

To produce ice cream on a commercial scale, several key pieces of infrastructure and equipment are necessary. The specific requirements may vary depending on the production capacity and the type of ice cream being produced, but the basic infrastructure typically includes:

  1. Manufacturing Facility: A dedicated space or building is needed to house all the production equipment and storage facilities. The facility should comply with local health and safety regulations and be designed to maintain the required temperature and hygiene standards.
  2. Mixing and Blending Equipment: Industrial-scale mixers and blending machines are used to mix ingredients like milk, cream, sugar, stabilizers, emulsifiers, and flavorings. These machines ensure that the mixture is homogenized and consistent.
  3. Pasteurization Equipment: To ensure product safety and extend shelf life, ice cream mix needs to be pasteurized. Pasteurization equipment heats the mixture to a specific temperature and then rapidly cools it to destroy harmful microorganisms.
  4. Homogenizers: Homogenizers help break down fat molecules in the ice cream mix to create a smoother and creamier texture.
  5. Aging Vats: The ice cream mix is aged at a controlled temperature for a specific period, which allows the ingredients to fully blend and improves the ice cream’s texture.
  6. Freezers: Continuous freezers or batch freezers are used to freeze the ice cream mix while incorporating air to create the desired overrun (the amount of air in the final product). Continuous freezers are more commonly used in large-scale production, while batch freezers are suitable for smaller batches.
  7. Hardening and Storage Room: Once the ice cream is frozen, it needs to be hardened at a lower temperature to achieve the desired texture. Storage rooms are used to store finished ice cream at the appropriate temperature until distribution.
  8. Packaging Equipment: Equipment for filling and packaging the ice cream into various containers, such as cartons, tubs, or cones.
  9. Quality Control and Laboratory Facilities: A dedicated area for quality control testing, where ice cream samples are analyzed for consistency, flavor, and other characteristics.
  10. Cleaning and Sanitation Systems: Proper cleaning and sanitation systems are essential to maintain hygiene and prevent contamination.
  11. Utilities: Adequate water supply, electrical power, and refrigeration capacity are critical for ice cream production.

Food Code 2017

Food 500

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