Tag Archives: Sweden



True North Kitchen: Nordic Wild Berry Almond Smoothie

Lingonberries almost completely prevented weight gain in mice fed a high-fat diet, a study at Lund University in Sweden has found – whereas the ‘super berry’ açai led to increased weight gain. The Scandinavian berries also produced lower blood sugar levels and cholesterol.

Swedish Institute for Standards

Summer Week 25 | June 17 – June 23


Monday | 17 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC


Tuesday | 18 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC


Wednesday | 19 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC

print (“Hello World!”)

Thursday | 20 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC


Friday | 21 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC

Nourriture de printemps

Saturday | 22 June

Sunday | 23 June

Quantum Information Science

Quantum information science is a field of study that combines the principles of quantum mechanics and information theory to develop new methods for processing, storing, and transmitting information. It aims to use the unique properties of quantum systems, such as superposition and entanglement, to create more powerful and secure computing and communication technologies than are possible with classical systems.

In quantum information science, information is represented using quantum bits, or qubits, which can exist in superposition states, allowing for simultaneous processing of multiple values. By entangling qubits, it is possible to perform operations on them collectively, leading to faster and more efficient computation.

The field of quantum information science was founded in the 1980s and 1990s by a number of researchers who realized that the principles of quantum mechanics could be used to develop new methods for processing, transmitting, and securing information. Some of the key figures who are credited with founding the field of quantum information science include:

  1. Paul Benioff: In 1981, Benioff proposed the concept of a quantum computer, which would use quantum mechanics to perform calculations faster than a classical computer.
  2. Richard Feynman: In 1982, Feynman gave a lecture in which he proposed the idea of using quantum systems to simulate the behavior of other quantum systems, which later became known as quantum simulation.
  3. David Deutsch: In 1985, Deutsch proposed the concept of a quantum algorithm, which would use quantum mechanics to perform certain calculations exponentially faster than a classical computer.
  4. Peter Shor: In 1994, Shor developed a quantum algorithm for factoring large numbers, which demonstrated the potential of quantum computers to break certain encryption schemes and sparked a renewed interest in quantum information science.

These and other researchers made significant contributions to the development of quantum information science, and the field has since grown to encompass a wide range of topics, including quantum cryptography, quantum communication, and quantum sensing, among others.


Quantum Theory of the Electron: Paul Dirac


“Midvinterblot” | Carl Larsson (1853-1919)

The Swedish Standards Institute for Standards is the Global Secretariat for ISO TC/211 which leads standardization in the field of digital geographic information.  Standardization titles developed by this committee aims to establish a structured set of standards for information concerning objects or phenomena that are directly or indirectly associated with a location relative to the Earth.   These standards may specify, for geographic information, methods, tools and services for data management (including definition and description), acquiring, processing, analyzing, accessing, presenting and transferring such data in digital / electronic form between different users, systems and locations.

Strategic Business Plan



The United States Technical Advisory Group Administrator on behalf of ANSI is the InterNational Committee for Information Technology StandardsCLICK HERE for more information.

We maintain all ISO projects on the standing agenda of our Global and ICT colloquia which are open to everyone.  You may communicate with Jennifer Garner (jgarner@itic.org) if you wish to participate in standards-setting activity from the United States point of view.   Keep in mind that our network of education communities outside the United States is significant and long-standing.

Issue: [16-141]

Category: Global, Information & Communications Technology

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Jack Janveja, Richard Robben

Mondo Duplantis

This content is accessible to paid subscribers. To view it please enter your password below or send mike@standardsmichigan.com a request for subscription details.

Long and continuous song flight of a male skylark

Guidelines & Standards

Permits and Permissions: Researchers should obtain the necessary permits and permissions required for conducting bird research, especially if it involves capturing, banding, or handling birds. These permits are often issued by relevant government agencies responsible for wildlife management or conservation.

Bird Banding and Marking: When capturing and marking birds for scientific purposes, researchers should follow established protocols, such as those recommended by the Bird Banding Laboratory or other authorized organizations. This includes proper handling techniques, banding procedures, and data recording.

Ethical Considerations: Researchers must ensure that their studies are conducted in an ethical manner, taking into account the welfare of the birds and minimizing any potential harm or stress. Ethical considerations may include avoiding excessive disturbance, minimizing handling time, and assessing the potential impacts on breeding, nesting, or migratory behaviors.

Field Techniques: Researchers should be proficient in field techniques specific to bird research, including bird identification, behavioral observations, and survey methods (e.g., point counts, transects). Standardized protocols are often available for different types of bird research, such as breeding surveys, migration monitoring, or population assessments.

