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Worker Safety

“The Dressmaking Factory” 1914 | Charles Ginnar @Tate

Today at the usual hour we examine worker safety database to update our understanding of the ANSI accredited and consortia titles that are incorporated by reference into local worker safety regulations.  Many colleges and universities have thousands of people working on the physical structure of colleges and universities.  Paying them and keeping them safe is the largest cost center.

OSHA Data and Statistics 

LIVE: 91.3 FM Cal Poly Student Radio

“Radio is the perfect medium for communication.
It is instantaneous, and unlike television,
it allows you to use your imagination.”
-Guglielmo Marconi




Mural by Eyer Middle School students, Macungie, Pennsylvania, 2017

No paucity of drama in global education communities, lately. Our core competency lies in hammering on the specifics that drive up the cost of education community spaces; but we cannot do that well without understanding the primary purpose educational communities. Credentialing is Big Business. Arguably, education communities are the world’s largest credentialing communities.  The work products of the American National Institute provide templates for policy solutions to a many industries.   Noteworthy today are the products for learning communities.

From the original ANSI post:

Kaplan University Partners, Inc. reports that the number one reason Americans value higher education is to get graduates “career ready.” Yet, the biggest concern employers have about college is the relevance of what students are learning and the work readiness of the graduates. When employers are asked what they want to see most in college graduates, the top things they cite are work-related experiences and industry-relevant skills. According to a 2013 Lumina Foundation and Gallup poll of the American public and business leaders, only 13% of Americans and 11% of C-level executives are confident that graduates are well prepared for success in the workplace. It is time to take action to turn the tide on this perception.

Workcred Joins Experts to Share Why College Will Soon Be About “Credegrees”

Introduction to Workcred

Facility Management Credentialing Organizations

Certifying the Certifiers

Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy

“Kleinkinderschule in Amsterdam” 1880 / Max Liebermann

This ASHRAE consensus product specifies conditions for acceptable thermal environments and is intended for use in design, operation, and commissioning of buildings and other occupied spaces. It is impossible to underestimate the difficulty of engineering an acceptable room temperature in an educational setting that satisfies all people all the time.   Today, we simply identify the opportunity to ASHRAE Standard 55-2017, Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy poststed on ASHRAE’s Public Review page:

Public Review Draft Standards / Online Comment Database

ASHRAE’s standards development platform is one of the fastest in the United States so frequently there is scant time to respond; though we hope other user-interests will.   As technical specifics relevant to the education facility industry become more clear we will develop this page accordingly.

All ASHRAE consensus products are on the agenda of our monthly 11 AM/ET Mechanical Engineering and Energy standards teleconferences.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

“The summer night is like a perfection of thought.” — Wallace Stevens

Issue: [14-115]

Category: Mechanical, Electrical, Energy, ICT, IoT

Colleagues: David B. Anderson, David Conrad, Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Larry Spielvogel



“In a world of infinite information,

the scarce resource is attention.”

Eric Weinstein


By design, we do not provide a SEARCH function. We are a niche practice in a subtle, time-sensitive domain with over 30 years of case history in which we have been first movers. We provide links to the most accessed topics in recent days. All queries presented during our “Open Office Hours” every work day, or via email, are gratefully received and prompt a near-immediate response.



California Code Adoption for Local Jurisdictions

Climate Psychosis

Sacred Spaces

Chanson de Nuit, Op. 15, No. 1

Slow Cooker Beef Stew

Gallery: Planetariums

Peach Mountain Radio Observatory

Observatories & Planetariums

Catcher in the Rye

Mince Pie & Tea

“Season of Light Illumination”

Animal Care during the Holidays

Evensong “Simple Gifts”

Special Events

Dahlgren Hall & “Seasoned” Coffee Mug Stories

Egg Nog Riot of 1826

Pain aux Raisins & Café au lait avec presse française


Dresdner Stadtfest

“Season of Light Illumination”

Gallery: Graduation Commencement Speeches


La Loi Ne Fait Plus Le Bonheur

Theater Safety

Pain aux Raisins & Café au lait avec presse française

Alexis de Tocqueville on the Foundations of American Democracy

Abiit sed non oblita | Rebecca Luker

Christmas Bread & Tennessee Raw Milk

International Property Maintenance Code

What is Happening to the Family, and Why?



