Rud videregående skole Kerst


Rud videregående skole Kerst

August 29, 2023
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Evensong “Rud videregående skole”

August 29, 2023
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Digital Media over IP Network

August 29, 2023
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Lightning protection techniques for roof-top PV systems

August 29, 2023
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Lightning protection techniques for roof-top PV systems

Narjes Fallah, et. al

Centre for Electromagnetic and Lightning Protection Research (CELP), Electrical & Electronic Engineering Department, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

ABSTRACT: In this paper, the lightning protection requirements of a typical residential building have been discussed and techniques have been provided to protect the building from both direct and indirect damages of lightning, with special attention to the protection of PV panels placed on the roof. These techniques include the designing challenges and also the type of devices which can be used to reduce the surge current flow and magnetic field. It has been shown that for buildings with roof top PV systems only the avoidance of lightning attachment to unprotected parts of the building is not sufficient. Lightning currents passing through the lightning protection system may still affect the PV power system through inductive coupling. Hence strategic placement of PV systems and shielding of conducting systems wherever possible has been recommended. It has also been envisaged that the impact of lightning on PV systems is directly related to the isokeraunic level of the region and elevation of the building. Several recommendations have been proposed in designing the air termination system for a roof with PV panels in high isokeraunic regions. Finally the building integrated photo voltaic (BIPV) projects which are conducted in Malaysia have been evaluated..


CLICK HERE to order complete paper.



IEEE Guide for Solar Power Plant Grounding for Personnel Protection

Risk Assessment of Rooftop-Mounted Solar PV Systems

Analysis of Lightning Surge Effects on Small-Scale Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems

Dehn-International White Paper: Lightning and surge protection for rooftop photovoltaic systems

Lightning Protection Systems


Lightning Protection Systems

Safety of Photovoltaic Power Systems

August 29, 2023

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Electrical Building World Columbian_Exposition | Chicago (1892)

A consensus document developed by Underwriters Laboratories, lies at the foundation of most solar energy systems in the United States: UL 62109 Standard for Safety for Power Converters for Use in Photovoltaic Power Systems.  The scope of UL 62109 is as follows

This part of IEC 62109 applies to the power conversion equipment (PCE)  for use in Photovoltaic (PV) systems where a uniform technical level with respect to safety is necessary. This standard defines the minimum requirements for the design and manufacture of PCE for protection against electric shock, energy, fire, mechanical and other hazards.  This standard provides general requirements applicable to all types of PV PCE. There are additional parts of this standard that provide specific requirements for the different types of power converters, such as Part 2 – inverters. Additional parts may be published as new products and technologies are commercializd.

Note that UL coordinates its revisions to this document with related work by IEC Technical Committee 82 Solar photovoltaic energy systems and its IEC 62109 suite of international electrical safety standards.

This document forms part of the foundation of electrical safety consensus documents produced by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, the National Electrical Equipment and Medical Imaging Manufacturers and the National Fire Protection Association, to name a few.   In distributed energy projects on educational campuses, for example; you will find it called out in design guidelines and construction contract specifications in the general purpose clause” “Conform to all applicable standards”; thereby setting up discussion about whether or not this, and similar standards, apply when something untoward happens.

Comment on the proposed UL re-affirmation that will establish the 2019 revision is due April 7th.

Public consultation on the 2024 revision should occur sometime during 2023.  Since the last revision more questions about the “recycle-ability” of solar panels have risen in the national conversation about sustainability.

We typically refer this to the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facility Committee which meets four times per month in European and American time zones.  Additionally, since Underwriters Laboratory is one of about twenty “continuous maintenance” standards developers, whose catalog changes daily, we are happy to discuss this any day during our standing 11 AM Eastern time teleconferences.   Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

Issue: [19-AAA]

Category: Electrical, Energy, District Energy, #SmartCampus

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Kane Howard


What are Plumbing Codes?

August 28, 2023
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IAPMO develops codes and standards in collaboration with industry experts, government officials, and other stakeholders. These codes and standards are designed to promote public health, safety, and welfare by establishing minimum requirements for the design, installation, and maintenance of plumbing and mechanical systems.

FREE ACCESS: 2021 Uniform Plumbing Code

While the IAPMO catalog may be less well-known beyond its home waters the path through their periodic revision process is very transparent; one of the most transparent accredited standards developers in the land.  We get to say that because there is no one else on earth that has been slicing horizontally through so many “domain silos” for so long.  (We have practically created an original academic discipline).

