Electromagnetic Signal Attenuation in Construction Materials


Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources

June 13, 2024

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IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems is effectively the global standard for interconnection of distributed resources with large scale electric power systems.  It provides requirements relevant to the performance, operation, testing, safety, and maintenance of the interconnection.  Apart from the power reliability and sustainability zietgeist we have seen in campus bulk power distribution systems, this title is usually referenced in research projects undertaken in university research enterprises.  The standard is intended to be universally adoptable, technology-neutral, and cover distributed resources as large 10 MVA.  To wit:

IEEE 1547-2018 Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces: This standard — emerging from IEEE Root Project 1547.3 — 2007 asserts first principles for improved performance for distributed energy resources, connected to the grid. NIST funding aided this standard’s development.   Links to related titles, recently released for public consultation, are listed below:

P1547.2/D6.5, August 2023 – IEEE Approved Draft Application Guide for IEEE Std 1547™, IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems

1547.3 Guide for Cybersecurity of DER Interconnected with Electric Power Systems | Comments due May 27

Guide to Using IEEE Standard 1547 for Interconnection of Energy Storage Distributed Energy Resources | Comments Due May 6th

We collaborate with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee on this an related titles.   This committee’s meetings are held 4 times monthly in European and American time zones.  International Electrical Technical Commission titles are items on the standing agenda; a few representative titles are listed in addition to IEEE titles below:

IEC 62746-10-1:2018 Systems Interface Between Customer Energy Management System and the Power Management System – Part 10-1: Open Automated Demand Response: This standard specifies how to implement a two-way signaling system, between utilities and customers, thus allowing utilities to adjust the grid’s load, based on demand. NIST’s David Holmberg and Steve Bushby presented research to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), aiding this US standard’s acceptance as an international one.

IEC 62746-10-3:2018, Systems Interface Between Customer Energy Management System and the Power Management System – Part 10-3: Open Automated Demand Response – Adapting Smart Grid User Interfaces to the IEC Common Information Model: Related to the previous standard, IEC 62746-10-3:2018 defines the interfaces, as well as, the messaging for this two-way signaling system. NIST’s Holmberg and Bushby also facilitated this international standard’s acceptance.

IEEE 21451-001-2017 Recommended Practice for Signal Treatment Applied to Smart Transducers: This guide supports the ability to uniformly processing and classifying data from sensors and actuators in a smart system. The standard enables a common interpretation of data and grid interoperability. NIST personnel served on this standard’s working group, providing NIST research on sensors and actuators.

IEEE 2030.7-2017 Standard for the Specification of Microgrid Controllers: This standard established requirements for controllers, used to sense and manage microgrids. These requirements inform the manufacturing of controllers, and ultimately enable grid interoperability. NIST funding aided this standard’s development.

IEEE 2030.8 Standard for Testing Microgrid Controllers: This testing standard helps verify that microgrid controllers meet these requirements, and, thus, will work as intended. NIST funding aided this standard’s development.

IEEE 1547-2018 Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces: This standard ushers in a new era of improved performance for distributed energy resources, connected to the grid. NIST funding aided this standard’s development.

To inform a United States position on IEC titles we follow the lead of the USNA/IEC whose activity we also track in the IEEE E&H Committee

Issue: [11-17]

Category: Electric, Energy

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Bob Arno, Neal Dowling, Peter Sutherland

Standards Coordinating Committee Membership



Rewind / District Energy

June 13, 2024
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University of California Merced

Lucas Hyman is the co-author of “Sustainable On Site CHP Systems:  Design, Construction and Operations” published by McGraw-Hill 2010 ISBN 978-0-07-160317-1, Co-Editor Martin Meckler is a graduate of the University of Michigan.  Mike Anthony contributed Chapter 23 — Government Mission Critical – A combined FMECA and time value of money study on Critical Operations Power Systems.

Goss Engineering was one of the engineers for the University of California Merced; the first university campus with an energy infrastructure begun from “scratch”.  Here, Lucas offers his insight into the subtle energy economic trade-offs between centralized and de-centralized systems.


Backgrounder from 2007 ASHRAE conference presentation by Goss EngineeringDesigning Sustainable CHP Systems

Stationary Energy Storage Systems

June 13, 2024
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This content is accessible to paid subscribers. To view it please enter your password below or send mike@standardsmichigan.com a request for subscription details.