Clery Act

Sports Equipment & Surfaces

Guide to Premises Security

World Census of Agriculture

Healthcare Organization Management

Cinq ans après

International Fire Code

Traditional Latin Mass


Fireplace Lounges

Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers

Oxford College Student Center

Preparing Your Garden for Winter

Create a Winter Bird Haven

Duncan Stroik Architect

Code ignis MMXXVII

International Fire Code

Gallery: School Bond Referenda (August & November Ballots)

Refrigeration Systems: Cadaver Preservation

Mortuary Arts

Standard for Interactions Between Medical Examiner, Coroner and Death Investigation Agencies

The Halloween Problem

Waterfowl Research

Monster Culture

Gross Anatomy Lab Renovation

Falsus in uno, Falsus in omnibus

Construction Technology Careers: Carpentry, HVAC, Plumbing

Data Centers

Data Center Wiring

Refrigeration Systems: Cadaver Preservation

Energy Standard for Data Centers

August 14, 2003

Social networks and culture in birds

Color Metrology

Interior Finishes

Color Calculation Standard E3415


What Is A Standard Drink?

Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa & Hot Tub Code

Paint Hazard Management

Electrical Commissioning Specifications

Construction Technology Careers: Carpentry, HVAC, Plumbing

Sport Lighting

City Chickens 101

LIVE: 91.3 FM Cal Poly Student Radio

Data Center Wiring

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear

Lingua Franca

Water and Sanitation

Bleachers, Folding Seating & Grandstands

Classroom Furniture

First Day of School

Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa & Hot Tub Code

“The Boys in the Boat”

Group A Model Building Codes

Acceptable Performance Standard for District Cooling Systems

Farm Electrical Power

Keeping Animals Cool

Farm Electrical Power

Evensong “Knoxville: Summer of 1915”

Peach Mountain Radio Observatory

Uniform Plumbing Code

Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa & Hot Tub Code

International Zoning Code

Energy Standard for *Sites* and Buildings

Protecting Animals When Disaster Strikes

S. 5: Laken Riley Act

Entertainment Occupancies

Steeplechase Water Jump


The Best Student-Friendly Brownies


Michigan State University

Oxford College Student Center

Sacred Spaces

Laboratory Fume Hood Safety

University of Iowa | Johnson County

2028 National Electrical Safety Code

Национа́льный иссле́довательский То́мский госуда́рственный университе́т

Robie House

Making Greenwich the centre of the world

Roger Scruton Memorial Lectures

Electrical heat tracing: international harmonization-now and in the future

Winter Vegetable Soup

Electrical heat tracing: international harmonization-now and in the future

Brankscom Hall Toronto

Fire Alarm & Signaling Code

Ice Swimming

Uniform Plumbing Code

Banished Words 2024


“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession

of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen



Materiality of Human Capital Metrics

Famous People Painting – Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante


Materiality of Human Capital Metrics

Lee S. Webster | University of Texas Medical Branch


Since the advent of scientific management in the late 19th century, investors have remained unpersuaded if not dismissive of human capital measures when determining the cumulative financial value of publicly traded companies. This reluctance stems from a perceived arbitrariness and empirical uncertainty that has attached to the measurement of workforce contributions to organizational value. Past critics of the use of human capital metrics frequently claim these measures are unproven, unserious, and immaterial disclosures that fail to meet the standard of relevant information for investors to consider. Contemporary management and investment experts challenge that reasoning and offer a more expansive and inclusive perspective of what investors need to know to make informed decisions. The publication of ISO 30414:2018 Human resource management* recommends that stakeholders revisit the relevance of human capital measurement in both American and international board rooms, investment banks, regulatory agencies, and security markets.  These stakeholders now have the means to explore whether human capital measures can provide faithfully and rigorously derived material information for investors.


Human resource management — Guidelines for internal and external human capital reporting

CLICK HERE for access to complete article

Human Resource Management




Standards California


Point Loma University

Point Loma Nazarene University | San Diego County California


Loma Linda University | San Bernardino County California

Loma Linda University (LLU) is the institution run by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is located in Loma Linda, San Bernardino County, California. Point Loma Nazarene University (PNLU), located in San Diego County, is affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene and is not associated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

2022 Christmas Candlelight Concert

Sacred Spaces

“We need the sense of the sacred, and the sense that things transcend our grasp.

We need to know that we are dependent on others,

and that the condition of our existence is the existence of others.”

— Sir Roger Scruton

“View of Eton College Chapel” 1834 William Ingalton

Natural Religion

The founding of many education communities is inspired by faith communities.   In many of them the place of worship was the very first building.   College and university chapels are central places of worship for students, staff and faculty, and provide a space for solitude and reflection.  A place for feeling at home in the world.

