Tag Archives: D5/1


Maths and Sport

The use of “maths” instead of “math” is a difference in British English compared to American English. In British English, the word “mathematics” is often referred to as “maths,” with the added “s” signifying the plural form. This is consistent with how British English commonly shortens many words by adding an “s” to the end. For example, “physics” becomes “phys, “economics” becomes “econs,” and so on.

In contrast, American English typically shortens “mathematics” to “math” without the additional “s,” following a different pattern of abbreviation.

The reason for these linguistic differences is rooted in the historical development of the English language and regional linguistic variations that have evolved over time. British English and American English have diverged in certain aspects of vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar, resulting in variations like “maths” and “math.” It’s important to note that neither is inherently correct or incorrect; they are just regional preferences.














Gresham College is a higher education institution located in London, UK. It was founded in 1597 under the will of Sir Thomas Gresham, a financier and merchant who left funds for the establishment of a college in the heart of the city.

The college’s original aim was to provide free public lectures in a range of subjects, including law, astronomy, geometry, and music. The lectures were intended to be accessible to anyone who was interested in learning, regardless of their background or social status.

Over the centuries, Gresham College has remained true to this mission, and today it continues to offer a range of free public lectures and events that are open to all.



How Fast Can Usain Bolt Run?

Winter Sport

ANSI Standards Action: February 9, 2024

“Indians Playing Lacrosse on the Ice” 1934 Yale University Art Gallery

The literature for designing, building and maintaining sport and recreation related spaces in education settlements cuts across so many safety and sustainability risk aggregations that, starting 2024, we begin breaking up the topic according to four seasons; mindful that not all seasons are present in all settlements at all times of the year.

Join us today when we sort through live public consultations on proposed changes to the most frequently referenced titles.


Ice Hockey Arena Lighting

Figure Skating




Ice Fishing




Coetzenburg Swimming Pool


Readings / Sport, Culture & Society

Maths and Sport

National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security

Virtual reality technology in evacuation simulation of sport stadiums


Cocoa: Food of the Gods

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

International Cocoa Organization


Ghana’s Rabbit Industry

Like many folk traditions of saying “Rabbit, rabbit” to your colleagues on the first day of the month has an unclear origin and has several variations and interpretations.  We use it a reason to explore university research into food sources; the proper business of education communities everywhere.  In one version of the tradition, saying “Rabbit, rabbit” or “White rabbit” as the first words upon waking on the first day of the month is believed to bring good luck for the rest of that month. It is thought to ensure good fortune, happiness, and general positivity throughout the coming weeks.

The specific origins and reasons behind this tradition are difficult to trace, as superstitions often evolve and are passed down through generations. It’s worth noting that this practice is not universally known or followed, and its popularity may vary among different regions and communities.  Ultimately, the saying “Rabbit, rabbit” on the first day of the month is an example of a charming and whimsical superstition that some individuals enjoy participating in as a fun way to start the month on a positive note.

Codex Alimentarius


Hearing is one of the most crucial means of survival in the animal world and speech is one of the most distinctive characteristics of human development and culture. Accordingly, the science of acoustics spreads across many facets of human society—music, medicine, architecture, industrial production and more recently in off-site instructional facilities.  Join us today at 15:00 UTC when we review the best practice catalogs of the peak standards-setting organizations for titles relevant to education communities.

Acoustical Society of America\

American National Standards Institute ANSI S12.18 – Determination of Occupational Noise Exposure and Estimation of Noise-Induced Hearing Impairment: This standard provides guidance on how to measure and assess occupational noise exposure.

ASTM International

Committee on Building and Environmental Acoustics

Audio Engineering Society

Entertainment Services and Technology Association

International Code Council: Guideline for Acoustics

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

Standard for Acoustic Emissions from Transformers

Standard for Wind Turbine Acoustic Noise Measurement

International Electrotechnical Commission: TC 20 Electroacoustics

International Standardization Organization: TC/43 Acoustics

National Fire Protection Association: National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code

Underwriters Laboratories

Classified Acoustical Performance Summary (Ceiling tiles)


National Bureau of Standards: Standards on Noise Measurements, Rating Schemes and Definitions

United States Department of Labor: Occupational Noise Exposure

IEEE: Design and Implementation of an Adaptive and Effective Audio System for Classroom

Why Acoustics Matter So Much in Medical Facilities

Syllabus: Acoustics 100

Motion Picture Production

Education communities in every nation provide a locus for community cultural art production, enjoyment and instruction.   It is both a consumer and producer; with the expansion of massive open online curricula drawing from the best practices conveyed from the visual arts.

One of the first names in this domain is the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers that support the technical framework and global professional community that makes motion picture, television and professional media available for all humanity to enjoy for artistic, educational and social purposes.  The landing pages for its standards development enterprise are linked below:

SMPTE Standards  

There are no open consultations on any SMPTE practice titles but one of its quarterly standards updates will happen sometime during January 2020

We maintain SMPTE titles  on the standing agenda of our Lively Arts, Power, Fine Art and Infotech colloquia.   We also collaborate with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee which meets 4 times monthly in European and American time zones.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meetings; open to everyone.

Media production audio visual

Issue: [Various]

Category: Academics, Seven Lively Arts Facilities, Electrical, Telecommunication

Contact: Mike Anthony, Sanne Clare Anthony, Jim Harvey, Richard Robben


SMPTE Standards Annual Report 2019

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