For example:

The IAPMO ANSI-Accredited Development Process

2024 Uniform Plumbing Code Report on Proposals (1200 pages)

2022 Uniform Plumbind Code Report on Comments (1056 pages)


We maintain the IAPMO catalog on our periodic Water 200/Water 400 colloquia.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

There were several barriers to the adoption of interior plumbing systems throughout history. Here are some of the key factors that contributed to the slow adoption of indoor plumbing:

  • Lack of technology: In the early days of plumbing, there was a lack of technological advancement, making it difficult to design and install effective plumbing systems. The development of new technologies such as water pumps, water heaters, and pipes made it easier to bring water into buildings and distribute it throughout the space.

  • High cost: Building indoor plumbing systems was a significant expense, and many people simply couldn’t afford it. Installing plumbing required digging trenches, installing pipes, and connecting to a reliable water source, all of which were expensive undertakings.

  • Health concerns: In the past, there were concerns about the safety and cleanliness of indoor plumbing systems. There was a fear that standing water in pipes could lead to the growth of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms, and that indoor plumbing could increase the risk of waterborne diseases.

  • Cultural attitudes: For many years, there was a cultural stigma associated with using indoor plumbing facilities. Some people believed that it was unsanitary or even immoral to use a toilet inside the home, and others preferred to use outhouses or other outdoor facilities.
  • Lack of knowledge: In many cases, people simply didn’t know how to build or maintain indoor plumbing systems. Without the proper knowledge or skills, it was difficult to design and install a reliable and effective system.

Despite these barriers, the adoption of indoor plumbing systems slowly increased over time, as new technologies and innovations made it easier and more affordable to install plumbing in buildings. Today, indoor plumbing is considered an essential component of modern living, and is a standard feature in homes and buildings around the world.


  • William Feetham (1767): An English stove maker who designed the first shower in 1767.  Seen largely as a luxury at the time since most people did not have access to indoor plumbing and the requisite metal tank required to be heated over a fire.
  • H.L Booth (1853): Inventor of the first practical showerhead in 1853 that allowed for a steady, controlled stream of water to be directed onto the bather.
  • Thomas Crapper (1836-1910): Inventor of several refinements to the interior shower; although known more widely as the inventor of the modern flush toilet.

Water and Sanitation

Operational Resilience for Electric Power Distribution Systems

August 27, 2023
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Financial Services

August 27, 2023

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We find a few ANSI-accredited financial service standards developers with meaningful effect upon #TotalCostofOwnership of the real assets of the education industry; though consortia* are the rule, rather than the exception.   Education community use of public money requires rigorous oversight; with some of the nuttiest party/counterparty regimes imaginable.

That much said we find that the existing suite of financial service standards coming from Geneva are too high level to have direct perceptible effect on money flows through the $300 billion education facility industry.   Still, the best practice originating from ISO administration are noteworthy as prospective policy templates.

Vocabulary, instrument lexicon and data exchange issues are important; especially for a global industry (CLICK HERE for ISO TC/68 titles).

We limit our interest to the arcane and rather dreary world of tax-free bonds that school districts, colleges and universities rely upon to fund capital improvements and “continuing operations”.  We see the prospect of disruption on the horizon as distributed ledger technologies roll out; the topic of our monthly Blockchain teleconferences.   See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

For the moment, let us acknowledge Technical Committee 68 of the International Standardization Organization for which the American National Standards Institute is the Global Secretariat.   The prospectus of this standardization project is linked below:

ISO/TC 68 Financial services: Background, structure and information

For obvious reasons, because the finance sector runs on the order of 20 percent of any economy there are many nations involved and a respectable number of published standards.

This section of the ISO catalog may interest business school and/or international studies students.  We are happy to point students in the right direction any day during our 11 AM/ET “open office hours” teleconferences.

Finance staff on the business side of the education industry, who would like to keep pace with the rollout of smart contracts in grant and infrastructure enterprises,  are encouraged to communicate directly with Accredited Standards Committee X9, Inc. for more information about the US Technical Advisory Group.  Janet Busch is listed as the contact person (  Our colleagues in other nations interested in participating should communicate directly with Stefan Marinkovic at the ISO Offices in Geneva (

We keep all ISO standards on the standing agenda of our International and Finance standards monthly teleconferences.   See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting.

Issue: [16-135]

Category: Finance, International, Blockchain

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Christine Fischer, Richard Robben


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