Towards Crafting Beer with Artificial Intelligence

June 12, 2024
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Beer was discovered accidentally as a result of grains being left in water and undergoing fermentation. The process of making beer involves converting the starches in grains (such as barley or wheat) into sugars, which are then fermented by yeast to produce alcohol.  It was often consumed as a safer alternative to water, which could be contaminated with disease-causing pathogens. 

Beer was also used in religious ceremonies and was considered a valuable commodity for trade.  Over time, beer-making techniques spread throughout the world, and different regions developed their own unique styles of beer; now supported by artificial intelligence algorithms that analyze chemical compounds to identify specific flavor and aroma profiles for more nuanced flavors.

Towards Crafting Beer with Artificial Intelligence

Marc Bravin, et al

Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Rotkreuz, Switzerland


Abstract:  The art of brewing beer has a long tradition that dates back to the very dawn of civilization. While the brewing process has been automated to a great extent, the creation of new beer recipes remains the result of creativity and human expertise with only minor support from software to validate chemical constraints. We collected a dataset of 157,000 publicly available recipes from all over the world and created a transformer-based model to support the creative process in brewing by suggesting new beer recipe templates. As a proof of concept, we crafted the IPA “Deeper” along a recipe generated by our model. Over 100 international newspapers and radio stations have reported on the first AI-crafted beer from Switzerland over the past few months. For the first time, this paper reveals the underlying pipeline architecture of eight transformer networks trained end-to-end that made this remarkable success possible.

CLICK HERE for complete paper

There are several international organizations and agreements that set standards for beer production and labeling:

Food Safety Management

Codex Alimentarius

Security 400

June 12, 2024
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“We worry about what a child will become tomorrow,

yet we forget that he is someone today.”

– Stacia Tauscher


Today we run a status check on the stream of technical and management standards evolving to assure the highest possible level of security in education communities.  The literature expands significantly from an assortment of national standards-setting bodies, trade associations, ad hoc consortia and open source standards developers.  CLICK HERE for a sample of our work in this domain.

School security is big business in the United States.   According to a report by Markets and Markets, the global school and campus security market size was valued at USD 14.0 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach USD 21.7 billion by 2025, at a combined annual growth rate of 7.2% during the forecast period.  Another report by Research And Markets estimates that the US school security market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of around 8% between 2020 and 2025, driven by factors such as increasing incidents of school violence, rising demand for access control and surveillance systems, and increasing government funding for school safety initiatives.

Because the pace of the combined annual growth rate of the school and campus security market is greater than the growth rate of the education “industry” itself, we’ve necessarily had to break down our approach to this topic into modules:

Security 100.   A survey of all the technical and management codes and standards for all educational settings — day care, K-12, higher education and university affiliated healthcare occupancies.

Security 200.   Queries into the most recent public consultations on the components and interoperability* of supporting technologies

Video surveillance: indoor and outdoor cameras, cameras with night vision and motion detection capabilities and cameras that can be integrated with other security systems for enhanced monitoring and control.

Access control: doors, remote locking, privacy and considerations for persons with disabilities.

Panic alarms: These devices allow staff and students to quickly and discreetly alert authorities in case of an emergency.

Metal detectors: These devices scan for weapons and other prohibited items as people enter the school.

Mass notification systems: These systems allow school administrators to quickly send emergency alerts and notifications to students, staff, and parents.

Intrusion detection systems: These systems use sensors to detect unauthorized entry and trigger an alarm.

GPS tracking systems: These systems allow school officials to monitor the location of school buses and track the movements of students during field trips and other off-campus activities.

Security 300.  Regulatory and management codes and standards; a great deal of which are self-referencing.

Security 400.  Advanced Topics.  NFPA 731 Standard for the Installation of Premises Security Systems

As always, we reckon first cost and long-term maintenance cost, including software maintenance for the information and communication technologies (i.e. anything with wires) installed in the United States.  Cybersecurity is outside our wheelhouse and beyond our expertise.  In order to do any of the foregoing reasonably well, we have to leave cybersecurity standards to others.

