Polling Places


Polling Places

November 8, 2022

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Founded in 1975, the National Conference of State Legislatures is one of several non-profit organizations that claims to represent the legislatures in the states, territories and commonwealths of the U.S. Its mission is to advance the effectiveness, independence and integrity of legislatures and to foster interstate cooperation and facilitate the exchange of information among legislatures.

NCSL also represents legislatures in dealing with the federal government, especially in support of state sovereignty and state flexibility and protection from unfunded federal mandates and unwarranted federal preemption. The conference promotes cooperation between state legislatures in the U.S. and those in other countries.

In addition, NCSL is committed to improving the operations and management of state legislatures, and the effectiveness of legislators and legislative staff. NCSL also encourages the practice of high standards of conduct by legislators and legislative staff.

United States Constitution: Elections and Voting Rights

National Conference of State Legislatures: Polling Places

National Conference of State Legislatures: 50-state surveys


* The NCSL would be advised to change the name of the game they have coded for teaching schoolchildren in the United States — a “constitutional republic”; not a democracy.  A democracy is aptly described as “two foxes and a chicken” deciding what’s for dinner.   Among the nearly two-hundred national governing documents in the world the United States Constitution presents the go-to standard limiting the power of the central national government so that a federation of 50 independent states can govern themselves to the furthest extent possible.    Education communities in the United States are closely aligned with partisans of a large federal government; a fact that effects every dimension of American culture and, for our intent, effects the architectural character of these cities-within-cities because of the money flow that sustains them.


Eric Blair

November 7, 2022

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School Bond Referenda November 2022

November 7, 2022
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“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics

is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”

— Plato



BallotPedia:  List of school districts in the United States

Wikipedia: List of school districts in the United States

Educational Services for Immigrant Children and Those Recently Arrived to the United States

Education Community Finance

The raison d’être for Standards Michigan is to intervene in sustainability and safety standards development to remove 10 to 100 million dollars out of every billion dollars spent.  In any other industry, that amount of money would be meaningful.

Negative Impacts of Using the Internet Among Nursing Students

November 7, 2022

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Emerging Technologies and the Negative Impacts of Using the Internet Among Nursing Students

Atallah Alenezi, et al

College of Applied Medical Science, Shaqra University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Abstract: World wide Web or the internet is gaining more challenges and has been one of the most exciting major events in the second half of the 20th century and has brought negative impact that cannot be ignored. Aim of this study is to develop solutions to deal with negative impacts of using internet among nursing students in a government university. Design, descriptive methodological design (cross-sectional) to achieve the study objectives. Setting, sample of 185 undergraduate male and female nursing students from three campuses of applied medical sciences college of Shaqra university. Results, 75.7% of students ages ranged from 20–25, health impacts came at the first level of negative impacts of using internet and got arithmetic mean (32.74), and no statistically significant correlation between student’s personal characteristics regarding the negative impacts of using the internet.

CLICK HERE to order complete paper

Standards Texas

November 7, 2022
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Conroe Texas Post Office Mural c. 1937


As we explain in our ABOUT, we continue roll out of our education community user-interest platform that begun at the University of Michigan in 1993.  We are now drilling down into state and local adaptations of nationally developed codes and standards that are incorporated by reference into public safety and sustainability legislation.

Standards Michigan remains the “free” home site but state-specific sites such as Standards Texas will be accessible to user-interest code-writers and vote-getters.   Please send bella@standardsmichigan.com a request to join one of our mailing lists appropriate to your interest for #SmartCampus standards action in the State of Texas.


Official Statement November 7, 2017 | Board of Regents of the University of Texas System | $302,640,000

Texas Tech University System | Bondholders & Investor Relations

Austin Community College District | Lease Revenue Bonds | $44,430,000

Rabbit Rabbit

November 6, 2022
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Gallery: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

November 6, 2022
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This content is accessible to paid subscribers. To view it please enter your password below or send mike@standardsmichigan.com a request for subscription details.

5G Micro-operators for the future campus

November 6, 2022

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Aalto-yliopisto Finland

5G Micro-operators for the future campus: A techno-economic study

Jaspreet Singh Walia – Heikki Hämmäinen
Dept. of Communications and Networking, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
Marja Matinmikko
Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland


Abstract.  In this paper, we propose a deployment framework for future indoor small cell networks that will be beneficial for the venue owner/campus, micro-operator (uO), end-users and Mobile Network Operators (MNOs). The research is motivated by ongoing struggle to improve indoor coverage, to meet ever increasing capacity demands and to develop 5G access solutions to be ready for future use cases. The framework conceives an indoor small cell deployment for the campus, operated and managed by the uO, which leverages network slicing to provide the campus with local customized service, while at the same time also acting as a neutral host for participating MNOs. The proposed framework will be beneficial in terms of reduced costs, additional revenues, dedicated services, coverage, and spectrum utilization. In the end, the framework is contended to be economically viable and more beneficial than Wi-Fi deployments. The total cost of ownership (TCO) is calculated per access point type and then the TCO for current total capacity is calculated for each option. The analysis shows that although small cells are expensive on a unit basis but the overall network can be cheaper and more beneficial than a Wi-Fi deployment.


To order complete article: IEEE Digital Library

Internet of Beautiful Things

November 5, 2022

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