University Ave Pizza


University Ave Pizza

May 1, 2024
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North Dakota

While there isn’t a universally standardized pizza that everyone agrees upon, certain types of pizza have become iconic and widely recognized. Some of these include:

Margherita Pizza: This classic pizza features tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella cheese, fresh basil, and a drizzle of olive oil. It’s named after Queen Margherita of Italy.

Pepperoni Pizza: Topped with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and slices of pepperoni (a cured pork and beef sausage).

Margarita Pizza: Similar to the Margherita, but without the basil. It typically has tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella, and sometimes a drizzle of olive oil.

Neapolitan Pizza: This style originated in Naples, Italy. It has a thin, soft, and chewy crust with simple and fresh ingredients like San Marzano tomatoes, mozzarella, fresh basil, and olive oil.

New York Style Pizza: Characterized by its large, foldable slices with a thin and flexible crust. It’s often topped with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese.

Chicago Deep-Dish Pizza: Known for its thick crust, this pizza has layers of cheese, toppings, and tomato sauce. It’s baked in a deep pan, resulting in a substantial and hearty pizza.

Sicilian Pizza: Square-shaped and thick-crusted, Sicilian pizza is often topped with tomato sauce, mozzarella, and various toppings.

California Pizza: Often associated with innovative and non-traditional toppings, California-style pizza might include ingredients like barbecue chicken, goat cheese, arugula, and more.

Different regions and cultures have their own interpretations and variations, so what’s considered a “standard” pizza can vary widely depending on personal preferences and local traditions.

At the barbershop, it’s OK not to be OK

May 1, 2024
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May 1, 2024
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May 1, 2024
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Harvard University Dormitory Room | Smithsonian Museum | Thomas Warren Sears Collection

Today we sort through the best practice literature for designing and building education settlements with brick — the world’s oldest construction material.   Masonry is a term used to describe the construction of structures using individual units that are bound together with mortar. Brickwork is a specific type of masonry that involves the use of bricks as the primary building units.

We use the terms interchangeably reflecting vernacular use in the literature.  Brickwork in building construction lies in its ability to provide structural strength, fire resistance, thermal and sound insulation, aesthetic appeal, low maintenance, environmental friendliness, cost-effectiveness, and versatility.

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Masonry is a construction technique that involves the use of individual units, typically made of materials like brick, stone, concrete blocks, or clay tiles, which are bound together with mortar to create walls, columns, or other structural elements. Masonry has been used for thousands of years and remains a popular method for building various structures, including houses, commercial buildings, bridges, and more.

The key components of masonry construction are:

  1. Masonry Units: These are the individual building blocks or pieces, such as bricks or stones, that form the structure. They come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, depending on the specific requirements of the project.
  2. Mortar: Mortar is a mixture of cement, sand, and water that is used to bind the masonry units together. It acts as both an adhesive and a filler between the units, providing strength and stability to the structure.
  3. Masonry Workmanship: Skilled craftsmen, known as masons, are responsible for arranging and securing the masonry units with mortar. Their expertise ensures the structural integrity and aesthetic quality of the finished product.

Masonry construction offers several advantages:

  • Durability: Masonry structures are known for their longevity and resistance to fire, weather, and pests.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Masonry can be used to create intricate designs and patterns, making it a popular choice for architectural and decorative elements.
  • Energy Efficiency: Masonry walls have good thermal mass, which can help regulate indoor temperatures and reduce energy costs.
  • Low Maintenance: Masonry structures typically require minimal maintenance over the years.

Masonry can be categorized into different types based on the materials and methods used. Some common forms of masonry include:

  • Brick Masonry: This involves using clay or concrete bricks to build walls and structures. It is widely used in residential and commercial construction.
  • Stone Masonry: Natural stones, such as granite, limestone, and slate, are used to create walls and structures in this type of masonry. It’s often used for historical or architectural projects.
  • Concrete Block Masonry: Concrete blocks are used to construct walls in this form of masonry, and it’s commonly seen in industrial and commercial buildings.
  • Reinforced Masonry: Steel reinforcement is incorporated into masonry walls to enhance structural strength.

