Law on the State of Emergency


Law on the State of Emergency

December 7, 2023
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“A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.”
— Franklin D. Roosevelt


University of Melbourne Estate Plan

The criteria and process for declaring a state of emergency can vary depending on the country and its legal framework. However, governments generally consider certain factors and criteria when making such declarations. Here are some common elements that governments use to determine whether to declare a state of emergency:

  1. Imminent Threat: Governments typically declare a state of emergency when there is an imminent threat to public safety or the normal functioning of society. This could include natural disasters (such as hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods), severe public health emergencies (like pandemics), acts of terrorism, civil unrest, or other situations that pose a significant risk.
  2. Scale and Severity: The scale and severity of the situation play a crucial role in declaring a state of emergency. Governments assess whether the event or circumstances are beyond the capacity of regular governmental and emergency response systems to effectively manage and mitigate the impact.
  3. Public Safety and Welfare: Governments consider the potential impact on public safety, welfare, and infrastructure. If the situation poses a substantial risk to lives, property, critical infrastructure, or essential services, it may warrant a declaration of a state of emergency.
  4. Legal Framework: Countries typically have legal frameworks in place that outline the conditions and procedures for declaring a state of emergency. Governments assess whether the situation meets the legal requirements and conditions specified in these frameworks.
  5. Proportionality: The principle of proportionality is often considered, ensuring that the measures taken during the state of emergency are proportional to the threat or situation at hand. Governments aim to strike a balance between protecting public safety and minimizing unnecessary disruption to individual rights and liberties.
  6. Expert Advice and Recommendations: Governments rely on expert advice and recommendations from relevant authorities, such as emergency management agencies, health organizations, and security agencies, to assess the situation and determine the need for a state of emergency.

It’s important to note that the specific criteria and procedures for declaring a state of emergency can vary significantly between countries. The legal provisions and powers granted to the government during a state of emergency also vary, including the duration, scope of authority, and measures that can be implemented. It’s advisable to consult the specific laws and regulations of the country in question to understand the precise criteria and process involved in declaring a state of emergency.


Readings / Emergency Telecommunication Plans

Blockchain Application for Disaster Management

December 7, 2023

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Siddhartha wins at Mathematics at Borobudur

Mohit Singh Panesir

Graduate School of the University at Buffalo, State University of New York


Natural phenomena such as floods, storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides have affected our planet in an unpredictable way. However, these phenomena are merely classified as a hazard when they may affect people and the things they value (Cutter, 2005). The involvement of many agencies and the public is important in planning for disaster relief, in rescuing victims, and in managing the event. A lot of individuals are deprived of help due to poor coordination, late assistance and uneven distribution of food, water, medical assistance, clothes, and vehicles. The need for a proper disaster relief plan is crucial to overcome these challenges. On the other hand, identity theft is one of the most bizarre and rapidly growing crimes present in the world. Identity thieves are active more than ever as the e-commerce trading keeps on growing. Earlier the thieves used to buy pieces and parts of someone’s personal identification information but now they could have hold of everything. Similarly there has been an increase in illegal immigration, smuggling of weapons and terrorist activities noticed in last 2 decades in the United States. This study focuses on the current condition of disaster management, identity theft, border security and controlling the misuse of weapon of mass destruction. It proposes the use of advanced technological methods like Blockchain to overcome the loss of time and cost to provide a quick response to the victims and to provide secure ways to store personal identification information and better national security. The study helps to understand how better disaster management and national security can be achieved by using various use cases and implementation models. By implementing these models, the border security can be improved and proper handling of weapons of mass destruction can also take place.

University at Buffalo

*We have noticed that access to the complete paper has been spotty.   You may communicate directly with the author by CLICKING HERE



Varieties of Innovation

December 6, 2023
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Business innovation involves creating new or improved business processes, models, or strategies to achieve organizational goals and gain a competitive advantage. It focuses on enhancing efficiency, customer experience, and overall business performance. Business innovation may encompass changes in marketing, operations, management, or other aspects of the business ecosystem.

On the other hand, technology innovation revolves around the development and application of new technologies or the improvement of existing ones. It aims to introduce novel solutions, products, or services by leveraging advancements in technology. Technology innovation can be driven by scientific research, engineering breakthroughs, or the integration of emerging technologies to address specific needs.

While business innovation is broad and encompasses various facets of organizational improvement, technology innovation specifically centers on advancements in technology and their strategic implementation. Successful companies often integrate both types of innovation to stay competitive, using business innovation to optimize processes and technology innovation to enable novel solutions and capabilities.



