Worship in Dutch


Worship in Dutch

March 9, 2023
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“Kommt, eilet und laufet” 1725 Johann Sebastian Bach

March 9, 2023
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The choir was founded in the late 15th century by King Henry VI, who established King’s College as a center of learning and worship; respected for its high standards of performance and its repertoire of traditional choral music.  

The choir is composed of 16 choristers, who are boys between the ages of 7 and 13, and 14 choral scholars, who are undergraduate students at the university. The choristers receive a full scholarship to attend King’s College School and to sing in the choir, and many of them go on to pursue successful careers in music.


Connected & Automated Vehicles

March 8, 2023

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“Gas” 1940 / Edward Hopper

The public school bus system is the largest transportation system in the United States.  Many educational campuses are moving 10’s of thousands of students and staff around campus every day.   Many large research universities own their own roads, the infrastructure underneath and the safety systems above ground; often interdependent with the host municipality transportation system.

Automobile parking in college towns is a chronic lament; thus our interest in mobility technologies to lower the cost of running education communities.

The IEEE Standards Association has authorized several mobility-related standardization projects to be logged into ANSI’s Project Initiation Notification System:

IEEE 2040.1  Taxonomy and Definitions for Connected and Automated Vehicles.  Connected and automated vehicles have the potential to not only significantly decrease accidents and fatalities on roads, but also improve the time efficiency and energy efficiency of traffic flows due to higher synchronization of vehicle movements, which may help avoid extending the existing infrastructure. However, there are hypes, confusions, and misunderstandings about the state-of-the-art vehicle functionalities in the market as well as the laboratories. The lack of taxonomy and definitions for connected and automated vehicles is not only misleading consumers but also risking the safety of the public including passengers, pedestrians, and other traffic participants. This project is needed to set the grounds for discussions on connected and automated vehicles, clarify the necessary functionalities, and help consumers make choices and stay safe. “Autonomous” and “automated” are distinguished terms in the context of vehicle driving functions. This standard focuses on “automated vehicles” since “autonomous vehicles” involve more complex technologies and may delay the implementation on public roads. This standard specifies the taxonomy and definitions for connected and automated vehicles. [20-153]

IEEE 2040.2 Recommended Practice for Multi-Input Based Decision Making of Automated Vehicles Driving on Public Roads.  Automated vehicles have the potential to not only significantly decrease accidents and fatalities on roads, but also improve the time efficiency and energy efficiency of traffic flows due to higher synchronization of vehicle movements, which may help avoid extending the existing infrastructure. Multiple inputs including but not limited to sensors on this vehicle, inputs from other vehicles, and inputs from the infrastructure need to be considered in the decision making of automated vehicles. It will be a challenge when different inputs suggest different actions for the vehicle to decide. This project is needed to recommend solutions to overcome such situations in order to maximize the safe driving and avoid negative impact on the traffic flow. This document provides the recommended practice for an automated vehicle driving on public roads to decide the next action based on multiple inputs including but not limited to sensors on this vehicle, inputs from other vehicles, and inputs from the infrastructure. This document itemizes the cases when different inputs suggest different actions and recommends solutions in these cases. [20-154]

IEEE 2040.3 Recommended Practice for Permitting Automated Vehicles to Drive on Public Roads.  Automated vehicles have the potential to not only significantly decrease accidents and fatalities on roads, but also improve the time efficiency and energy efficiency of traffic flows due to higher synchronization of vehicle movements, which may help avoid extending the existing infrastructure. However, the state-of-the-art vehicle functionalities are not able to address all the circumstances on roads to drive safely. The aim of this project is to facilitate the adoption of automated vehicle technologies while ensuring the safety and efficiency in traffic flows. This standard will be updated along with the evolution of automated vehicle technologies and technical progresses into the infrastructure.  This document provides the recommended practice for a regulator to permit automated vehicles to drive on public roads when specific conditions are met. This document itemizes the combinations of vehicle capabilities and different situations on public roads. [20-155]

