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Polar Bear Plunge

January 5, 2023
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Signs, Signs, Signs

January 5, 2023

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Our first impression of a community is its visual environment, which is reflected from the pretty integration of the built and natural forms. Visual pollution is defined as the whole of irregular formations that are unattractive and affects people’s ability to enjoy or appreciate the view and vista.  Anything that interferes with the “pretty scenes” and other distortion may become a cause of visual pollution. With the rapid increase of population world widebuilding sector became the major source of visual pollution especially in the city center.

Join us today when we sweep through the surprisingly large catalog of titles devoted to signage.  We will borrow from our previous coverage of pathway standards.   Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

Pathways 100

Visual Pollution

Noteworthy court cases involving signage on colleges and universities:

  1. Widmar v. Vincent (1981): In this Supreme Court case, the court held that public universities cannot discriminate against student groups based on their religious or political beliefs, including the display of signs or other expressive activities.
  2. Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969): This Supreme Court case involved a challenge to a school district’s ban on wearing black armbands to protest the Vietnam War. The court held that students have a First Amendment right to express their views through symbols and signs, as long as it does not disrupt the educational environment.
  3. Healy v. James (1972): In this Supreme Court case, the court held that colleges and universities cannot impose a prior restraint on student speech, including the display of signs, unless there is a clear and present danger of imminent violence or disruption.
  4. Rosenberger v. Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia (1995): In this Supreme Court case, the court held that public universities cannot discriminate against student groups based on their viewpoint, including the display of signs or other expressive activities.
  5. Texas v. Johnson (1989): This Supreme Court case involved a challenge to a Texas law that prohibited the desecration of the American flag. The court held that flag burning is a form of symbolic speech protected by the First Amendment, including on college and university campuses.

Court cases involving municipal signage:

  1. Reed v. Town of Gilbert (2015): This Supreme Court case involved a challenge to the town of Gilbert, Arizona’s sign code, which regulated the size, location, and duration of signs based on their content. The court held that the sign code was a content-based restriction on speech and therefore subject to strict scrutiny.
  2. City of Ladue v. Gilleo (1994): In this Supreme Court case, the court struck down a municipal ordinance that banned the display of signs on residential property, except for signs that fell within specific exemptions. The court held that the ban was an unconstitutional restriction on the freedom of speech.
  3. Metromedia, Inc. v. San Diego (1981): This Supreme Court case involved a challenge to a San Diego ordinance that banned off-premises advertising signs while allowing on-premises signs. The court held that the ordinance was an unconstitutional restriction on free speech, as it discriminated against certain types of speech.
  4. City of Ladue v. Center for the Study of Responsive Law, Inc. (1980): In this Supreme Court case, the court upheld a municipal ordinance that prohibited the display of signs on public property, but only if the signs were posted for longer than 10 days. The court held that the ordinance was a valid time, place, and manner restriction on speech.
  5. City of Boerne v. Flores (1997): This Supreme Court case involved a challenge to a municipal sign code that regulated the size, location, and content of signs in the city. The court held that the sign code violated the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, as it burdened the exercise of religion without a compelling government interest.

The Integration of a Smart Grid and Smart Buildings

January 4, 2023

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Panelist: Thomas Lawrence, Ph.D., P.E., Fellow ASHRAE, LEED® AP Chair: Tony O’Keeffe, ASHRAE Ireland Vice-Chair CTTC 2021-2022 Date/Time: Friday, October 15th 2021 (1:00 – 2:00 PM BST)

The smart grid is developing and moving forward, buildings and the built environment will be interacting more closely with the electric utilities. The communication will be in both directions, with the utility working to balance the grid supply and demand through methods such as signalling requests for demand response measures, real-time price adjustments, etc. This is an evolving field and, while there are some differences in the need for and how a smart grid might function in the various regions of the world, there are some common factors as well. This seminar provides an overview of the smart grid particularly as it relates to buildings and their systems, and includes material and topics outlined in ASHRAE’s Smart Grid Application Guide.

About the Speaker: Dr. Lawrence is the Mechanical Engineering program lead with the University of Georgia, and has nearly 40 years of professional experience. He spent the first 18 years in industry and after going back for his PhD at Purdue he has been at UGA since January 2004. He is the past chair of ASHRAE Technical Committee 2.8 and is a member of the committee that wrote and maintains ASHRAE Standard 189.1 for High Performance Green Buildings. As an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer, he gives seminars related to high-performance buildings at venues around the world. Dr. Lawrence was named an ASHRAE Fellow in 2017 and was a Director-at-Large on the Board of Directors for ASHRAE from 2016-2019. Dr. Lawrence has a B.S. with Highest Distinction in Environmental Science from Purdue University (1978), a M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Oregon State University (1982) and a second M.S. degree in Engineering Management from Washington University in 1989. He received a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University in the spring of 2004.

H.R. 9566: American Teacher Act

January 3, 2023
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117th Congress Swearing In Floor Proceedings – January 3, 2021, House Chamber

Tobacco Crop Research

January 2, 2023
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Yes, there are universities that conduct research on tobacco crops. In fact, tobacco research has been conducted for decades, primarily by agricultural departments within universities. Some of the universities that conduct tobacco crop research include:

  1. North Carolina State University
  2. Virginia Tech
  3. University of Kentucky
  4. University of Tennessee
  5. University of Georgia
  6. University of Florida
  7. University of Wisconsin-Madison
  8. Mississippi State University
  9. Clemson University
  10. Louisiana State University

These universities have agricultural departments and research centers that focus on tobacco production, disease management, and product development. Some of the research conducted at these universities includes improving tobacco yields, developing new tobacco varieties, exploring alternative uses for tobacco, and investigating the health effects of tobacco use.

Understanding Building Codes

January 2, 2023
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Privileged Spaces

January 2, 2023

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