Tag Archives: D2/1


High Voltage Electric Service

Federal Power Act of 1920  Ω  Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935.

IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee Ω Current Issues and Recent Research

Representative Sample of Merchant Utility Interconnection Requirements for Customers

2023 National Electrical Code Article 490 Bibliography

Ahead of the April close date for comments on the Second Draft of the 2026 revision of the NEC we examine thought trends on the following:

  1. How does “high voltage” differ among electrotechnology professionals?  Signaling and control systems workers have a much lower criteria than a merchant utility lineman than a campus bulk distribution engineer.  In other words, “high voltage” is generally understood in practice and essential for worker safety.  Labeling counts.
  2. What is the origin of the apparent “confusion’ about high voltage in the IEEE, IEC, NFPA and TIA electrical safety catalogs?  Is the distinction functionally acceptable — i.e. a term of art understood well enough in practice?
  3. How can the 2026 NEC be improved for engineers, electricians and inspectors?  There has been some considerable re-organization of low, medium and high voltage concepts in the 2023.  It usually takes at least two NEC revision cycles for workable code to stabilize.  Since education communities purchase and distribute higher voltage power on large campuses; how can power purchasing and customer distribution system best practice be improved?

This is plenty to talk about.   Join us today at 15:00/16:00 UTC with the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

AC Power Distribution Systems & Standards | Credit: Power Quality Blog

2028 National Electrical Safety Code

2026 National Electrical Code Workspace

Time Synchronization of Medium Voltage Substations

NESC & NEC Cross-Code Correlation

National Electrical Definitions

Life Safety Code

The Life Safety Code addresses those construction, protection, and occupancy features necessary to minimize danger to life from the effects of fire, including smoke, heat, and toxic gases created during a fire.   It is widely incorporated by reference into public safety statutes; typically coupled with the consensus products of the International Code Council.   It is a mighty document — one of the NFPA’s leading titles — so we deal with it in pieces; consulting it for decisions to be made for the following:

(1) Determination of the occupancy classification in Chapters 12 through 42.

(2) Determination of whether a building or structure is new or existing.

(3) Determination of the occupant load.

(4) Determination of the hazard of contents.

There are emergent issues — such as active shooter response, integration of life and fire safety systems on the internet of small things — and recurrent issues such as excessive rehabilitation and conformity criteria and the ever-expanding requirements for sprinklers and portable fire extinguishers with which to reckon.  It is never easy telling a safety professional paid to make a market for his product or service that it is impossible to be alive and safe.  It is even harder telling the dean of a department how much it will cost to bring the square-footage under his stewardship up to the current code.

The 2021 edition is the current edition and is accessible below:

NFPA 101 Life Safety Code Free Public Access

Public input on the 2027 Revision will be received until June 4, 2024.  Public comment on the First Draft of the 2027 Revision will be received until June 3, 2025.


Since the Life Safety Code is one of the most “living” of living documents — the International Building Code and the National Electric Code also move continuously — we can start anywhere and anytime and still make meaningful contributions to it.   We have been advocating in this document since the 2003 edition in which we submitted proposals for changes such as:

• A student residence facility life safety crosswalk between NFPA 101 and the International Building Code

• Refinements to Chapters 14 and 15 covering education facilities (with particular attention to door technologies)

• Identification of an ingress path for rescue and recovery personnel toward electric service equipment installations.

• Risk-informed requirement for installation of grab bars in bathing areas

• Modification of the 90-minute emergency lighting requirements rule for small buildings and for fixed interval testing

• Modification of emergency illumination fixed interval testing

• Table 7.3.1 Occupant Load revisions

• Harmonization of egress path width with European building codes

There are others.  It is typically difficult to make changes to stabilized standard though some of the concepts were integrated by the committee into other parts of the NFPA 101 in unexpected, though productive, ways.  Example transcripts of proposed 2023 revisions to the education facility chapter is linked below:

Chapter 14 Public Input Report: New Educational Occupancies

Educational and Day Care Occupancies: Second Draft Public Comments with Responses Report

