
"The new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a global village" -- Marshall McLuhan ('The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man, 1962)



January 14, 2025
[email protected]


“The entropy of a message source measures the average amount

of information produced by that source.”

Claude Shannon (University of Michigan, B.A. 1936) 

 A Mathematical Theory of Communication, 1948


Media production audio visual

Today at the usual time we run a status check on the technical literature informing best practice for remote/hybrid working, teaching, learning and lively art performance.  We start with the following incumbent standards developers primarily involved with hardware interoperability permanently installed in the built environment (classrooms, studios, auditoriums and the like) for which stewards of physical assets are responsible.

We generally avoid spending any time on content creation and distribution by United States propaganda outlets  – which includes the vast network of national public radio stations domiciled in educational settlements (and partially funded by the US federal government).

Acoustical Society of America


ASHRAE International

Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy

Energy Standard for Data Centers

ASTM International


Audio Engineering Society

Audio Standards

Classroom Acoustics

BICSI International

Entertainment Services and Technology Association

Theater Safety

Illumination Engineering Society

Lighting Theatre & Auditorium Spaces

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

International Code Council | ICC G2 Guideline for Acoustics

International Telecommunications Unions

National Fire Protection Association | National Electrical Code Chapters 5 through 8

Arenas, Lecture Halls & Theaters

National Standards for Quality Online Courses

Society for Imaging Science & Technology

Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers

Motion Picture Production

Telecommunication Industry Association

Representative Specifications:

Washington University Audio/Visual & Multimedia Room Specifications

Indiana University Learning Spaces Design – Audio Visual Standards

University of Nebraska: Audio Visual Systems General Standards & Guidelines

As time permits we will review the blistering pace of development in platforms for teleconferencing, security, presentation software, academic content management systems — a domain moving too quickly for our resources but important to understand and navigate.


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