Masonry is a versatile construction method that can be used in various applications, and it continues to be a fundamental part of the construction industry.


College of West Anglia: Bricklayer Apprenticeship

North Carolina State University Industry Expansion Solutions: Fireplace & Chimney Safety

Salt Lake Community College: Brick Mason

Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Fall Protection

Flicker Characterization of Energy Saving Lamps

May 1, 2024
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Photometric Flicker Characterization Study on Energy Saving Lamps Under Wide Variation Voltage AC Network


Rizally Priatmadja

PT PLN (Persero), Jl. Trunojoyo Blok M I/135 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, Indonesia

Pascal Dupuis

Kawantech S.A.S, 6 Rue Françoise d’Eaubonne, Toulouse, France

Ngapuli I. Sinisuka

School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung, Indonesia

Georges Zissis

Université de Toulouse, Laplace, UMR 5213 (CNRS, INPT, UPS), 118 rte de Narbonne, Toulouse, France


Abstract:  With the advent of Solid State Lighting came a renewed interest in the study of flicker. Potential effects include brightness enhancement, but also discomfort, ocular fatigue, phantom and stroboscopic effects. Both IEEE and IEC developed new metrics, but at the time of writing no firm consensus has been reached. Yet previous lamp studies in the Laplace laboratory showed that various flicker phenomenon are present on different lamps, but this feature is not documented. This paper focus on flicker changes w.r.t. applied voltage. The Indonesian power grid network is indeed characterized by large voltage variations; our purpose is to detect which lamps may exhibit too elevated flicker levels during out of nominal excursion and map such behavior with other electrical characteristics.

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International Standardization Organization Technical Committee 274 Light and Lighting | Strategic Business Plan

Harmonic Impacts on the Electrical Distribution Network by the Broad Usage of LED Lamps

LED lighting — Reduce the power consumption and increase the users comfort

Variation of discharge parameters versus cold spot temperature in a 50 Hz AC operated fluorescent lamp

The tale of a tea rookie: London Fog

April 30, 2024
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Large Language Model Standards

April 30, 2024
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Perhaps the World Ends Here | Joy Harjo


The world begins at a kitchen table. No matter what, we must eat to live.
The gifts of earth are brought and prepared, set on the table.
So it has been since creation, and it will go on.
We chase chickens or dogs away from it. Babies teethe at the corners. They scrape their knees under it.
It is here that children are given instructions on what it means to be human.
We make men at it, we make women.
At this table we gossip, recall enemies and the ghosts of lovers.
Our dreams drink coffee with us as they put their arms around our children.
They laugh with us at our poor falling-down selves and as we put ourselves back together once again at the table.
This table has been a house in the rain, an umbrella in the sun.
Wars have begun and ended at this table. It is a place to hide in the shadow of terror.
A place to celebrate the terrible victory.
We have given birth on this table, and have prepared our parents for burial here.
At this table we sing with joy, with sorrow. We pray of suffering and remorse. We give thanks.
Perhaps the world will end at the kitchen table, while we are laughing and crying, eating of the last sweet bite.


Standards and benchmarks for evaluating large language models (LLMs). Some of the most commonly used benchmarks and standards include:

  1. GLUE (General Language Understanding Evaluation): GLUE is a benchmark designed to evaluate and analyze the performance of models across a diverse range of natural language understanding tasks, such as text classification, sentiment analysis, and question answering.
  2. SuperGLUE: SuperGLUE is an extension of the GLUE benchmark, featuring more difficult language understanding tasks, aiming to provide a more challenging evaluation for models.
  3. CoNLL (Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning): CoNLL has historically hosted shared tasks, including tasks related to coreference resolution, dependency parsing, and other syntactic and semantic tasks.
  4. SQuAD (Stanford Question Answering Dataset): SQuAD is a benchmark dataset for evaluating the performance of question answering systems. It consists of questions posed on a set of Wikipedia articles, where the model is tasked with providing answers based on the provided context.
  5. RACE (Reading Comprehension from Examinations): RACE is a dataset designed to evaluate reading comprehension models. It consists of English exam-style reading comprehension passages and accompanying multiple-choice questions.
  6. WMT (Workshop on Machine Translation): The WMT shared tasks focus on machine translation, providing benchmarks and evaluation metrics for assessing the quality of machine translation systems across different languages.
  7. BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy): BLEU is a metric used to evaluate the quality of machine-translated text relative to human-translated reference texts. It compares n-gram overlap between the generated translation and the reference translations.
  8. ROUGE (Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation): ROUGE is a set of metrics used for evaluating automatic summarization and machine translation. It measures the overlap between generated summaries or translations and reference summaries or translations.

These benchmarks and standards play a crucial role in assessing the performance and progress of large language models, helping researchers and developers understand their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

Yann Lecun & Lex Fridman: Limits of LLMs

New topic for us; time only to cover the basics.  We have followed language, generally, however — every month — because best practice discovery and promulgation in conceiving, designing, building, occupying and maintaining the architectural character of education settlements depends upon a common vocabulary.  The struggle to agree upon vocabulary presents an outsized challenge to the work we do.

Large language models hold significant potential for the building construction industry by streamlining various processes. They can analyze vast amounts of data to aid in architectural design, structural analysis, and project management. These models can generate detailed plans, suggest optimized construction techniques, and assist in cost estimation. Moreover, they facilitate better communication among stakeholders by providing natural language interfaces for discussing complex concepts. By harnessing the power of large language models, the construction industry can enhance efficiency, reduce errors, and ultimately deliver better-designed and more cost-effective buildings.

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Standards January: Language

Standard for Large Language Model Agent Interface


Software Engineering Ethics Education

April 30, 2024
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Four Opportunities for SE Ethics Education

Alicia M. Grubb
Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts


Abstract:  Many software engineers direct their talents towards software systems which do not fall into traditional definitions of safety critical systems, but are integral to society (e.g., social media, expert advisor systems). While codes of ethics can be a useful starting point for ethical discussions, codes are often limited in scope to professional ethics and may not offer answers to individuals weighing competing ethical priorities. In this paper, we present our vision for improving ethics education in software engineering. To do this, we consider current and past curricular recommendations, as well as recent efforts within the broader computer science community. We layout challenges with vignettes and assessments in teaching, and give recommendations for incorporating updated examples and broadening the scope of ethics education in software engineering.
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Smith College | Hampshire County Massachusetts

Sam Altman: OpenAI

There are no generally accepted best practices specifically tailored for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) development, mainly because AGI remains largely theoretical and hasn’t been achieved yet. However, there are various principles, guidelines, and best practices within the broader field of artificial intelligence and machine learning that could inform AGI development efforts. Some of these include:

Ethical AI Principles: Many organizations and research institutions have proposed ethical principles for AI development, focusing on issues like fairness, transparency, accountability, and safety. These principles could be adapted and extended to AGI development.

Safety Guidelines: Concepts like AI alignment, robustness, and safety engineering are crucial for AGI development to ensure that the system behaves in desirable ways and doesn’t pose risks to humanity.

Interdisciplinary Approach: AGI development may require insights from various fields such as computer science, cognitive science, neuroscience, philosophy, and psychology. Collaborative efforts among experts from different disciplines can help in shaping best practices for AGI.

Research Ethics: Guidelines for conducting ethical research in areas like human subjects research, data privacy, and responsible publication are relevant for AGI development as well, especially considering the potential societal impacts of AGI.