International Building Code | Section 303.4 Assembly Group A-3

There are several hundred technical standards, or parts of standards,  that govern how churches and chapels are made safe and sustainable.  Owing to innovations in construction, operation and management methods, those standards move, ever so slightly, on a near-daily basis.  They are highly interdependent; confounded by county-level adaptations; and impossible to harmonize by adoption cycle.  That movement tracked here as best we can within the limit of our resources and priorities.  That’s why it’s best to simply click into our daily colloquia if you have a question or need guidance.

Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief | Jordan Peterson, Douglas Murray, Sam Harris

Taylor University | Grant County Indiana

The image criteria of our WordPress theme does not permit many images of college and university chapels to be shown fully-dimensioned on sliders or widget galleries.  We reproduce a few of the outsized images here and leave the complexities of financing, designing, building and maintaining of them in a safe and sustainable manner for another day.  CLICK HERE for the links to our Sacred Space Standards workspace.

Click on any image for author attribution, photo credit or other information*.

Orchard Lake Schools | Oakland County Michigan

Saint Leo University | Pasco County Florida

Newman University Chapel Dublin

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen:

not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.

— C.S. Lewis

Vilnius University

Mount St. Joseph University | Hamilton County Ohio

— Culture Critic (@Culture_Crit) February 12, 2024

Marian University Indianapolis

Wittenberg University

Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem

University of San Diego

Augustana University | Minnehaha County South Dakota

Bucknell University Pennsylvania

Carroll College All Saints Chapel Montana


Marquette University Wisconsin

Saint Louis University Missouri

University of St. Thomas Minnesota

Keuka College New York

جامعة الأزهر (الشريف)

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

University of Chicago

Thomas Aquinas College California

St. Albans School | District of Columbia

Princeton University

Yale University

Harvard University

Piula Theological College Samoa

Universität zu Lübeck

Wycliffe College

Universitat de Barcelona

Hillsdale College

Liberty University

Gordon College


Colorado University Denver

Walla Walla University / Washington

University of the Incarnate Word / San Antonio, Texas

Pepperdine University / California

University of Kentucky

Loyola Marymount University / Los Angeles, California

Lourdes University

Seton Hall University

Durlston Court Prep School Chapel

Colorado University Denver

Luther College at the University of Regina / Saskatchewan, Canada


계명대학교 / Keimyung University Chapel, South Korea

U.S. Coast Guard Memorial Chapel | New London, Connecticut

Saint John’s University | Photo by Paul Middlestaedt

Trinity College / Hartford, Connecticut

Georgetown University Chapel | Washington, D.C.

Kings College Chapel | Auckland, New Zealand

Brigham Young University / Idaho

Newman University Church / Dublin

Our Lady of the Lake University / San Antonio, Texas

Southern Methodist University | Dallas, Texas

Southern Methodist University | Dallas, Texas

St. John’s College Oxford

United States Naval Academy Chapel

Wellington College Chapel

Fitzwilliam College Chapel Cambridge

Sorbonne Université

West Point | US Army Cadet Chapel

Hebrew Union College

Tuskegee University Chapel

The Spring Hill College Chapel | Mobile, Alabama

Boston University

University of Tennessee at Chattangooga

Wake Forest University

Auburn University Chapel

Davis & Elkins College

University of Tulsa

Randolph College Chapel


Sewanee | The University of the South

King’s College Chapel | University of Cambridge

Hope College | Holland, Michigan

Duke University | Durham, North Carolina

Christ’s Chapel | Hillsdale College, Michigan

Basilica of the Sacred Heart | University of Notre Dame | South Bend, Indiana

Three Faith Chapels | Brandeis University

University of Wroclaw | Jesuit College | Wrocław, Poland

Alma College Chapel | Alma, Michigan

Stanford Memorial Church | Palo Alto, California

Universidad Adventista Templo | Buenos Aires, Argentina

St. Thomas of Villanova University Chapel | Villanova, Pennsylvania

St. Paul’s Chapel | Columbia University | New York City

Scotch College Chapel | Melbourne, Australia

Princeton University Chapel

United States Air Force Cadet Chapel | Colorado Springs

Chapelle Sainte-Ursule de la Sorbonne | Paris

Memorial Chapel | Glasgow University | Glasgow, Scotland

Alice Millar Chapel | Northwestern University

Bowdoin College Chapel | Brunswick, Maine

Loyola University Chapel | Madonna della Strada Chicago

Heinz Memorial Chapel | University of Pittsburgh

Madonna University Chapel | Livonia, Michigan

Vassar College Chapel | Poughkeepsie, New York

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Student Chapel | Cambridge, Massachusetts

St. Ignatius Church | University of San Francisco

Church of the Resurrection | Valparaiso University | Valparaiso, Indiana

Baughman Center | University of Florida

Exeter College Chapel | Oxford University


More coming.

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