Since NFPA 101 is so vast in its implications we list a few of the sections we track, and can drill into further, according to client interest:

Chapter 3: Definitions

Chapter 7: Means of Egress

Chapter 12: New Assembly Occupancies

Chapter 13: Existing Assembly Occupancies

Chapter 16 Public Input Report: New Day-Care Facilities

Chapter 17 Public Input Report: Existing Day Care Facilities

Chapter 18 Public Input Report: New Health Care Facilities

Chapter 19 Public Input Report: Existing Health Care Facilities

Chapter 28: Public Input Report: New Hotels and Dormitories

Chapter 29: Public Input Report: Existing Hotels and Dormitories

Chapter 43: Building Rehabilitation

Annex A: Explanatory Material

As always we encourage front-line staff, facility managers, subject matter experts and trade associations to participate directly in the NFPA code development process (CLICK HERE to get started)

NFPA 101 is a cross-cutting title so we maintain it on the agenda of our several colloquia —Housing, Prometheus, Security and Pathways colloquia.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.


Issue: [18-90]

Category: Fire Safety, Public Safety

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Josh Elvove, Joe DeRosier, Marcelo Hirschler


ARCHIVE / Life Safety Code 2003 – 2018


Fire and Life Safety in Stadiums

Illumination Art

“Starry Night Over the Rhône” 1888 Vincent van Gogh


I often think that the night is more alive

and more richly colored than the day.

– Vincent van Gogh


The International Commission on Illumination — is devoted to worldwide cooperation and the exchange of information on all matters relating to the science and art of light and lighting, colour and vision, photobiology and image technology.  The landing page for its standards setting enterprise is linked below:

International Standards

With strong technical, scientific and cultural foundations, the CIE is an independent, non-profit organization that serves member countries on a voluntary basis. Since its inception in 1913, the CIE has become a professional organization and has been accepted as representing the best authority on the subject and as such is recognized by ISO as an international standardization body.

Illumination technologies influence designs in architectural design, public safety and energy economics in all education communities.   We find CIE titles referenced in ISO and IEC standards.  Because ISO and IEC standards are incorporated by referenced in the best practice literature published by standards setting organizations in every nation with a private standards setting body (such as ANSI, BSI, DIN, etc.) the CIE titles are worthy of our attention.

We only have resources to track a few of them:

ISO/CIE 20086:2019(E) Light and Lighting — Energy Performance of Lighting in Buildings

ISO 30061:2007(E)/CIE S 020/E:2007 Emergency Lighting

CIE S 015/E:2005 Lighting of outdoor work places

ISO 8995-1:2002(E)/CIE S 008/E:2001 Lighting of Work Places – Part 1: Indoor

There are others that we may track in the fullness of time.  Getting illumination technology right is subtle art.  The energy to drive normal, steady-state illumination usually consumes 25 to 40 percent of building energy but application of the art — which includes control — can reduce that.

We maintain CIE titles on our periodic Energy, Global, Interiors and Illumination colloquia.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

Yorkshire Dales


Workspace / Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage

System Aspects of Electrical Energy

IEC technical committees and subcommittees Ω SMB Tabulation

IEC and ITU offices | Geneva

Much economic activity in the global standards system involves products — not interoperability standards. Getting everything to work together — safely, cost effectively and simpler — is our raison d’etre.  

Manufacturers, testing laboratories, conformance authorities (whom we call vertical incumbents) are able to finance the cost of their advocacy — salaries, travel, lobbying, administration — into the cost of the product they sell to the end user (in our cases, estate managers in educational settlements).  To present products — most of which involve direct contact with a consumer — at a point of sale it must have a product certification label.  Not so with systems.  System certification requirements, if any, may originate in local public safety requirements; sometimes reaching into the occupational safety domain.

Our readings of the intent of this technical committee is to discover and promulgate best practice for “systems of products” — i.e. ideally interoperability characteristics throughout the full span of the system life cycle.

To quote Thomas Sowell:

“There are no absolute solutions to human problems, there are only tradeoffs.”  

Many problems have no solutions, only trade-offs in matters of degree.  We explain our lament over wicked problems in our About.


