Tag Archives: England


Mince Pie & Tea

BSI Group: Consumer, Retail & Food Standards

This British festive pastry has origins dating back to the 13th century when European Crusaders returned from the Middle East with recipes containing meats, fruits, and spices. These early pies, known as “mincemeat pies,” combined minced meat (usually mutton), suet, fruits, and spices such as cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg, symbolizing the gifts of the Magi. In the 16th century, the pies were rectangular, representing Jesus’ crib.

Over time, the meat content reduced, and by the Victorian era, the recipe had evolved to primarily include dried fruits, suet, and spices, aligning with the modern version of the mince pie. Traditionally enjoyed during the Christmas season, mince pies are now small, round pastries filled with a mixture called mincemeat, which typically contains no meat but a blend of dried fruits, sugar, spices, and sometimes brandy or other spirits.


Russell Group

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The “Perfect Pancake” & DYI Buttermilk

Newcastle University, founded in 1834 as the School of Medicine and Surgery, evolved into a university in 1963.  Its origins are intertwined with the advancement of medical education in Newcastle. Like many European universities its main “campus’ is integrated into the heart of the city.

Newcastle University | Estates and Facilities

Newcastle University | North East England

Sir Roger Scruton: Beauty, Conservatism & Tradition

DYI Buttermilk


Touring the Coffee Shops of Nottingham

The “Golden Cup” Standard

Hopkins Architects| Newton & Arkwright Buildings

England | East Midlands

“O brave new world, that has such people in’t!” | The Tempest, William Shakespeare, Act 5, Scene 1

Timon of Athens

The Oxford Union Debating Society, founded in 1823, is one of the world’s most prestigious debating societies, affiliated with the University of Oxford. It has hosted numerous influential speakers and debates, including historical figures like Winston Churchill and Malcolm X. Over the years, it has played a vital role in shaping public discourse and fostering critical thinking among students. The society’s iconic debating chamber and rich tradition of lively debates have made it an enduring institution in the world of debate and public speaking.

“In an era of cancellation and defenestration we sometimes forget that we both cannot go on like this and that we have been here before. We know this because our greatest writers and artists have addressed this question in their own times.

When Roger [Scrouton] was going through his own battle with the shallows I often thought of Shakespeare’s rarely performed but great play Timon of Athens. Timon has the whole world before him. He is surrounded by friends and admirers. He is generous to all. Yet he falls on hard times and when he does absolutely everybody deserts him. He is left with nothing and nobody, and risks being filled with despair and rage. It does not help that he is shadowed by the cynical philosopher Apemantus, who has warned him that just such a desertion might occur.”

— Douglas Murray


The real-life sport of Quidditch was inspired by the Harry Potter franchise but has since changed its name to Quadball.  Organizers hope the name change distances the sport from the social positions of author J,K. Rowling, perhaps growing the sport.

Quadball refers to the number of balls and positions in the sport; its playfield governed largely by field sport codes and standards.

Athletic Equipment Safety Standards

Lacrosse Field Lighting

Sports Equipment & Surfaces

Sports Turf Management

Automated Sports Court Drawing Bot

Readings: The “30-30” Rule for Outdoor Athletic Events Lightning Hazard

Readings / Sport, Culture & Society


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