A Procedure to Estimate the Energy Requirements for Lighting


A Procedure to Estimate the Energy Requirements for Lighting

September 10, 2024
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A Procedure to Estimate the Energy Requirements for Lighting

Giuseppe Parise – Luigi Martirano – Luigi Parise

Sapienza, University of Rome

Abstract:  The amount of the electrical energy used for the interior lighting of medium and large buildings is generally considerable. The European Standard EN15193 was devised to establish conventions and procedures for the estimation of energy requirements of lighting in buildings by an energy performance numeric indicator. This methodology is based on the three derating factors that consider the influence of the daylight exploitation, the occupancy behavior and, if present, of a constant illuminance sensor. The factors are evaluated by a statistical approach on the basis of general reference data tabulated by the same Standard, not considering more detailed parameters of the control system that can impact severely in the effective energy savings. The Standard methodology appears extremely useful for a preliminary evaluation. For a more accurate evaluation, this paper suggests an improvement of the procedure that considers the effective operation time and occupancy behavior, the type of control and lamps, the number of control groups, the technique of modulation (dimming or switching), and the delay in turning off. The suggested procedure is compared with the Standard one to highlight the improvements.

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Energy performance of interior lighting systems

Energy performance of buildings: An useful procedure to estimate the impact of the lighting control systems

Topology of Continuous Availability for LED Lighting Systems

Rightsizing Electrical Power Systems

September 10, 2024
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Standards Michigan, spun-off in 2016 from the original University of Michigan Business & Finance Operation, has peppered NFPA 70 technical committees writing the 2016-2026 National Electric Code with proposals to reduce the size of building premise feeder infrastructure; accommodating the improvements made in illumination and rotating machinery energy conservation since the 1980’s (variable frequency drives, LED lighting, controls, etc.)

These proposals are routinely voted down in 12-20 member committees representing manufacturers (primarily) though local inspection authorities are complicit in overbuilding electric services because they “bill by the service panel ampere rating”.  In other words, when a municipality can charge a higher inspection fee for a 1200 ampere panel, what incentive is there to support changes to the NEC that takes that inspection fee down to 400 amperes?

The energy conservation that would result from the acceptance of our proposals into the NEC are related to the following: reduced step down transformer sizes, reduced wire and conduit sizes, reduced panelboard sizes, reduced electric room cooling systems — including the HVAC cooling systems and the ceiling plenum sheet metal carrying the waste heat away.   Up to 20 percent energy savings is in play here and all the experts around the table know it.   So much for the economic footprint of the largest non-residential building construction market in the United States — about $120 billion annually.

The market incumbents are complicit in ignoring energy conservation opportunity.  To paraphrase one of Mike Anthony’s colleagues representing electrical equipment manufacturers:

“You’re right Mike, but I am getting paid to vote against you.”

NFPA Electrical Division knows it, too.

University of Michigan


Rightsizing Commercial Electrical Power Systems: Review of a New Exception in NEC Section 220.12

Michael A. AnthonyJames R. Harvey

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Thomas L. Harman

University of Houston, Clear Lake, Texas

For decades, application of National Electrical Code (NEC) rules for sizing services, feeders and branch circuits has resulted in unused capacity in almost all occupancy classes. US Department of Energy data compiled in 1999 indicates average load on building transformers between 10 and 25 percent. More recent data gathered by the educational facilities industry has verified this claim. Recognizing that aggressive energy codes are driving energy consumption lower, and that larger than necessary transformers create larger than necessary flash hazard, the 2014 NEC will provide an exception in Section 220.12 that will permit designers to reduce transformer kVA ratings and all related components of the power delivery system. This is a conservative, incremental step in the direction of reduced load density that is limited to lighting systems. More study of feeder and branch circuit loading is necessary to inform discussion about circuit design methods in future revisions of the NEC.

CLICK HERE for complete paper

University of Houston

2026 National Electrical Code Workspace

Football Field Lighting

September 10, 2024
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After athletic arena life safety obligations are met (governed legally by NFPA 70, NFPA 101, NFPA 110,  the International Building Code and possibly other state adaptations of those consensus documents incorporated by reference into public safety law) business objective standards come into play.   The illumination of the competitive venue itself figures heavily into the quality of digital media visual experience and value.

