Tag Archives: Indiana


Chanson de matin Op.15 No. 2

“Chanson de Matin” is characterized by its light, lyrical, and charming melody, which evokes a sense of freshness and optimism associated with the early hours of the day. Elgar is known for his ability to capture various moods and emotions in his compositions.

Anderson University School of Music, Theater, and Dance

Physical Plant | Anderson University


Case Study: Center Grove Community School Corporation Security

Standards Indiana § Greenwood

“Center Grove Schools enters the 2022/2023 school year with a new high-tech safety partner — Centegix CrisisAlert — purchased in part with school safety grant money that pairs with their Emergency Operations Center that opened in January 2022.  The CrisisAlert program  puts security at the fingertips of all teachers and staff.

Both systems address what the district learned it had to work on from a school safety assessment back in 2018 – live monitoring and faster response times in an emergency.   Seven-hundred cameras will scan every school in real-time from the district’s Emergency Operations Center. — More”

Center Grove school security at the push of a button

Security 100

Center Grove Community School Corporation

“A Sunny Day in Springville (Lawrence County, Indiana)” | n.d. Will Vawter


K-12 School Security


Ball State University was founded in 1918 and was originally named the Eastern Indiana Normal School and primarily a teacher’s college. The university was renamed Ball State University in 1965, in honor of the five Ball brothers, who began by manufacturing and selling wooden jacketed tin cans. In 1884, the company introduced the Ball Improved Mason Jar, which became a popular way to preserve food.

The university is home to the Center for Middletown Studies, which conducts research on the social and cultural dynamics of small-town America.

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Standards Indiana


Falsus in uno, Falsus in omnibus

Hazelnut Chocolate Caramel Latte

Purdue Recreation & Wellness Channel | Standards Indiana

Kitchenette Standards

Coffee Standards


Geese and Dogs

Mechanical Clock from 1895 Still Ticking

Horticulture and Landscape Architecture


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Duncan Stroik Architect



“The ideal architect should be a man of letters, a skillful draftsman, a mathematician,

familiar with historical studies, a diligent student of philosophy,  acquainted with music,

not ignorant of medicine, learned in the responses of jurisconsults,

familiar with astronomy and astronomical calculations.”


Duncan G. Stroik is a practicing architect, author, and Professor of Architecture at the University of Notre Dame specializing in religious and classical architecture.  Gathered here are images from Christ Chapel, Hillsdale College Michigan.  His award-winning work includes the Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel in Santa Paula, California, the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, and the Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

A frequent lecturer on sacred architecture and the classical tradition, Stroik authored The Church Building as a Sacred Place: Beauty, Transcendence and the Eternal and is the founding editor of Sacred Architecture Journal. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia and the Yale University School of Architecture. Professor Stroik is the 2016 winner of the Arthur Ross Award for Architecture. In 2019, he was appointed to the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts.

Sacred Spaces

“Ten Books on Architecture” 30-20 B.C | Vitruvius


Church Facility Management

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