IEC technical committees and subcommittees



If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. - Nikola Tesla


The United States National Committee of  the International Electrotechnical Commission (USNA/IEC) seeks participants and an ANSI Technical Advisory Group (US TAG) Administrator for an IEC subcommittee (Multi-Agent System) developing standards for power system network management.   From the project prospectus:

Standardization in the field of network management in interconnected electric power systems with different time horizons including design, planning, market integration, operation and control.  SC 8C covers issues such as resilience, reliability, security, stability in transmission-level networks (generally with voltage 100kV or above) and also the impact of distribution level resources on the interconnected power system, e.g. conventional or aggregated Demand Side Resources (DSR) procured from markets.

SC 8C develops normative deliverables/guidelines/technical reports such as:

– Terms and definitions in area of network management,
– Guidelines for network design, planning, operation, control, and market integration
– Contingency criteria, classification, countermeasures, and controller response, as a basis of technical requirements for reliability, adequacy, security, stability and resilience analysis,
– Functional and technical requirements for network operation management systems, stability control systems, etc.
– Technical profiling of reserve products from DSRs for effective market integration.
– Technical requirements of wide-area operation, such as balancing reserve sharing, emergency power wheeling.

Individuals who are interested in becoming a participant or the TAG Administrator for SC 8C: Network Management are invited to contact Adelana Gladstein at [email protected] as soon as possible.

This opportunity, dealing with the system aspects of electrical energy supply (IEC TC 8), should at least interest electrical engineering research faculty and students involved in power security issues.   Participation would not only provide students with a front-row seat in power system integration but faculty can collaborate and compete (for research money) from the platform TC 8 administers.  We will refer it to the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee which meets online 4 times monthly in European and American time zones.

Electropedia: The World’s Online Electrotechnical Vocabulary

Public Consultations

Public consultation on joint ISO standard 80000 that defines quantities and units for space, time, thermodynamics, light, radiation and even the characteristic numbers for each of the foregoing closes October 11th.

“City at night” 1958 | Harald Rudyard Engman

Electropedia is produced by the world’s peak electrotechnical standardization organization that oversees 214 technical committees that provide a neutral and independent platform where agreement can be found on electrotechnical solutions with global relevance and reach.  The IEC operates close-coupled with the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC)

IEC 60050 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) – Part 601: Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity | April 16

International Electrotechnical Commission | CDV Consultations


Elettrotecnico Lingua Franca


If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. - Nikola Tesla

University of Coffee

“You invent a story, and then the story invents you.”
— Umberto Eco’s Foucault’s Pendulum

Università degli Studi di Trieste

Publication of the Bible jumpstarted literacy

Un mondo fatto bene

Resilience of Hospital Power Systems in the Digital Age

Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli Rome


Operational Resilience of Hospital Power Systems in the Digital Age

Sapienza University of Rome, Roma, Italy
Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesu, Rome, Italy
Parise professional office, Italy
Cosenza Hospital District, Cosenza, Italy
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA


Abstract: An advanced guideline is required to support the design of power supply systems for the performances of service continuity and power outage resilience, which are vital for hospital power systems and strategic operational structures (SOSs). The supply sources, the power system topology, and its management are fundamental in guaranteeing the electrical resilience of the power system. There is still no standard to evaluate the adequacy of hospital power systems for natural calamities and human-made disasters and, subsequently, for the ordinary operation. The World Health Organization recognizes it as a basic problem and at this aim has to claim clearly the status of SOSs for the hospitals, recommending to safeguard and plan the full operability. The hospital power systems need a local fortified electrical structure, designed for service continuity during fault events and managed to ensure an adequate dynamic response to any emergency and maintenance needs. The importance of the business continuity management is highlighted; it has to be qualified for a permanent design with both the in-op approaches for the initial installation of the system and its life cycle operation.

CLICK HERE to order complete paper

Un mondo fatto bene

Use Case: Julia Programming Language for Artificial Intelligence

Julia is a programming language that has gained popularity in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and scientific computing for several reasons.

