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Stage Technical Standards for Outdoor Live Performance Theater

May 23, 2023
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Necessity of Establishing the Stage Technical Standards for Outdoor Live Performance Theater

Ziyi He, et al

School of Mechanical and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology

Chinese indoor theaters have established a relatively complete technical standard system in aspects of lighting, sound, safety supervision and others, while outdoor live performance theaters only have a service standard system. Due to the great scale of sceneries and exposure to the natural open environment, its lighting, audio and other systems, wire modeling, LED screen and laser modeling, water curtain/cloud screen/fireworks modeling, animal performance and other technical systems require long-term resistance to the wind, rain, thunder and lightning, damp corrosion, high temperature, ice, snow weather and other new technical requirements like prevention of damage by wild animals. Outdoor live performance theaters cannot share a set of technical standards with indoor theaters. It is necessary to construct a technical standard system fit for the construction, operation and safety service of outdoor live performance theaters.

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Colleges, Universities & Vocational Communities

May 21, 2023
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“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics
are always so certain of themselves,
and wiser people so full of doubts.”

— Bertrand Russell


Poverty and Bourgeois Values

May 20, 2023
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Long and continuous song flight of a male skylark

May 18, 2023
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Guidelines & Standards

Permits and Permissions: Researchers should obtain the necessary permits and permissions required for conducting bird research, especially if it involves capturing, banding, or handling birds. These permits are often issued by relevant government agencies responsible for wildlife management or conservation.

Bird Banding and Marking: When capturing and marking birds for scientific purposes, researchers should follow established protocols, such as those recommended by the Bird Banding Laboratory or other authorized organizations. This includes proper handling techniques, banding procedures, and data recording.

Ethical Considerations: Researchers must ensure that their studies are conducted in an ethical manner, taking into account the welfare of the birds and minimizing any potential harm or stress. Ethical considerations may include avoiding excessive disturbance, minimizing handling time, and assessing the potential impacts on breeding, nesting, or migratory behaviors.

Field Techniques: Researchers should be proficient in field techniques specific to bird research, including bird identification, behavioral observations, and survey methods (e.g., point counts, transects). Standardized protocols are often available for different types of bird research, such as breeding surveys, migration monitoring, or population assessments.

Data Collection and Analysis: Scientists should follow rigorous data collection protocols, ensuring accuracy and consistency in measurements, observations, and data recording. Proper documentation of field notes, metadata, and photographs is crucial for data integrity and reproducibility. Data analysis should adhere to established statistical methods and appropriate modeling techniques.

Habitat Conservation and Protection: Researchers should be mindful of the potential impacts of their activities on bird habitats and ecosystems. They should follow guidelines for minimizing habitat disturbance, preventing the spread of invasive species, and promoting conservation principles. This may include habitat restoration, nest box management, or collaborative efforts with local conservation organizations.

Collaboration and Data Sharing: Scientists are encouraged to collaborate with other researchers, organizations, and citizen science initiatives to enhance data sharing and contribute to broader bird research and conservation efforts. Sharing data through platforms like eBird or contributing to regional bird atlases can provide valuable insights into bird populations and distributions.

These are general considerations, and it’s essential to consult the most up-to-date guidelines and resources from reputable sources such as ornithological societies, bird research institutions, or government agencies dedicated to wildlife management and conservation in your specific region or country.


May 18, 2023
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Painting the Eiffel Tower

In any industry painting (and decorating) operations play a crucial role in facility management by enhancing the overall appearance, protecting surfaces, and maintaining a healthy and conducive environment.  In the education industry we find these operations in both the business and academic units; often co-mingled with sign-making shops.   

  • Aesthetics and Branding: Fresh coats of paint revitalize the appearance of walls, ceilings, doors, and other surfaces, creating a clean and inviting environment. Painting can also be used strategically to incorporate branding elements, such as company colors or logos, to reinforce brand identity throughout campus.  Bright, vibrant colors can stimulate creativity and engagement, while well-chosen color schemes can create a sense of calm and focus.
  • Surface Protection: Color coatings are a protective barrier for surfaces, shielding them from environmental factors like moisture, sunlight, dust, and regular wear and tear. It helps prevent structural damage, corrosion, and deterioration, extending the lifespan of various components in the facility, including walls, floors, metal structures, and equipment.
  • Maintenance and Preservation: Regular painting operations are part of preventive maintenance programs in facility management. By addressing minor issues like peeling, cracks, or stains on surfaces, painting helps maintain a well-maintained and professional appearance. It prevents further damage and the need for costlier repairs in the future.  Using environmentally conscious paints contributes to sustainable practices and healthier indoor air quality.
  • Functional Differentiation: Painted color variations are utilized to differentiate various spaces within a facility. By using different colors, patterns, or textures, specific areas can be designated for different purposes, such as work zones, storage areas, or recreational spaces. This assists with wayfinding and enhances overall functionality.

Today at 15:00 UTC we review best practice literature for large-scale painting operations — an exploration different than the one undertaken during our Fine Art and Signs, Signs, Signs colloquia — with attention to worker and chemical safety.  Among these considerations:

  • Falls from Heights: When painting large structures such as buildings or bridges, workers often need to work at elevated heights using ladders, scaffolding, or aerial lifts. Falls from heights are a significant hazard, and proper fall protection systems, such as guardrails, harnesses, and safety nets, should be in place to prevent accidents.  Large-scale painting operations may require workers to access or work on structures that have structural weaknesses, corroded surfaces, or unstable platforms. 
  • Inhalation of Hazardous Substances: Paints, coatings, solvents, and other chemicals used in large-scale painting operations can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other harmful substances. Prolonged exposure to these chemicals, particularly in poorly ventilated areas, can lead to respiratory problems, dizziness, skin irritation, or other health issues. Proper personal protective equipment (PPE) like respirators, gloves, and protective clothing should be provided and used to minimize exposure risks.
  • Skin and Eye Irritation: Contact with paint, solvents, or other chemicals can cause skin irritation, dermatitis, or allergic reactions. Splashes or spills can also result in eye injuries. Workers should wear appropriate protective clothing, such as gloves, coveralls, and safety goggles, to protect their skin and eyes from direct contact with hazardous substances.
  • Fire and Explosion Risks: Some paints and solvents are flammable or combustible, posing fire and explosion risks, especially in enclosed spaces or areas with inadequate ventilation. Strict adherence to fire safety measures, including proper storage and handling of flammable materials, use of spark-proof tools, and implementing effective fire prevention protocols, is crucial.
  • Weather Conditions: Outdoor large-scale painting operations are often subject to weather conditions, such as extreme temperatures, high winds, or rain. Adverse weather conditions can pose risks to workers’ safety and affect the quality of paint application. Adequate weather monitoring and planning, along with appropriate safety measures and protective equipment, are necessary to mitigate these hazards.

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Relevant standards:


ASTM D-series titles

EN 1504-2: Products and systems that are graffiti-resistant

ISO 12944: Paints and varnishes

Application and Fire Safety

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers: Self-Operating Paint Bot

National Fire Protection Association

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

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