Category Archives: Architectural/Hammurabi


National Design Specification for Wood Construction

“The Country School” 1871 Winslow Homer

The 2024 National Design Specification for Wood Construction was developed by AWC’s Wood Design Standards Committee and approved as a standard by ANSI (American National Standards Institute) on October 16, 2023.  The 2024 NDS is referenced in the 2024 International Building Code.


International Code Council Mass Timber: Outcomes of the ICC Tall Wood Ad Hoc Committee

The Old Schoolhouse | Flint Creek Oklahoma


Researchers Make Wood Stronger than Steel

Construction Technology Careers: Carpentry, HVAC, Plumbing

Construction Technology Careers: Carpentry, HVAC, Plumbing

Standards Colorado

One study, published in the Journal Social Forces in 2012, found that women’s educational preferences for a potential partner have been changing over time. The study found that in the 1960s and 1970s, women were more likely to prefer men with higher levels of education than themselves, while in the 1990s and 2000s, women were more likely to prefer partners with similar levels of education. The study also found that women’s educational preferences were influenced by their own educational attainment and the gender ratio of their college campus.

Another study, published in the journal Demography in 2015, found that women’s educational preferences for a potential partner varied depending on their own educational background and the gender ratio of their local area. The study found that women with higher levels of education were more likely to prefer men with similar levels of education, while women with lower levels of education were more likely to prefer men with higher levels of education. The study also found that women in areas with a higher ratio of men to women were more likely to prefer men with higher levels of education.

While these studies suggest that young women’s preferences for college-educated men as marriage partners may be influenced by a variety of factors, it is important to recognize that individual preferences and behaviors can vary widely and are influenced by a wide range of factors. Additionally, any generalizations about the preferences of “young women” or any other group should be approached with caution, as these preferences can vary widely depending on factors such as age, race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.

Building Environment Design

I don’t build in order to have clients.

I have clients in order to build.

Ayn Rand

Google Data Center


“Détruire est facile ; construire est difficile.”

— Victor Hugo


The highest level of standardization for the building interiors on the emergent #SmartCampus originates in ISO TC 205 — Building Environment Design.  This committee is charged with standards setting in the design of new buildings and retrofit of existing buildings for acceptable indoor environment and practicable energy conservation and efficiency. Building environment design addresses the technical building systems and related architectural aspects, and includes the related design processes, design methods, design outcomes, and design-phase building commissioning. Indoor environment includes air quality, and thermal, acoustic, and visual factors.  The business plan is linked below:


Some of the key ideas in the scope of this project are listed below:

– the design of energy-efficient buildings
– building control systems design
– indoor air quality
– indoor thermal environment
– indoor acoustical environment
– indoor visual environment
– radiant heating and cooling systems
– heating and cooling systems
– building commissioning planning
– moisture in buildings

We see many of the foregoing ideas in the catalog of ASHRAE International — ANSI’s US Technical Advisory Group Administrator in this project, as well as a number of others (CLICK HERE).   There are 31 Participating member and 28 Observing member nations.

Generally speaking, ISO consensus products are performance standards and contrast sharply with prescriptive standards in the energy-related domains in the United States.  Prescriptive standards are easy to enforce but difficult to write.  Performance standards are easy to write but difficult to enforce.

Facility managers that oversee building automation units in education communities in the United States are encouraged to participate in the development of ISO 205 by communicating directly with Brian Cox at ASHRAE (  We keep all ISO standards on the standing agenda of our periodic Global and AEdificare standards colloquia.  We also maintain this committee’s catalog on the standing agenda of our Mechanical colloquium.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meetings; open to everyone.

Issue: [10-30]

Category: International, Mechanical, Energy, Facility Asset Management

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Richard Robben, Larry Spielvogel




The Business of Standards Never Stops

ASTM International (formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials) is a globally recognized organization that develops and publishes technical standards for a wide range of products, systems, and services. These standards are used by manufacturers, regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders to ensure that products and services are safe, reliable, and of high quality.