Data Collection and Analysis: Scientists should follow rigorous data collection protocols, ensuring accuracy and consistency in measurements, observations, and data recording. Proper documentation of field notes, metadata, and photographs is crucial for data integrity and reproducibility. Data analysis should adhere to established statistical methods and appropriate modeling techniques.

Habitat Conservation and Protection: Researchers should be mindful of the potential impacts of their activities on bird habitats and ecosystems. They should follow guidelines for minimizing habitat disturbance, preventing the spread of invasive species, and promoting conservation principles. This may include habitat restoration, nest box management, or collaborative efforts with local conservation organizations.

Collaboration and Data Sharing: Scientists are encouraged to collaborate with other researchers, organizations, and citizen science initiatives to enhance data sharing and contribute to broader bird research and conservation efforts. Sharing data through platforms like eBird or contributing to regional bird atlases can provide valuable insights into bird populations and distributions.

These are general considerations, and it’s essential to consult the most up-to-date guidelines and resources from reputable sources such as ornithological societies, bird research institutions, or government agencies dedicated to wildlife management and conservation in your specific region or country.

Security and Resilience

Concerning times and seasons, brothers and sisters,
you have no need for anything to be written to you.
For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come
like a thief at night.
When people are saying, “Peace and security, ”
then sudden disaster comes upon them,
like labor pains upon a pregnant woman,
and they will not escape.
But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness,
for that day to overtake you like a thief.
For all of you are children of the light
and children of the day.
We are not of the night or of darkness.
Therefore, let us not sleep as the rest do,
but let us stay alert and sober.

1 Thessalonians 5:1-6

“Breakfast Under the Big Birch Tree” 1896 Carl Larsson

We follow the development of public policy documents produced by International Organization for Standardization technical committee 292 (ISO TC/292) because the concepts emerging from these committees for at least two main reasons:

a) they find their way into the assumed vocabulary of government security management regulations

b) as an global industry, the education industry should contribute to a common vocabulary for resilience concepts as a matter of collegiality and respect for global collaborators.

Admittedly, the time frame in which the blue sky conceptions of global committees become tangible to campus communities usually spans well beyond the tenure of most college and university presidents; much less the business leaders in the education industry who would be on the front line of assuring campus security.

From what we gather, the work products of TC/292 committees seem to tip-toe around the products of other ISO committees.   The Business Plan — linked below — is a starting point for understanding why an international industry, with scholars collaborating with one another from all points of the globe, needs to understand where this standard is headed:

STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN: ISO/TC 292 Security and resilience

From the TC/292 Mission Statement:

The mission for ISO/TC 292 Security and resilience is to produce high quality standards to support nations, societies, industry, organisations and people in general. The purpose of these standards is to enhance and sustain the state of being free from danger or threat and to feel safe, stable, and free from fear or anxiety.

There are enough “trigger words” in this statement for the US education industry to pay attention.   Based upon our experience the substance of standard will begin showing up in bibliographies of academic research papers first; then showing up in international studies course curricula, and ultimately in consensus documents setting the standard of care for strategies and management of security “systems”.   We hazard a guess that it will take 6 to 12 years for this document to begin affecting security management decisions on college and university campuses; primarily in ANSI accredited safety standards — soon enough for a deep cycle industry.

The American National Standards Institute is the US Member Body to the ISO.   The Swedish Standards Institute (SIS) is the global Secretariat.  The North American Security Products Organization (NASPO) has replaced ASIS International as the US TAG Administrator.  The landing page for news on  NASPO consensus products is linked below:

Standards Development

Any stakeholder — and we mean either an academic or business user-interest from a school district, college or university — within the United States should communicate directly with NASPO.  We will not be participating in the development of this product but we will maintain it on the standing agendas of our Risk and Global colloquia.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

Issue: [16-128]

Category: Security, Risk, Global

Contact: Mike Anthony, Christine Fischer



ANSI-Accredited US Technical Advisory Groups to the International Standardization Organization

Standards Support Natural Disaster Preparedness and Recovery as Hurricane Dorian Moves from the Bahamas to Florida

ARCHIVE: ISO 292 Resilience

Centre for Studies of Climate Change Denialism

Centre for Studies of Climate Change Denialism 


Readings: Birth of Tragedy Friedrich Nietzsche  

The Apollonian:  analytic distinctions

All types of form or structure are Apollonian, thus, sculpture is the most Apollonian of the arts, since it relies entirely on form for its effect. Rational thought is also Apollonian since it is structured and makes distinctions.

The Dionysian: inability or unwillingness to make these distinctions; directly opposed to the Apollonian

Drunkenness and madness are Dionysian All forms of enthusiasm and ecstasy are Dionysian.  Music is the most Dionysian of the arts, since it appeals directly to man’s instinctive, chaotic emotions and not to his formally reasoning mind.

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