Category Archives: Athletics/Sport/رياضة



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Swimming, Water Polo and Diving Lighting


“In swimming, there are no referees, no foul lines,

no time-outs, and no substitutions.

It’s just you and the water.” – Unknown

There are several specific problems that swimming pool overhead lighting aims to solve:

  1. Visibility: Swimming pool overhead lighting is designed to improve visibility in and around the pool. This is important for safety reasons, as it helps swimmers see where they are going and avoid obstacles or hazards.
  2. Aesthetics: Overhead lighting can enhance the appearance of the swimming pool by creating a visually appealing atmosphere. This is especially important for commercial pools where the aesthetics can be an important factor in attracting customers.
  3. Functionality: Overhead lighting can provide additional functionality by allowing the pool to be used during evening hours or in low light conditions. This can increase the usability of the pool and make it more appealing to users.
  4. Energy efficiency: Modern overhead pool lighting solutions are designed to be energy-efficient, reducing the overall energy consumption and operating costs of the pool.
  5. Longevity: Overhead pool lighting must be designed to withstand exposure to water, chlorine, and other harsh chemicals, as well as exposure to the elements. The lighting system must be durable and reliable to ensure longevity and prevent costly repairs or replacements.

Overall, swimming pool overhead lighting is an important component of a safe, functional, and visually appealing pool. It provides illumination for visibility, enhances aesthetics, and improves functionality, while also being energy-efficient and durable.

After athletic arena life safety obligations are met (governed legally by NFPA 70, NFPA 101, NFPA 110,  the International Building Code and possibly other state adaptations of those consensus documents incorporated by reference into public safety law) business objective standards may come into play. For almost all athletic facilities,  the consensus documents of the Illumination Engineering Society[1], the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers[2][3] provide the first principles for life safety.  For business purposes, the documents distributed by the National Collegiate Athletic Association inform the standard of care for individual athletic arenas so that swiftly moving media production companies have some consistency in power sources and illumination as they move from site to site.  Sometimes concepts to meet both life safety and business objectives merge.

During water sport season the document linked below provides information to illumination designers and facility managers:

NCAA Best Lighting Practices

Athletic programs are a significant source of revenue and form a large part of the foundation of the brand identity of most educational institutions in the United States.   We focus primarily upon the technology standards that govern the safety, performance and sustainability of these enterprises.  We collaborate very closely with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee where subject matter experts in electrical power systems meet 4 times each month in the Americas and Europe.

See our CALENDAR for our next colloquium on Sport facility codes and standards  We typically walk through the safety and sustainability concepts in play; identify commenting opportunities; and find user-interest “champions” on the technical committees who have a similar goal in lowering #TotalCostofOwnership.

Issue: [15-138]*

Category: Electrical, Architectural, Arts & Entertainment Facilities, Athletics

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Jack Janveja, Jose Meijer, Scott Gibbs


Time Standards

Sport Lighting

High Jump

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The Big House

Playing field turf (natural or artificial) for a regulation U.S. football field, including the end zones, measures 360 feet long and 160 feet wide is 6,400 square feet (5,350 square meters)

Mike Anthony with Engineering Students | April 2024

This is the last look we had before they buttoned it up.

Progress on the North End scoreboard as of July 1.

Maths and Sport

The use of “maths” instead of “math” is a difference in British English compared to American English. In British English, the word “mathematics” is often referred to as “maths,” with the added “s” signifying the plural form. This is consistent with how British English commonly shortens many words by adding an “s” to the end. For example, “physics” becomes “phys, “economics” becomes “econs,” and so on.

In contrast, American English typically shortens “mathematics” to “math” without the additional “s,” following a different pattern of abbreviation.

The reason for these linguistic differences is rooted in the historical development of the English language and regional linguistic variations that have evolved over time. British English and American English have diverged in certain aspects of vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar, resulting in variations like “maths” and “math.” It’s important to note that neither is inherently correct or incorrect; they are just regional preferences.














Gresham College is a higher education institution located in London, UK. It was founded in 1597 under the will of Sir Thomas Gresham, a financier and merchant who left funds for the establishment of a college in the heart of the city.