For almost all athletic facilities,  the consensus documents of the Illumination Engineering Society[1], the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers[2][3] provide the first principles for life safety.  For business purposes, the documents distributed by the National Collegiate Athletic Association inform the standard of care for individual athletic arenas so that swiftly moving media production companies have some consistency in power sources and illumination as they move from site to site.  Sometimes concepts to meet both life safety and business objectives merge.

The NCAA is not a consensus standard developer but it does maintain a library of recommended practice documents for lighting the venues for typical competition and competition that is televised.

NCAA Best Lighting Practices

 It welcomes feedback from subject matter experts and front line facility managers.

Our own monthly walk-through of athletic and recreation facility codes and standards workgroup meets monthly.  See our CALENDAR for the next Sport or Lighting teleconferences; open to everyone.

Often called “The Big House” Michigan Stadium is the largest football stadium in the world.

Issue: [15-138]

Category: Electrical, Architectural, Lively, Athletics

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Jack Janveja, George Reiher

[1] Illumination Engineering Handbook | Sports and Recreational Area Lighting

[2] IEEE 3001.9 Recommended Practice for Design of Power Systems for Supplying Lighting Systems for Commercial & Industrial Facilities

[3] IEEE 3006.1 Power System Reliability

[4]  The Measurement Method of Light Distribution Emitted from Sports Facilities Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

[5] Slaton High School Tiger Stadium Lighting Case Study

[6] Liberty High School Football Stadium Case Study



September 9, 2024
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“Time, the devourer of all things.”
Ovid, “Metamorphoses”

“Time is an illusion:” — Albert Einstein

Today we examine best practice literature for timekeeping in educational settlements, with special interest in metering the academic “day” and timekeeping in athletic competition.   Time is the most measured quantity on earth; its significance worthy of a “periodic” revisit at the beginning of every semester, at the usual hour.

Schools, Colleges, and Universities

Structured Learning: Educational settlement rely on timekeeping to ensure that classes and activities start and end punctually. This structure – deadlines, for example — maintains a consistent learning environment.

Scheduling: Timely adherence to schedules allows for the efficient use of resources, such as classrooms, laboratories, and libraries, ensuring that these are available when needed.

Examinations: Accurate timekeeping is essential for starting and ending examinations on time, which helps in maintaining fairness and integrity.

Coordination: Timekeeping helps in coordinating various activities, such as extracurricular events, sports, and meetings, ensuring that they do not clash and that participants can attend multiple activities without conflict.



Patient Care: Timekeeping is vital in hospitals to ensure that patients receive timely medical attention, medications, and treatments, which can be critical for their recovery and health outcomes.

Shift Management: Accurate timekeeping is essential for managing staff shifts, ensuring that there is always adequate medical and support staff available to attend to patients.

Appointments: Punctuality in scheduling and maintaining appointments helps in reducing wait times and improving the overall patient experience.

Emergency Response: Timekeeping is crucial in emergency situations where every second counts. It helps in tracking response times and improving the efficiency of emergency services.

Medical Procedures: Many medical procedures and tests are time-sensitive. Accurate timekeeping ensures that these are performed correctly and within the required timeframes.

Systeme International d’Unites

“Juvet Time Globe” / Smithsonian Institution

Athletic Competition

Measurement of Performance: Timekeeping technology provides precise and accurate measurements of athletes’ performance. This is essential for determining winners, setting records, and assessing personal bests.

Consistency: High-quality timekeeping technology ensures consistent measurements across different events and competitions, which is vital for maintaining the integrity of the sport.

Accurate Judging: In events where timing is crucial, such as track and field, swimming, and cycling, accurate timekeeping ensures that the correct winners are declared and that records are recognized legitimately.

Close Finishes: Advanced timekeeping technology, such as photo-finish cameras, can distinguish between competitors in extremely close races, providing clear and indisputable results.

Regulatory Requirements: Many sports have strict regulations regarding timing equipment and procedures. Compliance with these standards ensures that competitions are conducted fairly and uniformly across different levels and regions.

