Sufganiyot in a Minute


Sufganiyot in a Minute

November 13, 2023

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Sufganiyot (plural), sufganiyah (singular); are a type of deep-fried doughnut that is traditionally eaten by Jewish people during Hanukkah, along with other fried foods, to commemorate the miracle of the oil in the Temple.  They are typically round and filled with jelly or other sweet fillings, and they are often dusted with powdered sugar. Sufganiyot are deep-fried until they are golden brown and have a light, fluffy texture.

The practice of eating fried foods during Hanukkah is a symbolic way of celebrating the miracle of the oil, where a small amount of oil miraculously lasted for eight days in the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem.

American Jewish University | Los Angeles, California

Talmud (Tractate Shabbat 21b): The oil miracle

Heat Tracing Installation

November 13, 2023
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“Vue de toits (effet de neige)” 1878 Gustave Caillebotte

One of the core documents for heat tracing is entering a new 5-year revision cycle; a consensus standard that is especially relevant this time of year because of the personal danger and property damage that is possible in the winter months.  Education communities depend upon heat tracing for several reasons; just a few of them listed below:

  • Ice damming in roof gutters that can cause failure of roof and gutter structural support
  • Piping systems for sprinkler systems and emergency power generation equipment
  • Sidewalk, ramp and stairway protection

IEEE 515 Standard for the Testing, Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Electrical Resistance Trace Heating for Industrial Applications is one of several consensus documents for trace heating technology.   Its inspiration originates in the petrochemical industry but its principles apply to all education facilities exposed to cold temperature and snow.   From its prospectus:

This standard provides requirements for the testing, design,installation, and maintenance of electrical resistance trace heating in general industries as applied to pipelines, vessels, pre-traced and thermally insulated instrument tubing and piping, and mechanical equipment. The electrical resistance trace heating is in the form of series trace heaters, parallel trace heaters, and surface heating devices. The requirements also include test criteria to determine the suitability of these heating devices utilized in unclassified (ordinary) locations.

Its principles can, and should be applied with respect to other related documents:

National Electrical Code Article 427

NECA 202 Standard for Installing and Maintaining Industrial Heat Tracing Systems

IEC 62395 Electrical resistance trace heating systems for industrial and commercial applications

 ASHRAE 90.1 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings

Lowell House / Harvard University

We are happy to explain the use of this document in design guidelines and/or construction specifications during any of our daily colloquia.   We generally find more authoritative voices in collaborations with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee which meets 4 times per month in Europe and in the Americas.  We maintain this title on the standing agenda of our Snow & Ice colloquia.  See our CALENDER for the next online meeting.

Issue: [18-331]

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Kane Howard

Category: Electrical, #SmartCampus


Good Building Practice for Northern Facilities

Electrical Heat Tracing:International Harmonization Now and in the Future, IEEE Industry Standards Magazine, May/June 2002 pages 50-56


Free Speech Rankings 2024

November 12, 2023
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A plausible explanation for Harvard’s rank as the least accommodating in free expression supports its institutional lust to remain the most iconoclastic educational settlement in the world.

Michigan Technology University ranks highest in free speech atmospherics in the United States (followed by Auburn University Alabama) according to the organization with the most experience in this domain.

Topics of this nature are generally outside our wheelhouse but since so many young people die in wars for freedom of speech, it seems appropriate for weekend reading when Veteran’s Day is observed around the world.

Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression

2024 College Free Speech Rankings


Drinking Water Quality

November 8, 2023
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Winter Sport

November 8, 2023
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November 8, 2023
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“Fille romaine à la fontaine” 1875 Léon Bonnat

Civilization has historically flourished around rivers and major waterways.  Mesopotamia, the so-called cradle of civilization, was situated between the major rivers Tigris and Euphrates; the ancient society of the Egyptians depended entirely upon the Nile. Rome was also founded on the banks of the Italian river Tiber. Large metropolises like Rotterdam, London, Montreal, Paris, New York City, Buenos Aires, Shanghai, Tokyo, Chicago, and Hong Kong owe their success in part to their easy accessibility via water and the resultant expansion of trade. Islands with safe water ports, like Singapore, have flourished for the same reason. In places such as North Africa and the Middle East, where water is more scarce, access to clean drinking water was and is a major factor in human development.*

With this perspective, and our own “home waters” situated in the Great Lakes, we are attentive to water management standardization activity administered by International Organization Standardization Technical Committee 224 (ISO TC/224).  The scope of the committee is multidimensional; as described in the business plan linked below:



Water-related management standards define a very active space; arguably, as fast-moving a space as electrotechnology.   The ISO TC/224 is a fairly well accomplished committee with at least 16 consensus products emerging from a 34 nations led by Association Française de Normalisation (@AFNOR) as the global Secretariat and 34 participating nations.   The American Water Works Association is ANSI’s US Technical Advisory Group administrator to the ISO.

We do not advocate the user interest in this standard at the moment but encourage educational institutions with resident expertise — either on the business side or academic side of US educational institutions — to participate in it.   You are encouraged to communicate directly with Paul Olson at AWWA, 6666 W. Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235, Phone: (303) 347-6178, Email:

The work products of TC 224 (and ISO 147 and  ISO TC 282) are also on the standing agendas of our Water, Global and Bucolia colloquia.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting, open to everyone.

Issue: [13-163]

Category: Global, Water

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Christine Fischer, Jack Janveja. Richard Robben, Larry Spielvogel

Standing Agenda / Water

Qualität der Wasserversorgung

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