Noteworthy innovations relevant to the development and maintenance of the real assets of education settlements:

  1. Proptech Platforms: Various proptech (property technology) platforms have emerged to streamline property management tasks, including tenant communication, rent collection, and maintenance requests. Examples include Buildium, AppFolio, and Propertyware.
  2. Blockchain in Real Estate: Blockchain technology is being explored for its potential to enhance transparency, security, and efficiency in real estate transactions. Smart contracts on blockchain can automate and secure property transactions.
  3. Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR): VR and AR technologies are being used for virtual property tours, allowing potential buyers or tenants to explore properties remotely. This helps in saving time and making more informed decisions.
  4. Predictive Analytics: Data analytics and machine learning are being employed to analyze market trends, predict property values, and assess investment opportunities. This enables more data-driven decision-making in real estate.
  5. IoT (Internet of Things): IoT devices are being integrated into buildings for smart property management. This includes smart thermostats, security systems, and energy-efficient solutions, enhancing overall property performance.
  6. Automated Valuation Models (AVMs): AVMs leverage algorithms and data analysis to estimate property values. These tools provide quick and automated property valuations, aiding in pricing decisions.
  7. Digital Transaction Platforms: Platforms that facilitate end-to-end digital real estate transactions are gaining popularity. These platforms aim to simplify the buying and selling process, reducing paperwork and increasing efficiency.
  8. Energy-efficient Technologies: Sustainable and energy-efficient solutions are becoming integral to real estate development. Innovations include smart building systems for energy management, green construction materials, and renewable energy integration.
  9. Crowdfunding for Real Estate: Crowdfunding platforms allow individuals to invest in real estate projects with smaller amounts of capital. This democratizing approach to real estate investment provides opportunities for a broader range of investors.
  10. Facial Recognition and Biometrics: Some property management systems are incorporating facial recognition and biometric technologies for enhanced security in access control and building management.

Parking Lot Lighting Networking

December 5, 2023
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Leviathan 400

December 4, 2023

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Thomas Hobbes titled his book “Leviathan” (1651) as a metaphorical representation of the powerful and all-encompassing state. In it, he proposed a social contract theory, arguing that individuals willingly surrender some freedoms to a sovereign authority in exchange for protection and order. The Leviathan, a biblical sea monster, symbolizes this sovereign entity’s immense power and control. Hobbes believed that without a strong central authority, human life would be chaotic and marked by a “war of all against all.”

The Leviathan concept underscores his advocacy for the largest possible administrative state to provide jobs that claim to maintain social stability and prevent anarchy.  We cover the topic today because insofar as technology standards are concerned, federal involvement has run to excess (ignoring market signals), is just another form of market-making that ignores the limits placed upon us by Mother Nature.


Keep in mind that the American National Standards Institute administers a relatively small part of standards-setting in the United States.  (Click here for a complete list; updated frequently.  A great deal of ANSI resources are devoted to supporting members that run “conformance shops” essential to safe and fair trade.  Other standards setting is done by governments, open-source, and other ad hoc consortia.

The culture of the standards-setting domain in every nation rests upon the culture of conformance.  “Standards are the seed corn for conformance revenue” we are fond of saying and most of the expertise in the standards setting domain rests with people who make a living making sure others conform to the standard; whatever that standard may be.  Conformance (product testing, installation certification, periodic re-commissioning and audits, etc.) is where the money is so we should not be surprised at the degree to which the user-interest (represented by the third gray column in our logo) is outnumbered.

That much said, having the global standards system is better than not having one at all.  This system places a check on oligarchies that make central governments grow.  The topic is relevant to our work because a surprising measure of influence over technical standards is undertaken by non-technical people who lack the sensitivity to technical and economic trade-offs — many of them presented by Mother Nature herself.

0. Leviathan.

Rolling window of legislative proposals of the 118th Congress relevant to United States education communities.

The White House

Office of Management and Budget

United States Department of Education

United States Department of Commerce

United States House of Representative Committees


Education and Labor

United States Senate Committees


Health, Education, Labor & Pensions

United States Constitution 10th Amendment

Britannica: Federalism

An enlargeable map of the 3,143 counties and county equivalents located in the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. 

The foregoing block of content will be re-configured to another, more dynamic post that synchronizes with state and county-level standards action.  Reminder: We do not advocate with governments at any level; merely follow it since the action of government appears routinely in the leading practice discovery activity of standards setting organizations.

IEEE-USA Government Policy Committees

Incorporation by Reference

Readings / The Administrative State

The Year Ahead 2024

December 1, 2023
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