Tag Archives: D7


Gulliver visits the Great Academy of Lagado

In Irish author Jonathan Swift’s 1726 satire — “Gulliver’s Travels” — Lagado is the capital of Balnibarbi whose king had invested a great fortune on building an “Academy of Projectors” so that it shall contribute to the nation’s development through research.

Gulliver describes pointless experiments conducted there — trying to change human excretion back into food, trying to extract sunbeams out of cucumbers, teaching mathematics to pupils by writing propositions on wafers and consuming them.

“Gulliver’s Travels” 1939 Production | (Max Fleischer (1883 – 1972)

“None are so blind as those who refuse to see” is a proverbial expression that has been used by many authors and public figures throughout history. The exact origin of the phrase is unknown, but it has been attributed to various sources, including the Bible, where Jesus says, “For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind” (John 9:39, King James Version).

The phrase has also been attributed to Jonathan Swift, an Irish author and satirist, who wrote in his 1738 work,

“Polite Conversation”: “Blind, sir? I see every day where Lord M– goes upon the bench without his bag, and you tell me he is not blind?”.

However, it is possible that the phrase existed prior to Swift and was simply popularized by him.

Internet Archive: Gulliver’s Travels

Gallery: Other Ways of Knowing Climate Change

Eric Weinstein: We need a scientific revolution

Public Art Program


Texas Education Agency: Fine Arts Standards

Texas Tech: School of Art

Texas Tech: Facilities Planning & Construction

Fine Arts 300

“Public art is form of street life, a means to articulate the implicit values of a city when its users occupy the place of determining what the city is.” — Malcolm Miles

“Gelukkige Koningsdag!” Stamppot

Stamppot is a Dutch comfort food known for its simplicity and versatility. It combines mashed potatoes with various vegetables, typically leafy greens like kale (boerenkool), endive (andijvie), or sauerkraut (zuurkool), and often includes bacon or sausage.

The name “stamppot” comes from the Dutch words “stampen” (to mash) and “pot” (pot). The dish is prepared by mashing the boiled potatoes and vegetables together in a single pot. The result is aΒ  slightly chunky mixture of mashed potatoes and vegetables.

There are many variations of stamppot, depending on the vegetables used. The most common types include boerenkool stamppot (kale stamppot), andijvie stamppot (endive stamppot), and zuurkool stamppot (sauerkraut stamppot). Each variation has its own distinct flavor and texture.

Stamppot runs deep in the Netherlands and is considered a staple of Dutch cuisine. It’s a dish that brings people together, especially during the traditional “Hutspot Day” (Hutspotfeest) celebrations in some regions.


Related: Dutch Student Stew

“Dutch Student Stew” also known as “Hutspot” in Dutch. It’s a traditional Dutch dish that consists of mashed potatoes, carrots, and onions, often flavored with salt, pepper, and sometimes bacon. It’s a hearty and simple comfort food that has been popular in the Netherlands for many years. The name “Dutch Student Stew” might be a colloquial or humorous reference to the fact that it’s an easy and inexpensive dish to prepare, making it suitable for students or anyone on a budget.


Gallery: Other Ways of Knowing Climate Change

Life-cycle cost of education community settings are informed by climate change assumptions.Β  In addition to the flow of research money to faculty for laboratory space, graduate student support, supercomputer installations, conference travel; these assumptions inform the architectural character of a campus — i.e. the design and operation its buildings and infrastructure.Β  These assumptions swing back and forth over these eternal institutions with cyclical assumptions about global cooling and global warming.Β  In the late 1960’s academic researchers found evidence of global cooling.Β  Fifty years on academic researchers assume the earth is warming.Β  We just roll with it as we do with all the other policy “givens” we accommodate.Β  Β  Stewardship of the planet — keeping it clean for those who follow us — Yes.Β  Catastrophilia — the love of catastrophone so well documented in history — not so much.

As with all emotional issues, language changes mightily.Β  We refer you to our journey through technical standard language HERE.

According to a report by the Congressional Research Service, federal funding for climate research and related activities totaled approximately $13.8 billion in fiscal year 2020. This funding was distributed across various agencies and programs, including the National Science Foundation’s Climate and Large-Scale Dynamics program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s climate Program Office, and the Department of Energy’s Office of Science.

Not included in this figure is the opportunity cost and loss of brand identity of not conforming to the climate change agenda.



The “Narrative”

Mass Formation Psychosis

Climate Psychosis

Climate Science: What Does it Say?

