Sport Lighting


Sport Lighting

September 20, 2024
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Public Consultation on IES RP-6 Recommended Practice: Lighting Sports and Recreational Areas closes October 7


Athletic and recreational sports enterprises are important features in education communities; supportive of brand identity and cohort creation.  Assuring the safety and sustainability of these assets is informed by several best practice titles; among them the Illuminating Engineering Society recommended practice RP-6-15 Sports and Recreational Area Lighting  From the project prospectus:

The purpose of RP-6-15  is to provide the reader with recommendations to aid in the design of sports lighting systems. Popular sports, such as baseball, tennis, basketball and football as well as recreational social activities, such as horseshoe pitching and croquet are covered. Venues for spectators of amateur, collegiate, and professional sports are complex facilities that should provide not only for the spectators, but also the equipment used in modern sports broadcasting. This document does not address those needs, so the reader should look for guidance from the sports league or the project consultant.
Sports lighting systems consume power which over time can be significant, and IES RP-6-15 defines methods for maximizing energy efficiency.

The IES-suite joins standards developed by the International Code Council (International Building Code), the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE 3001.9) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 70) that must be applied skillfully by design professionals and understood by athletic facility managers.  Other consensus standards developers such as the American Society of Heating and Refrigeration Engineers and the Entertainment Services and Technology Association were moving into this domain before the circumstances of the pandemic.

We always encourage our colleagues in the education industry to do so themselves; starting with the links below:


IES Standards Open for Public Review

Comments on Draft “IES TM-39  Technical Memorandum: Quantification and Specification of Flicker” will be received until August 12th
Keep in mind that the IES typically deals with the application of best practice in illumination.  It neither covers the reliability of the power systems nor the power chain to the luminaries.  Recommended practice for the power chain are now being developed by the IEEE Industrial Applications Society; specifically IEEE 3001.9 – Recommended Practice for the Design of Power Systems Supplying Lighting Systems in Commercial and Industrial Facilities.  The IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee pulls together ALL the standards — ICC, IEEE, IEC, NFPA, IES, ASHRAE, ASTM, ESTA and any other emergent consensus or open source documents that might set the standard of care for the education industry.

University of Michigan

The IEEE E&H Committee meets online 4 times monthly in Europe and the United States; and those meetings are open to the public (CLICK HERE).   Additionally, we set aside one hour every month to walk through the entire suite of standards for sports and recreation facilities.   See our CALENDAR for the date of our next Athletic & Recreation standards teleconference.  Login credential are at the upper right of our home page

Issue: [16-132]

Category: Electrical, Athletics & Recreation

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Kane Howard


Designing Lighting for People and Buildings

Engineering in Sport

Water Polo

September 20, 2024
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A standard water polo pool playing field has specific characteristics and dimensions regulated by the sport’s governing bodies, such as Fédération Internationale de Natation with regional variations informed by student athlete safety. There are about 750 high school girls and boys girls water polo programs in the US and about 70 collegiate teams.  Here are the key features:

Pool Dimensions

  1. Length: The playing area is typically 20 to 30 meters long.
  2. Width: The playing area is 10 to 20 meters wide.
  3. Depth: The minimum depth is 1.8 meters (about 6 feet) to ensure players cannot touch the bottom.

Goal Dimensions

  1. Width: The goals are 3 meters wide.
  2. Height: The goals are 0.9 meters high.

Markings and Zones

  1. Midline: The center of the pool has a midline to divide the playing area into two halves.
  2. 5-Meter Line: There are lines marked at 5 meters from each goal line, used to indicate where penalty shots can be taken.
  3. 2-Meter Line: There are lines marked at 2 meters from each goal line, inside which attacking players cannot remain for more than a few seconds without the ball.

Goals and Nets

  1. Goalposts and Crossbar: The goals are constructed with goalposts and a crossbar, usually made of metal or a similar sturdy material.
  2. Nets: Attached to the goals to catch the ball.

Ball Specifications

  1. Size: The ball has a circumference of 0.68 to 0.71 meters for men and 0.65 to 0.67 meters for women.
  2. Weight: The ball weighs between 400 and 450 grams.

Additional Features

  1. Team Benches: Located on the pool deck for players not in the water.
  2. Shot Clocks: To keep track of the possession time, typically set to 30 seconds.
  3. Scoreboards: To display the game score, time remaining, and other relevant information.

Water Temperature

  1. Temperature: The water temperature is usually maintained between 25-28°C (77-82°F) to ensure player comfort.

Related Water Standards

  1. American Water Works
  2. NSF International Pool, Spa & Recreational Waters
  3. NFPA Electric Shock Drowning

“Waterpolo 3” Mario Arroyave, 2013. © Mario Arroyave, courtesy the artist and Artemisa Contemporary Latin American Art, New York.

Water Polo Pool Dimensions & Drawings

Ann Arbor Huron Water Polo | Washtenaw County


King County Seattle

“The Boys in the Boat”

September 20, 2024
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The Boys in the Boat is a true story based on the struggles and sacrifices made by the University of Washington rowing team to compete at rowing at the 1936 Summer Olympics – Men’s eight.

Joseph Sutton-Holcomb from The Seattle Times writes that author Daniel James Brown got the idea to write this book when his neighbor Judy Willman said that her father, Joe Rantz, was a fan of his works and wanted to have a conversation with the author. That conversation with Joe Rantz about life during the Great Depression led to an in-depth chat about his time as a rower at the University of Washington.

