Water 330


Water 330

July 24, 2024
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“At the Water Trough” 1876 J. Alden Weir


“A flood is nature’s way of telling you

that you live in the wrong place.”

— Some guy


Water standards make up a large catalog and it will take most of 2023 to untangle the titles, the topics, proposals, rebuttals and resolutions.  When you read our claim that since 1993 we have created a new academic discipline we would present the best practice literature of the world’s most abundance as an example.

The Water 100 session takes an aerial view of relevant standards developers, their catalogs and revision schedules.

The Water 200 session we examine the literature for best practice inside buildings; premise water supply for food preparation, sanitation and energy systems.

The Water 300 session we examine water management standards in selected nations with specific interest in educational settlements with proximity to oceans.

The Water 330 session we examine water management standards for swimming pools, hot tubs and spas in hospitals and athletic departments.

ANSI/APSP/ICC-11 2019 Water Quality in Public Pools and Spas

NSF International Water Standard Catalog

The Water 400 session will run through best practice catalogs of water management outside buildings, including interaction with regional water management systems.

The Water 500 session is a study of case histories, disasters, legal action related to non-conformance.  Innovation.

Water safety and sustainability standards have been on the Standards Michigan agenda since the early 2000’s.  Some of the concepts we have tracked over the years; and contributed data, comments and proposals to technical committees, are listed below:

  1. Legionella mitigation
  2. Swimming pool water quality
  3. Fire protection sprinkler water availability and safety
    – NFPA 70 Article 695 Fire Pumps
  4. Backflow prevention/Cross-connect systems
  5. Security of district energy power plant and hospital water supply
  6. Electrical shock protection in pools, fountains, spas and waterfront recreational docking facilities
  7. Rainwater catchment
  8. Water in extreme weather events
  9. Flood abatement systems
  10. Building plumbing codes (ICC and IAPMO)
  11. Water Re-use
  12. Water heaters
  13. District energy water treatment
  14. Food service steam tables
  15. Greywater
  16.  Residence hall potable water systems
  17. Water use in emergency shower and eyewash installations
  18. Decorative fountains.
  19. Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems

40 CFR § 141.92 – Monitoring for lead in schools and child care facilities

Since 2016 we have tracked other water-related issues:

  1. Safe water in playgrounds
  2. National Seagrant College programs
  3. Guide to Infection Control in the Healthcare Setting
  4. Electrical safety around water (cooling towers, swimming pools, spas)
  5. ASTM Water Testing Standards
  6. ASTM Standard for Water Distribution
  7. Electricity and Water Conservation on College and University Campuses in Response to National Competitions among Dormitories: Quantifying Relationships between Behavior, Conservation Strategies and Psychological Metrics

Relevant federal legislation:

  1. Clean Water Act
  2. Drinking Water Requirements for States and Public Water Systems
  3. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
  4. Safe Drinking Water Act

Relevant Research:

Real Time Monitoring System of Drinking Water Quality Using Internet of Things

UNICON: An Open Dataset of Electricity, Gas and Water Consumption in a Large Multi-Campus University Setting

IoT based Domestic Water Recharge System


Send bella@standardsmichigan.com an email to request a more detailed advance agenda.   To join the conversation use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.


IAPMO Publishes U.S., Canadian Standard for Detection, Monitoring, Control of Plumbing Systems

Standing Agenda / Water

Natatoriums 300: Advanced Topics


Solitude Lake Management for Universities and Colleges

There are several universities in the United States with campuses that have property frontage on an ocean:

  1. University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) – UCSB is located along the Pacific Ocean in Southern California.
  2. University of California, San Diego (UCSD) – UCSD is situated near the coast of the Pacific Ocean in La Jolla, California.
  3. University of Hawaii at Manoa – The main campus of the University of Hawaii is located on the island of Oahu and has oceanfront property.
  4. University of Miami – Located in Coral Gables, Florida, the University of Miami is situated on the Atlantic Ocean coast.
  5. University of Rhode Island – URI is located in Kingston, Rhode Island, and has oceanfront property along Narragansett Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.
  6. Florida Atlantic University – FAU has several campuses along the southeastern coast of Florida, with some campuses near the Atlantic Ocean.
  7. University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) – UCSC is located along the California coast, offering stunning views of the Pacific Ocean.
  8. Pepperdine University – Pepperdine’s main campus is located in Malibu, California, right along the Pacific Ocean.
  9. University of California, Irvine (UCI) – UCI is located in Orange County, California, and is close to the Pacific Ocean.
  10. University of Southern California (USC) – USC is located in Los Angeles, California, and is not far from the Pacific Ocean.


When anxious, uneasy and bad thoughts come, I go to the sea, and the sea drowns them out with its great wide sounds, cleanses me with its noise, and imposes a rhythm upon everthing in me that is bewildered and confused. - Rainer Maria Rilke

Dogs and Agriculture

July 24, 2024
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Dogs have been bred for a variety of purposes throughout history, including as working animals to support agriculture. Dogs have been bred for specific traits that make them well-suited to work on farms, such as intelligence, obedience, strength, and endurance*.

University of Oxford Estates Services
























* Here are a few examples of how dogs were bred to support agriculture:

Herding dogs: Dogs such as the Border Collie, Australian Cattle Dog, and German Shepherd were bred to help farmers manage livestock by herding them from one place to another. These dogs have a natural instinct to gather and control herds of animals, and they can be trained to respond to a farmer’s commands.

Hunting dogs: Many breeds of dogs, such as the Labrador Retriever, were originally bred as hunting dogs to assist farmers with hunting game for food. These dogs have a keen sense of smell and are skilled at tracking and retrieving prey.

Guard dogs: Certain breeds of dogs, such as the Great Pyrenees, were bred to protect livestock from predators such as wolves and bears. These dogs are fiercely protective of their flock and will guard them from any perceived threat.

Draft dogs: Some large breeds of dogs, such as the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Saint Bernard, were bred to pull carts and wagons on farms. These dogs are strong and muscular and can move heavy loads across long distances.

Overall, dogs have been bred for centuries to support agriculture in a variety of ways. Their intelligence, loyalty, and hardworking nature have made them invaluable assets to farmers and have helped to shape the course of human history.

Trumbull Aquatics Center

July 24, 2024

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Standards Ohio

Water Safety & Sustainability

County Fair

July 24, 2024

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Standards Arizona

Chandler High School

4-H is a U.S.-based network of youth organizations whose mission is “engaging youth to reach their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development”. Its name is a reference to the occurrence of the initial letter H four times in the organization’s original motto head, heart, hands, and health, which was later incorporated into the fuller pledge officially adopted in 1927.  In the United States, the organization is administered by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture of the United States Department of Agriculture.

Maricopa County Cooperative Extension

Farm Electrical Power


Before the Harvest

Summer Olympics

July 24, 2024
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Water Safety & Sustainability

July 24, 2024

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Harvard University Art Museum | In the Sierras, Lake Tahoe | Albert Bierstadt

The American Water Works Association is one of the first names in accredited standards developers that administer leading practice discovery in backflow prevention consensus documents; usually referenced in local and state building codes; and also in education facility design guidelines and construction specifications.

The original University of Michigan standards enterprise gave highest priority to backflow standards because of their central importance of backflow management to education communities; especially large research universities nested within a municipal water system.  Backflow prevention; an unseen technology that assures a safe drinking water supply by keeping water running in one direction by maintaining pressure differences.  Analogous to the way we want electrical current to run in one direction, failure of backflow prevention technology poses a near-instantaneous health risk for the contamination of potable water supplies with foul water.  In the most obvious case, a toilet flush cistern and its water supply must be isolated from the toilet bowl.  In a less obvious case, but at greater scale, a damaged backflow prevention technology at a university research building can contaminate an host-community potable water supply.

