Tag Archives: M6



“Marriage is a duel to the death

which no man should decline”

— G.K. Chesterton

“Wedded” 1882 Lord Frederic Leighton

…”Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor.

For if one falls down, his companion can lift him up;

but pity the one who falls without another to help him up!…

– Ecclesiastes 4:9

University of Michigan Botanical Gardens

Vanderbilt University | Davidson County Tennessee

University of Rochester New York

University of Minnesota | Hennepin County


Oxford University

University of Chicago | Cook County


Vanderbilt University | Davidson County Tennessee


Saginaw Valley State University | Saginaw County Michigan


“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” — Genesis 2:24

Sacred Spaces

Sacred Space Standards

International Building Code §303.3 Assembly Group A-2 

Evensong “How Do You Keep the Music Playing?”



“Panoramic View of the Greek Amphitheatre at Syracuse” 18th Century Abraham Louis Rodolphe Ducros

From from time to time — particularly in the months of fairer weather, when many events are hosted outdoors — we break form from the grind of responding to c0nsultations to simply enjoy these spaces  See our CALENDAR for our periodic Lively c0lloquia when we drill down into technical specifics.


University of Melbourne (Architect rendering of project in process)

Furman University

High Point University

George Fox University Oregon

Globe Theater / Southern Utah University

Point Loma Nazarene University

Augusta University / Georgia

Singapore Management University

Swarthmore College

Silliman University Amphitheater / The Phillippines

University of Colorado

South Dakota State University

University of Mary Washington / Virginia

California State University San Marcos

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Clemson University

University of Virginia

College of Idaho Centennial Amphitheater

Texas Woman’s University

Swarthmore College

Pomona College

Oakland University Meadowbrook Theater / Rochester, Michigan

More coming


Standing Agenda / Event Standards



“Temple, Fountain and Cave in Sezincote Park” | Thomas Daniell (1819) | Yale Center for British Art

From time to time we break from our interest in lowering the cost of our “cities-within-cities” to enjoy the work of our colleagues responsible for seasonal ambience and public art.  We have a dedicated post that celebrates the accomplishments of our gardeners and horticultural staff.   Today we dedicate a post to campus fountains–a focal point for gathering and a place for personal reflection for which there is no price.

Alas, we find a quickening of standards developing organizations growing their footprint in the spaces around buildings now.  They used to confine the scopes of their standardization enterprises to the building envelope.  That day will soon be behind us as an energized cadre of water rights social justice workers, public safety, sustainability and energy conservation professionals descend upon campus fountains with prescriptive requirements for evaporation rates, bromine concentrations, training, certification and inspections.  In other words regulators and conformity functionaries will outnumber benefactors and fountain designers 1 million to 1.

We will deal with all that when the day comes.  For the moment, let’s just enjoy them.

We are happy to walk you through the relevant structural, water safety, plumbing and electrical issues any day at 11 AM EST during our daily standing online teleconferences.   Click on any image for author attribution, photo credit or other information.

Purdue University

The Great Court at Trinity College, Cambridge

Regent University

University of Washington

Hauptgebäude der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Bayern, Deutschland

College of the Desert / Palm Desert, California

California Institute of Technology

Berry College

Utah Valley University

Universitat d’Alacant / Sant Vicent del Raspeig, Spain

Collin County Community College / Plano, Texas

University of Toledo

University of Michigan College of Engineering

Harvard University

Florida State University

University of North Texas


Annabelle Hydrangea

Summer Week 25 | June 17 – June 23


Monday | 17 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC


Tuesday | 18 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC


Wednesday | 19 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC

print (“Hello World!”)

Thursday | 20 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC


Friday | 21 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC

Nourriture de printemps

Saturday | 22 June

Sunday | 23 June

Spring Week 23 | June 3 – 9

“Il Bacio” 1859 Francesco Hayez

Monday | June 3 | Colloquium 15:00 UTC


Tuesday | June 4 | Colloquium 15:00 UTC

Infotech 400

Wednesday | June 5 | Colloquium 15:00 UTC

Modular Classrooms

Thursday | June 6 | Colloquium 15:00 UTC

Laboratories 400

Friday | June 7 | Colloquium 15:00 UTC

Lively 400

Saturday | June 8

Sunday  | June 9


Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi

Speech Day

Speech Day generally refers to an annual event held at schools in the United Kingdom, particularly private or independent schools, where students showcase their achievements and receive prizes or awards. The exact date of “Speech Day” varies by school and is typically determined by the school’s academic calendar. It is usually held towards the end of the academic year, either in the summer term or in the early autumn term, before students break for the summer holidays.

Westonbirt School

IoT Enabled Smart Gardening


IoT Enabled Smart Gardening

Nikhil Sukhdev – Naman Nahata

PES University, Bangalore, India

Sunil Sridhara – Gnana Swamy

CTAS Development


Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnection of physical objects and devices to the internet and in turn to each other to aid decision making. This paper deals with automation of gardening systems using IoT. With water resources becoming ever so scarce by the day, it has become imperative that we use water extremely judiciously in all walks of our daily life. We track the environmental conditions such as humidity of the soil, and temperature and take an appropriate route towards the problem. Based on the data collected, we run algorithms which help keep the garden in good condition and at the same time using resources optimally.

CLICK HERE to order complete paper

Outdoor Events

“Panoramic View of the Greek Amphitheatre at Syracuse” / Abraham Louis Rodolphe Ducros (18th Century)

Today at 15:00 UTC explore best practice literature for outdoor events in cross-cutting fashion; refreshing our understanding about how we make such events in academic settings safe, sustainable and successful.   Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

Bleachers, Folding Seating & Grandstands

Audio Standards


Audiovisual Experiences

Lightning Protection Systems

Rain & Lightning

Sport Scoreboards

Occupancy Classification & Use

Audio and Music Engineering

Virtual reality technology in evacuation simulation of sport stadiums

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