The college’s original aim was to provide free public lectures in a range of subjects, including law, astronomy, geometry, and music. The lectures were intended to be accessible to anyone who was interested in learning, regardless of their background or social status.

Over the centuries, Gresham College has remained true to this mission, and today it continues to offer a range of free public lectures and events that are open to all.



How Fast Can Usain Bolt Run?

Synthetic Turf Guidelines

The Synthetic Turf Council is a 501(c)6 non-profit trade association serving the synthetic turf industry.  Its vision is to improve the world through synthetic turf.  Its mission is to serve as the global forum to promote, develop, grow and advocate for the synthetic turf industry.   As a voice in its industry, it promotes the benefits of synthetic turf systems, it provides credentialing services and, for our purpose produces a bibliography of consensus products relevant to the education facility industry:

Synthetic Turf Council Technical Guidelines

You may communicate directly with the Council at the link below:

Synthetic Turf Council Contact Information

We do not find any open public consultations at the moment but we keep the Council’s consensus products in on the standing agenda of our Sport teleconferences. See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting.


White Papers & Technical Presentations


sport, mercury, athletic

Track & Field

Aphrodite and Hermes, god of sport

Gustavus Adolphus College | Nicollet County Minnesota


Recreational sports, athletic competition, and the facilities that support it, are one of the most visible activities in any school, college or university in any nation.  Arguably, these activities resemble religious belief and practice.   Enterprises of this kind have the same ambition for safety and sustainability at the same scale as the academic and healthcare enterprises.  

According to IBISWorld Market Research, Sports Stadium Construction was a $6.1 billion market in 2014, Athletic & Sporting Goods Manufacturing was a $9.2 billion market in 2015, with participation in sports increasing 19.3 percent by 2019 — much of that originating in school, college and university sports and recreation programs.  We refer you to more up to date information in the link below:

Sports & Athletic Field Construction Industry in the US – Market Research Report

Today at the usual time we will update our understanding of the physical support systems for the track and field activity listed below:

  1. Sprinting: Races over short distances, typically 100m, 200m, and 400m.
  2. Middle-distance running: Races covering distances between sprinting and long-distance running, such as 800m and 1500m.
  3. Long-distance running: Races over longer distances, including 3000m, 5000m, 10,000m, and marathons.
  4. Hurdling: Races where athletes jump over hurdles at set distances, such as 110m hurdles (for men) and 100m hurdles (for women).
  5. Steeplechase: A long-distance race that includes hurdles and a water jump.
  6. Racewalking: A form of walking competition where athletes race over various distances while maintaining contact with the ground.
  7. Relays: Team races where athletes take turns running a specified distance before passing a baton to the next runner. Common relay distances include 4x100m and 4x400m.
  8. High jump: Athletes attempt to jump over a horizontal bar placed at measured heights without knocking it down.
  9. Pole vault: Athletes use a pole to vault themselves over a high bar.
  10. Long jump: Athletes sprint down a runway and jump as far as possible into a sandpit.
  11. Triple jump: Athletes perform a hop, step, and jump sequence into a sandpit, with distances measured from the takeoff board to the nearest mark made in the sand by any part of the body.
  12. Shot put: Athletes throw a heavy metal ball for distance.
  13. Discus throw: Athletes throw a discus, a heavy circular object, for distance.
  14. Javelin throw: Athletes throw a javelin, a spear-like object, for distance.
  15. Hammer throw: Athletes throw a heavy metal ball attached to a wire and handle for distance.
  16. Decathlon (men) / Heptathlon (women): Multi-event competitions where athletes compete in ten (decathlon) or seven (heptathlon) different track and field events, with points awarded for performance in each event.

Open to everyone.  Log in with the credentials at the upper right of our home page.

Issue: [19-46]

Category: Athletics and Recreation, International,

Contact: Mike Anthony, Jack Janveja, Christine Fischer


Athletics facilities upgrades: $390 Million

Program Title Page

OSU was founded in 1890 as Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College under the Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862 set in motion by President Abraham Lincoln. It has approximately 30,000 students across 1500 acres with 400 buildings. Its athletic department runs an operating budget of about $100 million.

Facilities Management

Standards Oklahoma

Orange Crush Couples

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