High Performance: Julia is designed to be a high-performance language, often compared to languages like C and Fortran. It achieves this performance through just-in-time (JIT) compilation, allowing it to execute code at speeds close to statically compiled languages. This makes Julia well-suited for computationally intensive AI tasks such as numerical simulations and deep learning.

Ease of Use: Julia is designed with a clean and expressive syntax that is easy to read and write. It feels similar to other high-level languages like Python, making it accessible to developers with a background in Python or other scripting languages.

Multiple Dispatch: Julia’s multiple dispatch system allows functions to be specialized on the types of all their arguments, leading to more generic and efficient code. This feature is particularly useful when dealing with complex data types and polymorphic behavior, which is common in AI and scientific computing.

Rich Ecosystem: Julia has a growing ecosystem of packages and libraries for AI and scientific computing. Libraries like Flux.jl for deep learning, MLJ.jl for machine learning, and DifferentialEquations.jl for solving differential equations make it a powerful choice for AI researchers and practitioners.

Interoperability: Julia offers excellent interoperability with other languages, such as Python, C, and Fortran. This means you can leverage existing code written in these languages and seamlessly integrate it into your Julia AI projects.

Open Source: Julia is an open-source language, which means it is freely available and has an active community of developers and users. This makes it easy to find resources, documentation, and community support for your AI projects.

Parallel and Distributed Computing: Julia has built-in support for parallel and distributed computing, making it well-suited for tasks that require scaling across multiple cores or distributed computing clusters. This is beneficial for large-scale AI projects and simulations.

Interactive Development: Julia’s REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) and notebook support make it an excellent choice for interactive data analysis and experimentation, which are common in AI research and development.

While Julia has many advantages for AI applications, it’s important to note that its popularity and ecosystem continue to grow, so some specialized AI libraries or tools may still be more mature in other languages like Python. Therefore, the choice of programming language should also consider the specific requirements and constraints of your AI project, as well as the availability of libraries and expertise in your development team.

We present a use case below:

Université Sorbonne Paris Nord

A Julia Module for Polynomial Optimization with Complex Variables applied to Optimal Power Flow


Julie Sliwak – Lucas Létocart | Université Sorbonne Paris Nord

Manuel Ruiz | RTE R&D, Paris La Défense

Miguel F. Anjos | University of Edinburgh


ABSTRACT.  Many optimization problems in power transmission networks can be formulated as polynomial problems with complex variables. A polynomial optimization problem with complex variables consists in optimizing a real-valued polynomial whose variables and coefficients are complex numbers subject to some complex polynomial equality or inequality constraints. These problems are usually directly expressed with real variables. In this work, we propose a Julia module allowing the representation of polynomial problems in their original complex formulation. This module is applied to power system optimization and its generic design enables the description of several variants of power system problems. Results for the Optimal Power Flow in Alternating Current problem and for the Preventive-Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow problem are presented.

University of Edinburg

CLICK HERE to order complete paper

Clavier AZERTY

QWERTY: This is the most common keyboard layout used in English-speaking countries. The name “QWERTY” comes from the first six letters on the top row of keys. This layout was originally designed to prevent typewriter keys from jamming by placing commonly used keys further apart.

AZERTY: This is a keyboard layout used primarily in French-speaking countries. The letters are arranged differently from QWERTY, with the A and Z keys switched, and some additional special characters included.

QWERTZ: This is a keyboard layout used primarily in German-speaking countries. It is similar to QWERTY, but with some letters rearranged and some additional special characters included.

Dvorak Simplified Keyboard: This is an alternative keyboard layout designed to increase typing speed and efficiency. It places the most commonly used letters in the home row, and the least used letters on the outer edges of the keyboard.

Colemak: This is another alternative keyboard layout designed for increased typing efficiency. It also places the most commonly used letters in the home row, but has a slightly different arrangement than Dvorak.

Unicode: This is a standard for encoding characters from a wide range of writing systems, including Latin, Cyrillic, Arabic, and Chinese, among others. It allows for the input and display of text in multiple languages and scripts on the same  keyboard.

Layout mode
Predefined Skins
Custom Colors
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