In the field of measurement science, ASTM plays an important role in developing standards and guidelines for measurement techniques and practices. These standards cover a wide range of topics related to measurement science, including the calibration of instruments, the characterization of measurement systems, and the validation of measurement results. They are used by researchers, engineers, and other professionals in academia, industry, and government to ensure that measurements are accurate, precise, and reliable.

ANSI Public Review


ASTM standards for measurement science are developed through a process that involves input from experts in the field, including researchers, industry professionals, and regulatory bodies. These standards are updated regularly to reflect advances in measurement science and technology, as well as changes in industry and regulatory requirements.  This is a far better way to discover and promulgate leading practice.  In fact, there are regulations intended to restrain the outsized influence of vertical incumbents in legislative precincts where market-making happens.

Federal Participation in Consensus Standards

Previous Posts

Language Proficiency

Standard Specification for 100 % Cotton Denim Fabrics

Performance of Buildings

$500 Capstone Project Stipend Available to Students

Where There is Smoke…There Doesn’t Have to be Fire

Athletic Performance Properties of Indoor Sports Floor Systems

Professor of the Year

Women in Standards


Rightsizing Electrical Power Systems

Standards Michigan, spun-off in 2016 from the original University of Michigan Business & Finance Operation, has peppered NFPA 70 technical committees writing the 2016-2026 National Electric Code with proposals to reduce the size of building premise feeder infrastructure; accommodating the improvements made in illumination and rotating machinery energy conservation since the 1980’s (variable frequency drives, LED lighting, controls, etc.)

These proposals are routinely voted down in 12-20 member committees representing manufacturers (primarily) though local inspection authorities are complicit in overbuilding electric services because they “bill by the service panel ampere rating”.  In other words, when a municipality can charge a higher inspection fee for a 1200 ampere panel, what incentive is there to support changes to the NEC that takes that inspection fee down to 400 amperes?

The energy conservation that would result from the acceptance of our proposals into the NEC are related to the following: reduced step down transformer sizes, reduced wire and conduit sizes, reduced panelboard sizes, reduced electric room cooling systems — including the HVAC cooling systems and the ceiling plenum sheet metal carrying the waste heat away.   Up to 20 percent energy savings is in play here and all the experts around the table know it.   So much for the economic footprint of the largest non-residential building construction market in the United States — about $120 billion annually.

The market incumbents are complicit in ignoring energy conservation opportunity.  To paraphrase one of Mike Anthony’s colleagues representing electrical equipment manufacturers:

“You’re right Mike, but I am getting paid to vote against you.”

NFPA Electrical Division knows it, too.

University of Michigan


Rightsizing Commercial Electrical Power Systems: Review of a New Exception in NEC Section 220.12

Michael A. AnthonyJames R. Harvey

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Thomas L. Harman

University of Houston, Clear Lake, Texas

For decades, application of National Electrical Code (NEC) rules for sizing services, feeders and branch circuits has resulted in unused capacity in almost all occupancy classes. US Department of Energy data compiled in 1999 indicates average load on building transformers between 10 and 25 percent. More recent data gathered by the educational facilities industry has verified this claim. Recognizing that aggressive energy codes are driving energy consumption lower, and that larger than necessary transformers create larger than necessary flash hazard, the 2014 NEC will provide an exception in Section 220.12 that will permit designers to reduce transformer kVA ratings and all related components of the power delivery system. This is a conservative, incremental step in the direction of reduced load density that is limited to lighting systems. More study of feeder and branch circuit loading is necessary to inform discussion about circuit design methods in future revisions of the NEC.

CLICK HERE for complete paper

University of Houston

2026 National Electrical Code Workspace

Bleachers, Folding Seating & Grandstands

“View of the Colosseum” 1747 Giovanni Paolo Panini


Play is the making of civilization—how one plays the game

more to the point than whether the game is won or lost.


We follow development of best practice literature for spectator seating structures produced by the International Code Council,  the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 102),  the American Society of Civil Engineers Structural Engineering Institute (ASCE SEI-7).  There are also federal regulations promulgated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.  (Note that some of the regulations were inspired by the several regional building code non-profits before the International Code Council was formed in year ~ 2000)

The parent standard from the International Code Council is linked below:

ICC 300 Standard on Bleachers, Folding and Telescopic Seating, and Grandstands

The development of this standard is coordinated with the ICC Group A Codes.  We have tracked concepts in it previous revisions; available in the link below.


