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Operational Resilience for Electric Power Distribution Systems

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Grid-Connected Microgrid Battery Energy Storage Systems














Overview of Technical Specifications for Grid-Connected Microgrid Battery Energy Storage Systems

A. Rahman Khalid, et. al

Abstract:  Increasing distributed topology design implementations, uncertainties due to solar photovoltaic systems generation intermittencies, and decreasing battery costs, have shifted the direction towards integration of battery energy storage systems (BESSs) with photovoltaic systems to form renewable microgrids (MGs). Specific benefits include, but are not limited to, seamless switching and islanding operations during outages and ancillary grid services. The evolution of battery chemistries and other components has also further enhanced practicality; however, developing these multifaceted MGs involves complexity in the design process. Consequently, stakeholders rely on connection standards and operational requirements to guarantee reliable and safe grid-connected operations.

This paper presents a technical overview of battery system architecture variations, benchmark requirements, integration challenges, guidelines for BESS design and interconnection, grid codes and standards, power conversion topologies, and operational grid services. In addition, a comprehensive review of the control strategies for battery equalization, energy management systems, communication, control of multiple BESSs, as well as a discussion on protection blinding and intentional islanding using BESSs is also provided. Finally, a discussion of the islanded and black start operation results for time-based analysis and standard validation of a 3MW/9MWh BESS in a grid-connected MG at the Florida International University (FIU) Engineering Campus is presented.

Living online

“The new pupil” 1854 Thomas Brooks

The Institution of Engineering and Technology is leading an inquiry into how the rapidly increasing reliance on digital technology, accelerated by the pandemic, may have a long-term impact on our social and economic wellbeing.   A detailed prospectus is linked below

Living online: the long-term impact on wellbeing

The consultation closed on January 20th but, as we do with many IET titles, we maintain the project on the standing agenda of our Infotech colloquia and our 4 times monthly collaboration with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee; all online gatherings open to everyone.  You may communicate directly with Duncan Kenyon (duncankenyon@theiet.org) for additional information.

Issue: [20-288]

Category: Infotech, Telecommunications

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Mike Hiler, David Law


Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Edison electric vehicle | National Park Service, US Department of the Interior

Electrical power engineers know that it is unwise to imagine a totally electric mobility system in the mind’s eye of vertical incumbents, policy makers and trendsniffers.  That does not mean that, as licensed professionals, we cannot positively respond to the demand for more electric mobility on campuses and within school districts.

Today we run through current codes, standards and guides to make that power supply chain safe and sustainable.  Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

In addition to the “NEC canonicals” — listing, coupler heights, disconnect, grounding, voltage, ampacity and overcurrent protection that would likely be applied in a fleet enclosure, more specific passages are relevant when the charging stations are widely dispersed in exterior locations:

Article 225 Outside branch circuits and feeders

Article 625 Electric Vehicle Power Transfer System

We will deal with cable management, IEC 61851 titles, Level 1 & 2 equipment, load management, placement of charging stations at motor fuel dispensing installations and wireless charging systems in a separate session.

2026 National Electrical Code Workspace

NECA 413 Standard For Installing And Maintaining Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment

National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Standards and Requirements

Gallery: Electric Vehicle Fire Risk

Much like designing and building campus outdoor lighting systems, there are more site-related issues to be reckoned with.  For example:

  1. Charging infrastructure: One of the biggest space usage problems with EVs is the need for charging infrastructure. EV owners require access to charging stations in order to recharge their vehicles, and these charging stations can take up valuable space in public areas or campus parking structures that may require additional fire protection systems (that also require upgraded electrotechnologies.
  2. Battery storage: Another space usage issue with EVs is the need for battery storage. EV batteries are large and heavy, and require adequate storage space for safe and secure disposal at the end of their life cycle.
  3. Vehicle size: Many EVs are larger and heavier than traditional gasoline-powered vehicles, which can create space usage problems in urban areas where parking and road space is limited.
  4. Recycling infrastructure: As EVs become more common, the need for specialized recycling infrastructure for EV components, including batteries, motors, and electronics, is likely to increase. These facilities require additional space and resources to safely and efficiently process and recycle these components.

Addressing these space usage problems will require a combination of policy interventions, technological innovations, and public awareness campaigns to promote the benefits and potential of EVs while minimizing their environmental impact and spatial footprint.

Electric Vehicle Energy Management

Electric Vehicle Regulatory Reference Guide

Electric Vehicle Open Charge Point Protocol

Campus Transportation & Parking System Design

International Building Code Electrical

§ 1107.2 Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations

Drivers and Barriers to Implementation of Connected, Automated, Shared, and Electric Vehicles

Standard for Parking Structures


Communication in the Presence of Noise

Communication in the Presence of Noise

Claude E. Shannon

University of Michigan – Bell Telephone Laboratories – Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Abstract. A method is developed for representing any communication system geometrically. Messages and the corresponding signals are points in two “function spaces,” and the modulation process is a mapping of one space into the other. Using this representation, a number of results in communication theory are deduced concerning expansion and compression of bandwidth and the threshold effect. Formulas are found for the maximum rate of transmission of binary digits over a system when the signal is perturbed by various types of noise. Some of the properties of “ideal” systems which transmit at this maxmum rate are discussed. The equivalent number of binary digits per second for certain information sources is calculated.