There are other ANSI accredited standards developers in the backflow prevention technology space — the International Code Council, the IAPMO Group and ASSE International — for example.

Backflow Preventer

At the moment no AWWA redlines relevant to our objective are open for consultation.  Several relatively stabilized product standards are marked up but none dealing specifically with interoperability issues.  When they are uploaded you may access them at the link below:

AWWA Standards Public Comment Home Page

Students and Young Professionals

AWWA is the first name in US-based water standards so we maintain the AWWA catalog on our Plumbing & Water colloquia.   See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

Issue: [11-57]

Category: Water Safety, Plumbing, Mechanical

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Richard Robben, Steve Snyder, Larry Spielvogel



Workspace / AWWA



July 23, 2024

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This content is accessible to paid subscribers. To view it please enter your password below or send mike@standardsmichigan.com a request for subscription details.

Coconut Cold Brew

July 23, 2024
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Standards North Carolina

2023 Financial Report & Audit | $1.092B 

The United States Food and Drug Administration and the National Coffee Association recommended standard temperature for safe hot coffee is around 160°F to 165°F (71°C to 74°C). This temperature range is considered hot enough to be enjoyable while minimizing the risk of scalding or burning.

These agencies do not have specific regulations or guidelines solely dedicated to cold brew coffee.  However, there are general principles and best practices for handling and storing perishable food products that can be applied to cold brew coffee to ensure safety.*

Cold brew coffee typically requires more time to prepare than traditional hot brew coffee. While hot brew coffee can be made in just a few minutes, cold brew coffee is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period of time, usually between 12 to 24 hours.

The longer steeping time allows the coffee to extract more slowly and results in a smoother, less acidic coffee concentrate. After steeping, the coffee grounds are usually filtered out and the resulting concentrate can be diluted with water, milk, or other liquids and served over ice.

While cold brew coffee does require more time to prepare, many coffee drinkers prefer its smoother, less bitter taste and lower acidity compared to hot brewed coffee. Additionally, the longer shelf life of cold brew coffee concentrate makes it a popular choice for those who like to prepare coffee in advance and have it ready to drink throughout the day.

https://youtu.be/p9_zQUVbwn0?si=JsBMJLZyq4S0aF7t two guys talkingme talking icon coffee


The Sacred Myths of Liberalism | Eric Kaufman (University of Buckingham)

Elon University Facilities Management


We cover the technical standards applicable to small to medium sized coffee preparation installations in a cross-cutting way during our Kitchens 200 colloquium.

Relevant IEEE Research:

COVID-19 pandemic affected on coffee beverage decision and consumers’ behavior

Quality-Anomaly Identification in Liquid-Coffee Vending Machines Through Electrical Current Waveforms and Olfactory Data

Using Digital Marketing to Enhance Sustainability in The Coffee Business

* These recommendations are based on general food safety practices:

Water quality: Start with clean, potable water to brew your cold brew coffee. Make sure the water source is safe and free from contaminants.

Brewing process: Follow good manufacturing practices and ensure that your brewing equipment and utensils are clean and sanitized. Cold brew coffee is typically brewed using room temperature or cold water over an extended period. Ensure that the brewing container is properly sealed and protected from any potential sources of contamination.

Filtration: After the brewing process, filter the cold brew coffee to remove any sediment or particles. This can be done using a fine-mesh sieve or a dedicated filtration system.

Storage: Store the cold brew coffee in a clean, airtight container in the refrigerator. This helps to inhibit the growth of bacteria and maintain the quality of the coffee. Cold brew coffee can typically be stored for a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the specific recipe and preparation method.

Temperature control: Keep the cold brew coffee refrigerated at a temperature below 41°F (5°C) to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

Serve safely: When serving cold brew coffee, use clean and sanitized utensils, containers, and dispensing equipment to avoid cross-contamination. If you add any additional ingredients like milk or sweeteners, ensure that they are stored properly and do not exceed their recommended storage times.

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