IEEE 2040 Standard for General Requirements for Fully Automated Vehicles Driving on Public Roads.   Automated vehicles have the potential to not only significantly decrease accidents and fatalities on roads, but also improve the time efficiency and energy efficiency of traffic flows due to higher synchronization of vehicle movements, which may help avoid extending the existing infrastructure. However, there are hypes, confusions, and misunderstandings about the state-of-the-art vehicle functionalities in the market as well as the laboratories. The lack of general requirements for fully automated vehicles is misleading consumers and risking the safety of the public including passengers, pedestrians, and other traffic participants. This project is needed to clarify what a fully automated vehicle is supposed to be capable of, point out the direction and the ultimate goal of automated driving technology evolution, and provide a reference for the public body to certify and regulate automated vehicles on public roads.  This standard specifies the general requirements that a fully automated vehicle shall meet in order to drive on public roads. This standard serves as a comprehensive checklist of all the use cases, scenarios, and worst conditions that a fully automated vehicle certified by the public body shall address on public roads in order to protect the safety of the public including passengers, pedestrians, and other traffic participants.[20-156]

No exposure drafts are open for public consultation at this time.

You may communicate directly with the IEEE Standards Association to receive notification of milestones and to respond to calls for public consultation on your own.  Contact: Lisa Weisser: (732) 981-2864; l.weisser@ieee.org 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854-4141.  We will track these products from the perspective of business, research and academic interests.

We maintain all IEEE consensus products on several of our colloquia — Mobility, Power, Infotech — and collaborate closely with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee and IEEE Consumer Electronics Society.   See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.


Issue: [20-153] [20-154] [20-155] [20-156]

Category: Mobility, Power, Infotech

Source: American National Standards Institute

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Paul Green


Complete Street

March 8, 2023
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The term “Complete Street” is a relatively new term of art that emerged in the early 2000s as a concept in public roadways. The Complete Streets movement is a transportation policy and design approach that aims to create safe, accessible, and convenient streets for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders of all ages and abilities. The concept recognizes that streets should be designed to accommodate a range of transportation modes, and should be safe and accessible for everyone, regardless of age, ability, or mode of transportation.

The Complete Streets concept has gained popularity in recent years as cities and towns across the country have sought to improve safety and accessibility for all users of public roads. Many cities and states have adopted Complete Streets policies and guidelines to ensure that new road construction, rehabilitation, and maintenance projects prioritize the needs of all users. Complete Streets policies often require that new road projects include sidewalks, bike lanes, crosswalks, and other infrastructure improvements to make streets safer and more accessible for everyone.


U.S. Department of Transportation: Federal Highway Administration

State of Michigan Complete Streets Program

University of Cincinnati

University of Connecticut

University of Nevada Las Vegas

Power Transformers

March 8, 2023
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Michael Faraday lecturing at the Royal Institution*

Today at 16:00 UTC we pick through specifics appearing in the US Department of Energy Notices of Proposed Regulations linked below:

2023-02-22 Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Distribution Transformers; Extension of Public Comment Period; Notice of proposed rulemaking; extension of public comment period

2023-01-11 Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Distribution Transformers; Notice of proposed rulemaking and announcement of public meeting

Public consultation closes March 27th unless another extension is granted.


It is not coincidental that we selected this topic for today’s colloquium because of today’s coincident meetings of the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee.  Many of our colleagues over the years will understand our interest in this issue.

At first reading we see the US Department of Energy running through the same  bunnyholes incumbent stakeholders have set for them for decades.   We will start with the catalogs of the following standards developers:

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

International Electrotechnical Commission

National Electrical Manufacturers Association

National Fire Protection Association.

You are welcomed to join us today with the login credentials at the upper right of our home page; open to everyone.

Rightsizing Electrical Power Systems


* Alternating current (AC) transformers are electrical devices that are used to transfer alternating electrical energy from one circuit to another through electromagnetic induction. The main physical principles underlying AC transformers are:

  1. Electromagnetic Induction: AC transformers rely on electromagnetic induction to transfer energy from one circuit to another. Electromagnetic induction is the process by which a changing magnetic field induces an electric current in a conductor. In a transformer, an alternating current flowing through the primary coil creates a changing magnetic field, which induces an alternating current in the secondary coil.
  2. Faraday’s Law of Induction: Faraday’s Law states that the magnitude of the induced voltage is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic field. In a transformer, this means that the voltage induced in the secondary coil is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic field created by the current flowing in the primary coil.
  3. Lenz’s Law: Lenz’s Law states that the direction of the induced current is such that it opposes the change in magnetic field that produced it. In a transformer, this means that the current induced in the secondary coil is in the opposite direction to the current flowing in the primary coil.
  4. Mutual Inductance: Mutual inductance is a measure of the degree of coupling between two coils. In a transformer, the mutual inductance between the primary and secondary coils determines the amount of energy transferred between the two circuits.
  5. Conservation of Energy: Finally, transformers obey the principle of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. In a transformer, the energy transferred from the primary circuit to the secondary circuit is equal to the energy received by the secondary circuit.