Inside The Safest School In America

Bob Hope Primary School Kadena Air Base


Education Community Safety catalog is one of the fast-growing catalogs of best practice literature.  In developing district security plans, K-12 school leaders stress that school safety is a cross-functional responsibility and every individual’s participation drives the success of overall safety protocols.  We link a small sample below and update ahead of every Security colloquium.

Artificial Intelligence Tries (and Fails) to Detect Weapons in School

Could AI be the future of preventing school shootings?

Executive Order 13929 of June 16, 2020 Safe Policing for Safe Communities

Clery Act

National Center for Education Statistics: School Safety and Security Measures

International Code Council

2021 International Building Code

Section 1010.1.9.4 Locks and latches

Section 1010.2.13 Delayed egress.

Section 1010.2.14 Controlled egress doors in Groups I-1 and I-2.

Free Access: NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code

Free Access: NFPA 731 Standard for the Installation of Premises Security Systems

IEEE: Design and Implementation of Campus Security System Based on Internet of Things

APCO/NENA 2.105 Emergency Incident Data Document 

C-TECC Tactical Emergency Casualty Care Guidelines

Department of Transportation Emergency Response Guidebook 2016

NENA-STA-004.1-2014 Next Generation United States Civic Location Data Exchange Format

Example Emergency Management and Disaster Preparedness Plan (Tougaloo College,  Jackson, Mississippi)

Partner Alliance for Safer Schools

Federal Bureau of Investigation Academia Program

Most Dangerous Universities in America

Federal Bureau of Investigation: Uniform Crime Reporting Program

ICYMI: Guide to Campus Security

* Interoperability refers to the ability of different technologies or systems to communicate and work together seamlessly. In the context of school security technologies, interoperability can help improve the effectiveness of security systems and make it easier for school personnel to manage and respond to potential security threats.  Here’s what we look for:

  1. Standardization: By standardizing communication protocols and data formats, school security technologies can be made more compatible with each other, making it easier for different systems to communicate and share information.
  2. Integration: School security technologies can be integrated with each other to provide a more comprehensive security solution. For example, access control systems can be integrated with video surveillance systems to automatically trigger alerts when an unauthorized person enters a restricted area.
  3. Open Architecture: Open architecture solutions enable different security systems to be connected and communicate with each other regardless of their manufacturer or supplier. This approach makes it easier to integrate different technologies and avoid vendor lock-in.
  4. Cloud-based Solutions: Cloud-based security solutions can enable interoperability by providing a centralized platform for managing and monitoring different security systems. This approach can also simplify the deployment of security technologies across multiple locations.
  5. Collaboration: School security technology providers can work together to develop interoperability standards and best practices that can be adopted across the industry. Collaboration can help drive innovation and improve the effectiveness of security systems.




Guide to Premises Security

June 12, 2024

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First Draft of the 2026 Revision will be released October 25, 2024

First Draft Meeting Agenda (Meetings were remote)

NFPA 731: Standard for the Installation of Premises Security Systems

Library of Alexandria

NFPA 730 Guide to Premise Security guide describes construction, protection, occupancy features, and practices intended to reduce security vulnerabilities to life and property.  Related document — NFPA 731 Standard for the Installation of Electronic Premises Security Systems covers the application, location, installation, performance, testing, and maintenance of electronic premises security systems and their components.

The original University of Michigan standards advocacy enterprise (see ABOUT) began following the evolution of NFPA 730 and NFPA 731 since the 2008 Edition.   That enterprise began a collaboration  with trade associations and subject matter experts from other universities (notably Georgetown University and Evergreen State University) to advocate user-interest concepts in the 2011 edition.    A summary of advocacy action is summarized in the links below:

in the appeared in a trade association journal Facilities Manager:

APPA Code Talkers Anthony Davis Facility Manager May June 2011

An online presentation by Michael C. Peele (Georgetown University) — one of the voting members of NFPA 730 and NFPA 731 technical committees– was recorded and is linked below.

FREE ACCESS: 2023 Guide for Premises Security

FREE ACCESS: 2018 NFPA 730 Guide to Premise Security

Public comment on the First Draft of the 2026 Edition will be received until January 3, 2025.  You may key in your own ideas by clicking in to our user-interest Public Consultation Meeting Point or by communicating directly with the NFPA.

This title remains on the standing agenda of our Security colloquia.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

K-12 School Security

June 12, 2024
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Clery Act

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