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Water 100

"When the well is dry, we know the worth of water." - Benjamin Franklin

Water 100

September 20, 2023

“At the Water Trough” 1876 J. Alden Weir


“A flood is nature’s way of telling you

that you live in the wrong place.”

— Some guy


Water standards make up a large catalog and it will take most of 2023 to untangle the titles, the topics, proposals, rebuttals and resolutions.  When you read our claim that since 1993 we have created a new academic discipline we would present the best practice literature of the world’s water standards as just one example.

The Water 100 session takes an aerial view of relevant standards developers, their catalogs and revision schedules.

The Water 200 session we examine the literature for best practice inside buildings; premise water supply for food preparation, sanitation and energy systems.

The Water 300 session reviews standards covering athletic facilities such as swimming pools, therapeutic tubs, ice rinks and the like.

The Water 400 session will run through best practice catalogs of water management outside buildings, including interaction with regional water management systems.

The Water 500 session is a study of case histories, disasters, legal action related to non-conformance.  Innovation.

Water safety and sustainability standards have been on the Standards Michigan agenda since the early 2000’s.  Some of the concepts we have tracked over the years; and contributed data, comments and proposals to technical committees, are listed below:

  1. Legionella mitigation
  2. Swimming pool water quality
  3. Fire protection sprinkler water availability and safety
    – NFPA 70 Article 695 Fire Pumps
  4. Backflow prevention/Cross-connect systems
  5. Security of district energy power plant and hospital water supply
  6. Electrical shock protection in pools, fountains, spas and waterfront recreational docking facilities
  7. Rainwater catchment
  8. Water in extreme weather events
  9. Flood abatement systems
  10. Building plumbing codes (ICC and IAPMO)
  11. Water Re-use
  12. Water heaters
  13. District energy water treatment
  14. Food service steam tables
  15. Greywater
  16.  Residence hall potable water systems
  17. Water use in emergency shower and eyewash installations
  18. Decorative fountains.
  19. Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems

40 CFR § 141.92 – Monitoring for lead in schools and child care facilities

Since 2016 we have tracked other water-related issues:

  1. Safe water in playgrounds
  2. National Seagrant College programs
  3. Guide to Infection Control in the Healthcare Setting
  4. Electrical safety around water (cooling towers, swimming pools, spas)
  5. ASTM Water Testing Standards
  6. ASTM Standard for Water Distribution
  7. Electricity and Water Conservation on College and University Campuses in Response to National Competitions among Dormitories: Quantifying Relationships between Behavior, Conservation Strategies and Psychological Metrics

Relevant federal legislation:

  1. Clean Water Act
  2. Drinking Water Requirements for States and Public Water Systems
  3. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
  4. Safe Drinking Water Act

Relevant Research:

Real Time Monitoring System of Drinking Water Quality Using Internet of Things

UNICON: An Open Dataset of Electricity, Gas and Water Consumption in a Large Multi-Campus University Setting

IoT based Domestic Water Recharge System


Send an email to request a more detailed advance agenda.   To join the conversation use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.


IAPMO Publishes U.S., Canadian Standard for Detection, Monitoring, Control of Plumbing Systems

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