CLICK HERE to order complete paper

Wiring Fire Prevention in Hospitals

Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli / Rome, Italy

Localized fire ignition hazard in branch circuits, cords and connected equipment

Electrical Engineering Department, Sapienza Università di Roma
Italian National Fire Department

Abstract.  In electrical power systems, the fire ignition can be originated by incident energy of faults. Faults involve overheating, arcing and burning for all the wiring exposed to mechanical damage and other insulation stresses especially wiring connected by flexible cords and cables. The mechanical damage of the stranded bare conductors can degrade the effective sizing of the total cross section, causing anomalous conditions of local overcurrent. To highlight the local incident energy in case of fault, the parameters steady current and transient current densities can assist in analyzing the event. The conductors size reduction, degrading locally the thermal withstand capability, makes ineffective the protection coordination amplifying the anomalous effect of current no detectable adequately by overcurrent protective devices. The faulted cords remain so energized and present electric shock and fire hazards. Generally and especially in strategic buildings as hospitals, preventing ignition is better than promptly extinguishing. An efficient protection can be achieved by integration of active and passive techniques : by adoption of the special device Arc-fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI) that recognize the arcing; by wiring the circuits, particularly extension cords, with Ground-Fault-Forced Cables, GFFCs, that convert faults into ground faults easily protected by ground fault protective devices (GFPDs).

Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli / Rome, Italy



Transmission Line Right-of-Way


Optimization of Transmission Line Right-of-Way

Ajaykumar Patel, et. al

School of Engineering & Technology, Central Queensland University, Melbourne, Australia


Abstract: A specific land is required to design the transmission line to construct effectively and maintain properly is called right of way of transmission line. It is calculated by considering mainly three electrical quantity related transmission line such as electric field, magnetic field and radio interference. Corona effect is considered for the evolution of right of way. By considering these parameters, it provide idea related to effect surrounding the area nearby transmission line.

The determination of transmission line right of way for public electric utilities typically involves a combination of legal considerations, regulatory requirements, environmental assessments, and public engagement: 

Planning and Route Selection: Public electric utilities assess their power transmission needs based on factors such as population growth, energy demand, and infrastructure upgrades. They consider various potential routes and alternatives, taking into account factors like terrain, existing infrastructure, land use, and environmental sensitivities.

Environmental and Impact Assessments: Utilities conduct environmental and impact assessments to evaluate the potential effects of the proposed transmission line routes. These assessments examine factors such as wildlife habitats, endangered species, wetlands, water bodies, cultural or historical sites, and scenic landscapes. The purpose is to identify potential impacts and propose mitigation measures.

Regulatory and Permitting Process: Public utilities must comply with applicable laws and regulations governing transmission line development. This includes obtaining necessary permits and approvals from relevant regulatory agencies at the federal, state, and local levels. The requirements vary depending on the jurisdiction, but they often involve environmental agencies, land management agencies, and public utility commissions.

Public Engagement and Consultation: Utilities engage in public consultation and outreach to gather feedback from affected communities, landowners, and stakeholders. They conduct public hearings, open houses, and meetings to inform the public about the project, address concerns, and consider alternative routes suggested by the community. This engagement helps ensure transparency and public input in the decision-making process.

Negotiations and Eminent Domain: Utilities negotiate with landowners along the proposed transmission line route to acquire the necessary right of way. In some cases, if an agreement cannot be reached, utilities may exercise eminent domain, which is a legal process that allows them to acquire the land for public use while providing just compensation to the affected landowner.

Legal Framework: The legal framework for determining transmission line right of way varies by jurisdiction. Laws related to land use, zoning, environmental protection, and eminent domain play a role in defining the process and requirements for securing right of way.

Procedures vary depending on the country, state, or region where the transmission line is being developed. Local regulations, environmental conditions, and public engagement practices will influence the overall process.


Optimization of Transmission Line Right-of-Way

Reducing the duration of right-of-way acquisition process for high voltage transmission power lines projects

Diminishing the Right of Way (RoW) With Multi Voltage Multi Terminal Transmission Tower

Information System for the Vegetation Control of Transmission Lines Right-of-way

Partially underground transmission circuits: safety issue for current and future power systems

2023 National Electrical Safety Code

IEEE Guide to the Installation of Overhead Transmission Line Conductors, IEEE Std. 524, 1992

Pacific Gas & Electric: Overhead Transmission Line Design Criteria

US Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service: Design Manual for High Voltage Transmission Lines

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