Transparency and Openness: Promoting transparency and open research practices can help in fostering trust and collaboration within the AGI research community. Open access to data, code, and research findings can facilitate progress in AGI development while mitigating risks.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation: AGI researchers should consider potential risks and unintended consequences of their work, such as job displacement, economic disruption, and existential risks. Developing strategies for risk assessment and mitigation is essential.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation: AGI systems are expected to be capable of learning and adapting autonomously. Therefore, best practices for continual learning, model updating, and adaptation in AI systems are relevant for AGI development.

While there may not be specific standards or best practice literature exclusively dedicated to AGI, integrating insights and principles from related fields can guide responsible and effective AGI research and development. Additionally, as progress is made in AI research, new standards and best practices may emerge to address the unique challenges of AGI.

Pediatric & Daycare

April 29, 2024

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“Kindergarten” 1885 Johann Sperl

Join us today when we examine the state of the literature that governs the safety and performance of occupancies designed and operated for the care of children specifically; family support generally.  There is a fair amount of overlap in the safety and performance principles in the titles which frequently reference each other; all of them responding to unintended incidents, innovation and new discoveries.

In hospitals and clinics, the titles we follow — and engage with proposed revisions — are listed below:

  1. NFPA 99: Health Care Facilities Code: NFPA 99 provides specific requirements for the safe and effective operation of healthcare facilities, including those serving pediatric patients.
  2. American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines: While not legally binding, guidelines provided by organizations like the AAP offer best practices for pediatric care, including safety considerations.
  3. The Joint Commission Standards for the Accreditation of Children’s Hospitals: The Joint Commission sets standards for healthcare organizations and programs in the United States. Compliance with these standards ensures the safety and quality of care provided to pediatric patients.
  4. ISO Healthcare Organization Management 
  5. International Building Codes
  6. IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee

Since the ASHRAE catalog is growing to encompass every occupancy on earth; we keep pace with it;  There’s never not something happening there is not relevant to our work:

Energy Standard for *Sites* and Buildings

Day Care

Hoover Institution: The De-Population Bomb

To repeat a statement made throughout the Standards Michigan facility: We place the Underwriters Laboratory and ASTM International best practice catalogs at a lower priority because the business models of those organizations deal primarily with product standards — not interoperability standards.   You will see UL and ASTM labels on many, many products within pediatric and daycare environments but, as a user-interest, we do not have the resources to engage with the UL and ASTM suite product-by-product; essential as they may be.

Ensuring the safety of children in daycare centers involves compliance with various codes and standards in the United States. Here are some key ones:

  1. International Fire Code (IFC): The IFC includes provisions for fire prevention and protection measures in buildings, including daycare centers. It addresses fire detection, alarm systems, fire extinguishing equipment, and evacuation planning.
  2. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): The ADA sets requirements for accessibility in public accommodations, including daycare centers. It includes provisions for accessible routes, entrances, restrooms, and other facilities to accommodate children with disabilities.
  3. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101: Life Safety Code: NFPA 101 provides requirements for the design, construction, and operation of buildings to protect occupants from fire and other hazards. It covers aspects such as means of egress, fire protection systems, and emergency planning.
  4. NFPA 1: Fire Code: NFPA 1 addresses fire prevention measures in various occupancies, including daycare centers. It includes requirements for fire alarm systems, fire extinguishers, emergency lighting, and other fire safety features.
  5. ASTM F2373 – Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Public Use Play Equipment for Children 6 Months through 23 Months: This standard specifies safety requirements for play equipment commonly found in daycare centers, ensuring the safety of young children during play activities.
  6. National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Standards: While not legally binding, NAEYC sets voluntary accreditation standards for childcare programs, focusing on quality, safety, and child development.

Governmental agencies at all levels incorporate these titles — partially or whole cloth — present additional, typically more rigorous requirements.

Of course, the primary hazard we address is the presence of reliable of safe and economical electricity.  All of the foregoing titles depend upon electricity so we deal with the technical literature on electricity on a near-continuous basis.

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