Installation Practices for ICT Cabling


Installation Practices for ICT Cabling

November 21, 2023
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North Dakota State University

Information and communications technology (ICT) is a fast-moving economic space in which a mix of consensus and open-source standards form the broad contours of leading practice.   ICT standards tend to follow international developments — more so than, say, fire safety standards which are more familiar to education facility leadership.  All school districts, colleges, universities and university-affiliated health care systems have significant product, system, firmware and labor resources allocated toward ICT.   Risk management departments are attentive to cybersecurity issues.   All school districts, colleges, universities and university-affiliated health care systems have significant product, system, firmware and labor resources allocated toward ICT.

The Building Industry Consulting Service International (BICSI) is a professional association supporting the advancement of the ICT community.   This community is roughly divided between experts who deal with “outside-plant” systems and “building premise” systems on either side of the ICT demarcation point.   BICSI standards cover the wired and wireless spectrum of voice, data, electronic safety & security, project management and audio & video technologies.  Its work is divided among several committees:

BICSI Technical Information & Methods Subcommittee

BICSI International Standards Program

As of this date one title has been released for public consultation:

Building Information Modeling (BIM) Practices for Information Communication Technology Systems (Page 52)

The change is largely administrative.  Comments are due December 10th 

You may send comments directly to Jeff (with copy to   This commenting opportunity will be referred to the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee which meets 4 times monthly in American and European time zones and will meet today; typically on Tuesdays.  CLICK HERE for login information.

Issue: [18-191]

Category: Telecommunications, Electrical, #SmartCampus

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Michael Hiler

Representative ICT Design Guidelines:

University of Tennessee Knoxville: Telecommunications Design and Installation Standards

Dennison University: Telecommunication Standards & Design Guidelines

University of Florida Information Technology: Telecommunications Standards

Adhiyamaan College of Engineering

Interoperability Model for Large Systems

November 21, 2023

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Malmö universitet

Malmo University

Chalmers University of Technology


Abstract.  The INTERO (interoperability) model helps organizations manage and improve interoperability among their large, evolving software systems. They can analyze a specific interoperability problem, conceive strategies to enhance interoperability, and reevaluate the problem to determine whether interoperability has improved.

Chalmers tekniska högskola

CLICK HERE to order complete article.

Regulation by Enforcement

November 20, 2023

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Regulation by enforcement refers to a regulatory approach in which compliance with regulations is achieved through the active enforcement of rules and penalties for non-compliance.

It involves regulatory agencies using their authority to monitor and enforce regulations, typically through inspections, investigations, fines, and other pretzel-logic actions against violators.

Regulation by enforcement is often used when regulations are designed to protect public health, safety, or the environment, and when non-compliance can have serious consequences. By actively enforcing regulations, regulatory agencies aim to deter violations and promote compliance among regulated entities.

However, regulation by enforcement can also be controversial, as it may be seen as punitive and costly, and can lead to legal disputes and adversarial relationships between regulators and regulated entities. Some argue that a more collaborative and cooperative approach, such as regulatory assistance and voluntary compliance programs, may be more effective in achieving compliance and preventing violations. The choice of regulatory approach often depends on the specific industry or sector being regulated, the nature of the regulations, and the regulatory philosophy of the governing jurisdiction.


The politics of regulatory enforcement and compliance: Theorizing and operationalizing political influences

University of Chicago: Rappaport on “Second-Order Regulation of Law Enforcement”

University of Pennsylvania: Compliance, Enforcement and Regulatory Excellence

Readings / The Administrative State

MIT Chapel,1954

November 19, 2023
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Eero Saarinen‘s MIT Chapel is widely regarded as a masterpiece of modernist architecture and has been praised by architectural critics for its innovative design and spiritual atmosphere. Here are some examples of what critics have written about the chapel:

Ada Louise Huxtable, writing in The New York Times in 1955, described the chapel as a “sacred space of rare and exceptional quality” and praised its “dramatic contrasts of light and dark, scale and detail, intensity and serenity.”

Vincent Scully, writing in Architectural Forum in 1956, called the chapel “a consummate work of art” and praised Saarinen’s use of light and form to create a “subtle and mysterious” atmosphere.

Reyner Banham, writing in New Society in 1964, described the chapel as “an object of timeless quality” and praised its “radiant luminescence” and “clear and quiet” spatial qualities.

Paul Goldberger, writing in The New York Times in 2003, called the chapel “one of the great architectural treasures of the 20th century” and praised its “perfectly balanced” combination of light, color, and texture.

Overall, critics have praised the MIT Chapel for its innovative design, its spiritual atmosphere, and its skillful use of light and form. The chapel is considered one of Saarinen’s most important works and a landmark of modernist architecture.

MIT Visual Arts Center

Our Short Documentary: Meral Ekincioglu, Ph.D

Interview: David Adjaye at MIT

Reconstructing the MIT Chapel

Standards Massachusetts

International Existing Building Code

Encourages the use and reuse of existing buildings. This code covers repair, alteration, addition and change of occupancy for existing buildings. and historic buildings, while achieving appropriate levels of safety without requiring full compliance with the new construction requirements contained in the other I-Codes. Key changes in the 2021 IEBC® include:

    • For storm shelters, the required occupant capacity is now limited to the total occupant load of the classrooms, vocational rooms and offices in the school while the maximum distance of travel was deleted.
    • When significant portions of a building’s exterior wall coverings or exterior wall envelope are added or replaced, they must comply with the requirements of Chapters 14 and 26 of the IBC.
    • Snow loads must be addressed during repair of substantial structural damage regardless of whether the damage was a result of snow.
    • Additions, Level 3 alterations and Changes of occupancy in Educational occupancies are now required to meet the enhanced classroom acoustic requirements of Section 808 of ICC A117.1.
    • Additional equipment may be added to a roof without a full structural analysis when the equipment weighs less than 400 pounds and is less than 10 percent of the total roof dead load.
    • With a change of occupancy, a seismic analysis is required for a Group S or Group U occupancy changing to a new occupancy.
    • Furniture, such as office cubicles, reception desks or smaller bookcases, are exempt from a permit and not intended to be a Level 2 alteration.
    • Sprinkler requirements for Level 2 and Level 3 alterations are revised for higher hazard areas.

