Rhubarb | From the Ground Up

Rhubarb is a perennial "vegetable" that is commonly grown for its tart, pinkish-green stalks, which are often used in pies, sauces, and jams. Typically harvested in early spring, rhubarb plants are generally low-maintenance and can produce for many years with proper care.


Rhubarb | From the Ground Up

July 16, 2024
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The University of Wyoming Extension service provides research and education to farmers and ranchers; funded by federal, state, and local sources:

  • Agricultural production and management: The Extension service provides information and resources on topics such as crop production, livestock management, and farm business management.
  • Soil and water management: The Extension service offers expertise on soil fertility, irrigation, water quality, and conservation practices.
  • Pest management: The Extension service provides resources and support for integrated pest management, including information on insect and disease control, weed management, and pesticide safety.
  • Youth education: The Extension service offers educational programs and activities for youth interested in agriculture, including 4-H clubs and competitions.
  • Community development: The Extension service works with local communities to support economic development, tourism, and natural resource conservation.

The Extension service also offers consultations, workshops, field days, and other events to help farmers and ranchers stay up-to-date on the latest research and technologies in agriculture.

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