As always, we encourage our colleagues with workpoint experience to participate directly in the ICC Code Development process.  CLICK HERE to get started.

Issue: [15-283]

Category: Athletics & Recreation, Architectural, Public Safety

Contact: Mike Anthony, Jack Janveja, Richard Robben

Virtual reality technology in evacuation simulation of sport stadiums


Standard for Bleachers, Folding and Telescopic Seating, and Grandstands ICC 300-2017 edition Public Comment Draft – October 2017

ANSI Coverage / ICC 300-2017: Standard for Bleachers, Folding and Telescopic Seating, and Grandstands


Classroom Furniture

“The Country School” | Winslow Homer

The Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association standards catalog — largely product (rather than interoperability oriented) is linked below:  

BIFMA Standards Overview

In stabilized standards, it is more cost effective to run the changes through ANSI rather than a collaborative workspace that requires administration and software licensing cost.  Accordingly, redlines for changes, and calls for stakeholder participation are released in ANSI’s Standards Portal:


Send your comments to Dave Panning.  (See Dave’s presentation to the University of Michigan in the video linked below.

John Peace Laptop Library Lounge | University of Texas, San Antonio

We find a great deal of interest in sustainable furniture climbing up the value chain and dwelling on material selection and manufacture.  We encourage end-users in the education industry — specifiers, department facility managers, interior design consultants, housekeeping staff and even occupants — to participate in BIFMA  standards setting.     You may obtain an electronic copies for in-process standards from David Panning, (616) 285-3963,   You are encouraged to send comments directly to BIFMA (with copy to  David explains its emergent standard for furniture designed for use in healthcare settings in the videorecording linked below:

Issue: [15-267]

Contacts: Mike Anthony, Christine Fischer, Jack Janveja, Dave Panning

Category: Architectural, Facility Asset Management


A Guide to United States Furniture Compliance Requirements

Educational Seating

Education Community Finance

Giovanni Paolo Panini, An architectural capriccio with figures among Roman ruins

The post-pandemic #WiseCampus transformation requires significant capital to meet the sustainability goals of its leadership.  Campuses are cities-within-cities and are, to a fair degree, financed in a similar fashion.  Tax-free bonds are an effective instrument for school districts, colleges and universities — and the host community in which they are nested — for raising capital for infrastructure projects while also providing investors with, say $10,000 to $100,000, to allocate toward a tax-free dividend income stream that produces a return in the range of 2 to 8 percent annually.

An aging population may be receptive to investment opportunities that protect their retirement savings from taxation.

Once a month, we walk through the prospectuses of one or two bond offerings of school districts, colleges and universities and examine offering specifics regarding infrastructure construction, operations and maintenance.  We pay particular attention to details regarding “continuing operations”. Somehow the education industry has to pay for its green agenda.  See our CALENDAR for the next Finance colloquium; open to everyone.

The interactive map provided by Electronic Municipal Market Access identifies state-by-state listings of tax-free bonds that contribute to the construction and operation of education facilities; some of which involved university-affiliated medical research and healthcare delivery enterprises.



If you need help cutting through this list please feel free to click in any day at 11 AM Eastern time.  Use the login credentials at the upper right of our hope page.  We collaborate with subject matter experts at Municipal Analytics and UBS.

Issue: [Various]

Category: Administration & Management, Finance, #SmartCampus

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, John Kaczor, Liberty Ziegahn

*We see the pandemic as a driver for a step-reduction in cost in all dimensions of education communities.  We coined the term with a hashtag about two years ago.

*College and university infrastructure projects are classified with public school districts under the rubric “municipal bonds” at the moment.  CLICK HERE for more information.



Duke Law Review:  Don’t ‘Screw Joe the Plummer’: The Sausage-Making of Financial Reform

An Expanded Study of School Bond Elections in Michigan

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