Engineering in Sport

Timing standards, particularly the definition of the second and the maintenance of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), do not change very much.  Changes in measuring technology and synchronization do change and are managed through national and international weights and measures consortia.


Mechanical Clock from 1895 Still Ticking

Traditional High School Bell Schedule

When did time zones become a thing?

How Daylight Savings Time Affects Your Body

Time Synchronization of Medium Voltage Substations

Time Standards

Time Radio: WWVH Kauai Station ID

Time & Frequency Services

September 9, 2024
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The National Institute of Standards and Technology is responsible for maintaining and disseminating official time in the United States. While NIST does not have a direct role in implementing clock changes for daylight saving time, it does play an important role in ensuring that timekeeping systems across the country are accurate and consistent.

Prior to the implementation of daylight saving time, NIST issues public announcements reminding individuals and organizations to adjust their clocks accordingly. NIST also provides resources to help people synchronize their clocks, such as the time.gov website and the NIST radio station WWV.

In addition, NIST is responsible for developing and maintaining the atomic clocks that are used to define Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), the international standard for timekeeping. UTC is used as the basis for all civil time in the United States, and it is the reference time used by many systems, including the Global Positioning System (GPS) and the internet.

Overall, while NIST does not have a direct role in implementing clock changes for daylight saving time, it plays an important role in ensuring that timekeeping systems across the country are accurate and consistent, which is essential for the smooth implementation of any changes to the system.

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Time Realization and Distribution



September 8, 2024
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Point Loma University

Point Loma Nazarene University | San Diego County California


Loma Linda University | San Bernardino County California

Loma Linda University (LLU) is the institution run by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is located in Loma Linda, San Bernardino County, California. Point Loma Nazarene University (PNLU), located in San Diego County, is affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene and is not associated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

2022 Christmas Candlelight Concert

Pros and Cons of Owning A Dog During College

September 7, 2024
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Getting a dog during college can be an exciting thought for many students who are leaving home and are experiencing their first taste of true freedom; However, many young adults fail to consider the responsibilities and obligations that come with owning a dog while in school.

Apart from the necessity as companions for students with disabilities; consider the following:


They can lead to decreased stress.

Dogs have the incredible ability to make you feel more relaxed and less stressed. A study actually found that when people took care of dogs for just three months, they showed significant drops in blood pressure and reactivity to stress. There’s no better feeling than coming home after a long day to your furry best friend who’s thrilled to see you.

They help motivate you to exercise.

Daily exercise is an essential part of a dog’s well-being and absolutely cannot be neglected. However, this requirement becomes mutually beneficial because it also ensures that you’re getting outside daily, intaking sunlight, and getting your own exercise. Even if you’re having a rough day and don’t feel like doing much, your dog will make sure that you go outside and get moving.

They make great companions if you live alone.

Dogs can be fantastic companions for students who choose to live alone. Living by yourself can be lonely. Your pet can serve as a companion to keep you occupied, as well as a solid guard dog when needed (or you can at least let them think they are).


They require a time and patience.

If you’re thinking about getting a dog in college, be prepared to commit tons of time and attention to them. Training sessions will be vitally important in ensuring that your dog is potty-trained, can behave on a leash, and can be trusted around other dogs. You’ll also have to make time for vet appointments, play time, and letting them out on a consistent basis.

They can be expensive.

Dogs can be extremely expensive. Between vet bills, food, toys, and general dog supplies, the costs can quickly add up. Assessing your financial situation beforehand and determining whether or not now is the right time for you to get a dog, is absolutely essential.

They can cut into your social life; although can expand your social life with a starting point for common conversation with other dog lovers.

Like it or not, having a dog will cut into your social time with your friends. Staying out until 4 am on the weekends or being away from your house for 12 hours at a time is no longer feasible when your pet is waiting for you at home. Plan to make arrangements to fit your dog’s needs, which may mean missing out on social activities from time to time.



University of Michigan: Animals on Campus

North Central Michigan College

20 Pet Friendly Colleges

Standards Michigan: Animals

“Nipper” RCA Victor

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