“This House Believes Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far”


Raw Milk

June 20, 2024
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The consumption of raw milk, which is milk that has not been pasteurized or homogenized, is a topic of debate and controversy. Advocates of raw milk claim certain potential advantages, while opponents highlight health risks associated with consuming unpasteurized milk. It’s important to note that health regulations and recommendations vary by region, and some places may have restrictions on the sale or distribution of raw milk due to safety concerns.

Advocates of raw milk often cite the following potential advantages:

  1. Nutrient Retention: Some argue that the pasteurization process, which involves heating milk to kill harmful bacteria, may also destroy certain beneficial nutrients in milk. Proponents of raw milk claim that it retains more of its natural vitamins, enzymes, and beneficial bacteria.
  2. Enzymes: Raw milk contains natural enzymes that may aid in digestion and nutrient absorption. Some people believe that these enzymes are destroyed during pasteurization, potentially affecting the milk’s nutritional value.
  3. Probiotics: Raw milk may contain beneficial bacteria, or probiotics, which could contribute to a healthy gut microbiome. These bacteria are thought to have potential health benefits.
  4. Improved Taste: Some individuals prefer the taste of raw milk, finding it to be richer and creamier compared to pasteurized milk.

However, it’s crucial to consider the potential risks associated with raw milk consumption:

  1. Bacterial Contamination: Raw milk can harbor harmful bacteria such as Salmonella, Escherichia coli (E. coli), and Listeria. These bacteria can cause serious foodborne illnesses, especially in vulnerable populations such as young children, pregnant women, and individuals with weakened immune systems.
  2. Health and Safety Concerns: Pasteurization is a process designed to kill harmful bacteria without significantly affecting the nutritional value of the milk. It has played a crucial role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases through milk consumption.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: In many regions, the sale of raw milk is subject to strict regulations due to concerns about public health. Consumers should be aware of and comply with local laws and regulations regarding raw milk.

Before considering raw milk consumption, individuals should thoroughly research local regulations, consult with healthcare professionals, and weigh the potential benefits against the associated risks. It’s essential to prioritize food safety and make informed decisions based on reliable information.


Morning with Cows


June 20, 2024
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Leeds Student Radio Home


Standards United Kingdom

Animal domestication

June 20, 2024
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Learning from the Wild Things

Dogs and Agriculture

Development of a Touchable VR Planetarium for Both Sighted and Visually Impaired People

June 20, 2024
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Development of a Touchable VR Planetarium for Both Sighted and Visually Impaired People

Kota Suzuki, et. al

Kogakuin University

Abstract: The authors proposed and developed a “touchable” VR planetarium. The user wears a VR headset and “touches” the stars with the controllers. Because we can’t touch the stars in reality, this application provides the users with additional value and experience of the planetarium. As this feature is valuable for visually impaired people to experience the starry sky, the authors also implemented the functions that help it. In the trial use by visually impaired people, they experienced the starry sky with the support functions and evaluated the VR planetarium as a valuable application.

Preschool Children in the Dome

June 20, 2024
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Planetarians’ Zoom Seminar of 2024 May 31. Preschool Children in the Dome. Led by Tony Smith (Astronomy Educator for Online Learning at ASP; planetarian), Anna Hurst (Program Director at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific) and Mary Holt (Planetarium Programs Specialist at California Academy of Sciences). How can planetariums offer engaging programming for preschool children and their families, an audience often overlooked and feared by even the most experienced planetarians?

The Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) and California Academy of Sciences (CAS) share some resources and experiences engaging pre-school children in earth and space science and then facilitate a conversation among attendees. What has worked well in your dome? What are the challenges? What support do you need to feel confident about reaching this audience?

Pacific Planetarium Association

Fiske Planetarium

June 20, 2024
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International Standard Classification of Education

June 19, 2024
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“Etudes Graphiques” | Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890

“I am not an Athenian or a Greek,

but a citizen of the world.”

— (Plato quoting Socrates, Phaedo 64a)


ISCED 2011 is an updated version of the previous classification, ISCED 1997, and provides a framework for organizing education programs according to their level of complexity and content. The classification is designed to facilitate the comparison of education systems across countries and regions, and to improve the collection, reporting, and analysis of education statistics.

ISCED 2011 introduces several changes and updates, such as the introduction of a new level of education called “early childhood education,” the expansion of the tertiary education level to include short-cycle tertiary education, and the inclusion of a separate category for vocational education at the secondary level. The classification also includes detailed descriptions of the content and characteristics of each education level, as well as guidelines for classifying educational programs that do not fit neatly into the existing categories.

ISCED 2011 is widely used by national and international organizations, including UNESCO, to collect and report education data, and it provides a common language for discussing education across borders.

Coffee Time!

June 18, 2024

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Universities Wisconsin | Annual Financial Reports

Victor Davis Hanson

“…The veneer of civilization is very very thin. Once you strip off that thin layer of civilization
you get human nature in the raw and it’s not a pretty sight…”

Standards Wisconsin


North American Electric Grid Reliability Standards

June 18, 2024
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Standards, Compliance, and Enforcement Bulletin June 26–July 4, 2023

Complete Set of Reliability Standards for the Bulk Electric Systems of North America: June 30, 2023 Update

Electrical Resource Adequacy


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