Sacred Spaces

Design of a gateway for ubiquitous classroom

November 19, 2023
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“King Nimrod ordering the construction of the Tower of Babel” (17th Century) Louis de Caullery


Smart classroom: Gateway for ubiquitous classroom

Hichem Bargaoui & Rawia Bdiwi

In educational environment, the use of new pedagogies such as collaborative learning requires an evolution from a traditional classroom model to active classroom. The students should be able to share resources to collaborate with each other through computers, tablets, or other devices. The design of smart classroom should enable the control of audiovisual equipments, projectors, interactive whiteboards, in order to facilitate interaction among teachers and students. Ubiquitous computing or pervasive computing is a concept where processors and sensors are embedded in various physical objects to form a network and communicate information. Applying the pervasive computing can facilitate the collaborative learning by creating a smart learning environment. The ubiquitous classroom should be able to support interaction of heterogeneous devices connected through wireless links to a gateway. This paper presents a model of classroom that makes several smart devices such as laptops, tablets, projectors connected through a gateway in order to encourage communication of information between learners and the smart environment. Also, the gateway manages classroom smart devices by automatic detection and connectivity and it serves as application execution platform. Finally the gateway allows the classroom to be remote managed as well as the remote integration of application.


Source: IEEE Explore

Qu’est-ce qu’une nation?

Application of Big Data in Power System Reform

Application of Big Data in Power System Reform

November 19, 2023
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Application of Big Data in Power System Reform

Abstract:  Power grid operation and maintenance decision-making reform is an important part of power system reform. With the construction of massive historical quasi real-time data management platform, the reform of power system is also advancing. However, in the face of massive data explosion, the business level and business logic become disorganized and redundant. Based on the actual situation of Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau, the sg-erp data center is composed of structured data center, massive data center, unstructured data center and power grid GIS data center. With the unprecedented growth of business application data, the data center can improve business logic and promote power system reform. The experimental results show that big data technology has a broad application prospect in the reform of power industry.

CLICK HERE for complete paper

Smart Grid Blockchains


November 18, 2023
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Standards Arizona


There are several colleges and universities that are studying or researching agave farming. Agave is a succulent plant that is used to produce a variety of products, including tequila, mezcal, and agave syrup. Here are a few examples of colleges and universities that are involved in agave farming research:

  1. University of Arizona – The University of Arizona has a research program focused on agave and its uses. The program includes research on agave farming practices, genetics, and product development.
  2. Texas A&M University – Texas A&M University has a research program focused on agave farming and the production of tequila and mezcal. The program includes research on agave plant physiology, breeding, and agronomy.
  3. Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara – The Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara in Mexico has a research program focused on the agave industry, including research on agave farming practices, plant pathology, and product development.
  4. California State University, Fullerton – California State University, Fullerton has a research program focused on agave farming and the production of agave syrup. The program includes research on agave plant biology, chemistry, and processing.
  5. Universidad de Guadalajara – The Universidad de Guadalajara in Mexico has a research program focused on agave farming and the production of tequila and mezcal. The program includes research on agave plant genetics, breeding, and agronomy.

These are just a few examples of colleges and universities that are involved in agave farming research. There are likely many more institutions that are studying agave farming and its various uses.

Drinking Water Quality

How Do You Measure the Percentage of Alcohol in Beer, Wine and Other Beverages?

“Fanfare for the Common Man”

November 18, 2023
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International Property Maintenance Code

November 18, 2023
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In most jurisdictions the standard of care for operation and maintenance of education facilities is discovered and promulgated by a “fabric” of consensus products developed by a kind of “shadow government” created by a network of non-profit publishers; among them the International Code Council.  The ICC has one of the most dynamic catalogs in the construction industry and today we drill into the the International Property Maintenance Code which completed another revision cycle in 2021.   Operation and maintenance of education facilities is the (much larger) part of #TotalCostofOwnership of the real assets of a school district, college or university.  Public access to most recent revision to the IPMC is linked below:

 2021 International Property Maintenance Code

The transcript of public comment on the 2021 revision provides insight into the back-and-forth among the technical committee experts:

2021 IPMC Group A Public Comment Agenda

Note the concern for swimming pools, radon, light, ventilation and occupancy limits.

The ICC Group A tranche of titles will undergo another cyclic revision starting in 2023.  Since so much of the ICC catalog underlies occupancy safety for education, healthcare and nearly all other aspects of the built environment we track the action on a near-daily basis.  You may join any of our daily colloquia, shown on our CALENDAR, or interact directly with the ICC with the link below:



The ICC catalog is regarded as the most authoritative for education facility management.  We maintain the IPMC on the standing agenda of our Hammurabi and Interiors colloquia.  See our CALENDAR for the next colloquium; open to everyone.


Meeting Point

Issue: [Various]

Category: Architectural, Facility Asset Management, Space Planning

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jack Janveja, Richard Robben, Jerry Schulte



Alexis de Tocqueville Center for Political and Legal Thought

November 17, 2023

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