Education & Healthcare Facility Electrotechnology Committee


March 7, 2023

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Missouri Compromise

March 7, 2023

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Smart Medical Campus Power

March 6, 2023
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University of California Berkeley

One of the standing items on our advocacy agenda for the better part of 10 years has been to promote formal reliability studies and impedance grounding methods to increase the reliability of large customer-owned power grids that are common in the education industry.   These approaches are already applied in data centers and mission critical facilities; we simply suggest scaling them upward onto medium voltage campus power grids — starting with university-affiliated medical campus power grids.   In California, for example, there are fire safety benefits to impedance grounding since California has significant seismic risks.   Impedance grounding can limit damages to campus buildings in disaster and it can hasten the return to the normal power distribution operation.   Formal reliability studies offer insight into the performance of for the utility interactive power systems common on university-affiliated medical campuses.

More details are  described in the video recordings below.

Formal reliability approaches

Impedance grounding

Issue: [11-25]

Category: Electrical, #SmartCampus, Facility Asset Management

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Robert G. Arno, Neal Dowling, Jim Harvey, Kane Howard, Jerry Jimenez, Jim Murphy,


IEEE PC62.92.5: Guide for the Application of Neutral Grounding in Electrical Utility Systems, Part V-Transmission Systems and Subtransmission Systems.  The scope of this document is to give the basic factors and general considerations in selecting the class and means of neutral grounding for a particular ac transmission or subtransmission system, and the suggested method and apparatus to be used to achieve the desired grounding. Definitions of grounding terms used in this part of the guide can be found in IEEE Std C62.92.1(TM)-2017.

IEEE SA PC62.92.5

Posted August 1, 2018

For the past several revision cycles of the NFPA 70 suite* of electrical consensus documents we have been advocating stronger language in National Electrical Code Article 250 (NFPA 70) for other-than-solid grounding methods for large campus power distribution systems.    These resistance system grounding methods face stiff “technical-cultural” headwinds from the electrical design and enforcement community that are most comfortable with solid system grounding methods.  Safety and reliability design approaches based upon subtleties in resistance grounding regimes are applied routinely in data centers.  They are easily conveyed onto 5 to 500 MVA campus power systems at moderate cost.

In the video presentation to the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee we find that the University of California Berkeley has had a resistance grounded system in place for decades — a system that has dramatically reduced fault energy to which electricians are exposed and provides a signature for instrumentation to provide early warning of a condition that would lead to a forced power outage.  Forced power outages on many college and university campuses can cost millions of dollars per minute.

Click on image

NEC Code Panel 5 received public input for the 2020 National Electrical Code revision.  Of particular interest is the public input on Section II System Grounding.   The public input and the results of the balloting are available by clicking here.   The National Fire Protection Association Electrical Division is now in the process of preparing the results for public comment on July 6th.

Comments are due August 30th.

We hope to continue our enlightenment of education facility managers about the possibility of safer and more reliable campus power systems as the emergent #SmartCampus accelerates.   While there is already competition among trade associations and the event industry for ownership of the #SmartCampus space we think we have the authoritative voice.  We collaborate closely with the IEEE Industrial Applications Society that is developing a recommended practice for smarter campus power systems (see ANSI/IEEE Recommended Practice for the System Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems 3003.1).

All NFPA consensus documents are on the standing agenda of our weekly Open Door teleconference every Wednesday, 11 AM Eastern Time.  Click here to log in.   This topic and others will also be on the agenda of the September 11th online meeting of the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee; also open to the public.   Click here to log in.

Issue: [11-25]

Category: Electrical, #SmartCampus, Facility Asset Management

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Kane Howard, Jerry Jimenez, Jim Murphy, Richard Robben

* By NFPA 70 suite we mean the following:

NFPA 70 National Electrical Code

NFPA 70A National Electrical Code Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings

NFPA 70B Recommended Practice for Electrical Equipment Maintenance

NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace

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