Dialectic: Climate Change

Readings / The Administrative State

If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself. - Joseph Goebbels


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Joseph A. Hill Memorial Chapel Renovation

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Cultural Resource Properties

University of Chicago



Books cannot be killed by fire.Β  People die, but books never die

No man and no force can put thought in a concentration camp forever

— Franklin Roosevelt


Many education communities build and maintain cultural resource properties whose safety and sustainability objectives are informed by local adaptations of consensus products developed by the International Code CouncilΒ (ICC) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).Β  Β We need to understand the ICC and NFPA product suites as a pair.Β  Β For most real assets in the education industryΒ  they move “roughly” in tandem even though they are produced by different organizations for a different set of customers.Β  Sometimes the out-of-step condition between NFPA and ICC permits subject matter experts on technical committees to make the best possible decisions regarding the safety and sustainability agenda of the interest group they represent; but not always.

Occupancy classification is always a first consideration and both the NFPA and the ICC have a claim to some part of this occupancy concept*.Β  Β In the ICC suite we find code requirements for many “cultural places of worship” tracking in the following sections of the International Building Code (IBC):

Section 303 Assembly Group A-3

Section 305 Educational Group E

Section 308 Institutional Group I

Note that Sections 305 and 308 recognize the accessory and multi-functional nature of occupancy types in the education industry – i.e child care and adult care function can marge and be an accessory to a place of worship.Β  The general rule in the IBC is that accessory religious educational rooms and religious auditoriums with occupant loads of less than 100 per room or space are not considered separate occupancies.Β  Β  Other standards developers are guided by this rule.

"The only thing you absolutely have to know is the location of the library" - Albert Einstein

Close coupled to the IBC for this occupancy class is NFPA 909 Code for the Protection of Cultural Resource Properties – Museums, Libraries, and Places of Worship.Β  From the document prospectus:

β€’ This code describes principles and practices of protection for cultural resource properties (including, but not limited to, museums, libraries, and places of worship), their contents, and collections, against conditions or physical situations with the potential to cause damage or loss.

β€’Β This code covers ongoing operations and rehabilitation and acknowledges the need to preserve culturally significant and character-defining building features and sensitive, often irreplaceable, collections and to provide continuity of operations.

β€’Β Principles and practices for life safety in cultural resource properties are outside the scope of this code. Where this code includes provisions for maintaining means of egress and controlling occupant load, it is to facilitate the evacuation of items of cultural significance, allow access for damage limitation teams in an emergency, and prevent damage to collections through overcrowding or as an unintended consequence of an emergency evacuation.

β€’Β Library and museum collections that are privately owned and not open to the public shall not be required to meet the requirements of this code.

"The only thing you absolutely have to know is the location of the library" - Albert Einstein

Since we are hard upon release of the 2021 Edition of NFPA 909 let us take a backward look at the current (2017) version of NFPA 909 Code for the Protection of Cultural Resource Properties – Museums, Libraries, and Places of Worship.Β  Chapter 14 covers “Museums, Libraries and their Collections”.Β  Β Chapter 15 covers “Places of Worship”

Free Access Edition NFPA 909

The 2025 Edition is now open for public input.Β  Let us pick through proposals for the 2021 Edition to inform our approach to its improvement by referencing the technical committee transcripts linked below:

Public Input Report: January 12, 2023

N.B. We find committee response (accepted in principle) to Standards Michigan proposal to articulate conditions in which places of worship and libraries are used as community disaster relief support facilities.Β  We consider this a modest “code win”.

Circling back to the ICC suite we find elevated interest in hardening community owned facilities to tornadoes, hurricane and floods and other storm related risk in the structural engineering chapters of the International Building Code.

NFPA 909: Code for the Protection of Cultural Resource Properties – Museums, Libraries, and Places of Worship | 2021 Edition

Leadership and facility managers for enterprises of this type are encouraged to contribute obtain their own (free) NFPA public participation account in order to directly participate in the 2025 revision of NFPA 909 by logging in here: https://www.nfpa.org/login.

Public consultation on the First Draft of the 2025 Edition closes January 4, 2024.

This document is also a standing item on our periodic Prometheus, Lively and Fine Arts teleconference.Β  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

Issue: [15-258]

Category: Fire Safety, Public Safety

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Josh Elvove, Joe DeRosier

*See NFPA 101 Life Safety Code

Labeling of Hazardous Art Materials Act

Property Loss Prevention


Guidelines for the Security of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Other Special Collections, Association of College & Research Libraries, American Library Association, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2795.

β€œA Legal Primer on Managing Museum Collections,” Malaro, Marie, second edition 1998

β€œRisk and Insurance Management Manual for Libraries,” Mary Breighner and William Payton, edited by Jeanne Drewes, ALA 2005 ISBN 0-8389-8325-1.

Wisconsin Historic Building Code, Madison, WI:Wisconsin Administrative Code.


Chapel Prank

Practical Jokes 2024

Blanchard Hall 1858

Edman Memorial Chapel

Capital Improvement Plan | 2022-2026




























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