“Jubilee” George Whitefield Chadwick

September 19, 2024
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September 19, 2024
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American Wood Council

“Arbor Day” 1932 | Grant Wood

Building schoolhouses with wood in the United States had significant practical and cultural implications, particularly during the 18th and 19th centuries. Wood was the most readily available and cost-effective material in many parts of the country. Abundant forests provided a plentiful supply, making it the logical choice for construction. The use of wood allowed communities to quickly and efficiently build schoolhouses, which were often the first public buildings erected in a new settlement.

Wooden schoolhouses were emblematic of the pioneering spirit and the value placed on education in early American society. These structures were often simple, reflecting the modest means of rural communities, but they were also durable and could be expanded or repaired as needed. The ease of construction meant that even remote and sparsely populated areas could establish schools, thereby fostering literacy and learning across the nation.

Moreover, wooden schoolhouses became cultural icons, representing the humble beginnings of the American educational system. They were often the center of community life, hosting social and civic events in addition to serving educational purposes. Today, preserved wooden schoolhouses stand as historical landmarks, offering a glimpse into the educational practices and community life of early America. Their construction reflects the resourcefulness and priorities of the early settlers who valued education as a cornerstone of their communities.

Building schoolhouses with wood presents several technical challenges, including durability, fire risk, maintenance, and structural limitations. Here are the key challenges in detail:

  1. Durability and Weather Resistance:
    • Rot and Decay: Wood is susceptible to rot and decay, especially in humid or wet climates. Without proper treatment and maintenance, wooden structures can deteriorate rapidly.
    • Pests: Termites and other wood-boring insects can cause significant damage, compromising the integrity of the building.
  2. Fire Risk:
    • Combustibility: Wood is highly flammable, increasing the risk of fire. This was a significant concern in historical and rural settings where firefighting resources were limited.
    • Safety Standards: Ensuring that wooden schoolhouses meet modern fire safety standards requires additional measures, such as fire-retardant treatments and the installation of fire suppression systems.
  3. Maintenance:
    • Regular Upkeep: Wooden buildings require frequent maintenance, including painting, sealing, and repairing any damage caused by weather or pests.
    • Cost: Ongoing maintenance can be costly and labor-intensive, posing a challenge for communities with limited resources.
  4. Structural Limitations:
    • Load-Bearing Capacity: Wood has limitations in terms of load-bearing capacity compared to materials like steel or concrete. This can restrict the size and design of the schoolhouse.
    • Foundation Issues: Wooden structures can experience foundation issues if not properly designed and constructed, leading to uneven settling and potential structural damage.
  5. Environmental Impact:
    • Deforestation: The widespread use of wood for construction can contribute to deforestation, which has environmental consequences. Sustainable sourcing practices are essential to mitigate this impact.
  6. Insulation and Energy Efficiency:
    • Thermal Insulation: Wood provides moderate thermal insulation, but additional materials and techniques are often required to ensure energy efficiency and comfort for students and staff.

Despite these challenges, wooden schoolhouses were popular in the past due to the availability of materials and ease of construction. Addressing these technical challenges requires careful planning, use of modern materials and techniques, and regular maintenance to ensure the longevity and safety of wooden schoolhouses.


Soils and Foundations

Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures

International Fire Code

Life Safety Code

Storm Shelters

National Design Specification for Wood Construction

September 19, 2024
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“The Country School” 1871 Winslow Homer

The 2024 National Design Specification for Wood Construction was developed by AWC’s Wood Design Standards Committee and approved as a standard by ANSI (American National Standards Institute) on October 16, 2023.  The 2024 NDS is referenced in the 2024 International Building Code.


International Code Council Mass Timber: Outcomes of the ICC Tall Wood Ad Hoc Committee

The Old Schoolhouse | Flint Creek Oklahoma


Researchers Make Wood Stronger than Steel

Construction Technology Careers: Carpentry, HVAC, Plumbing

September 19, 2024
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Construction Technology Careers: Carpentry, HVAC, Plumbing

Standards Colorado

One study, published in the Journal Social Forces in 2012, found that women’s educational preferences for a potential partner have been changing over time. The study found that in the 1960s and 1970s, women were more likely to prefer men with higher levels of education than themselves, while in the 1990s and 2000s, women were more likely to prefer partners with similar levels of education. The study also found that women’s educational preferences were influenced by their own educational attainment and the gender ratio of their college campus.

Another study, published in the journal Demography in 2015, found that women’s educational preferences for a potential partner varied depending on their own educational background and the gender ratio of their local area. The study found that women with higher levels of education were more likely to prefer men with similar levels of education, while women with lower levels of education were more likely to prefer men with higher levels of education. The study also found that women in areas with a higher ratio of men to women were more likely to prefer men with higher levels of education.

While these studies suggest that young women’s preferences for college-educated men as marriage partners may be influenced by a variety of factors, it is important to recognize that individual preferences and behaviors can vary widely and are influenced by a wide range of factors. Additionally, any generalizations about the preferences of “young women” or any other group should be approached with caution, as these preferences can vary widely depending on factors such as age, race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.

LIVECAM: Timber Construction

September 19, 2024
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Timber construction offers numerous benefits for university buildings, combining sustainability, aesthetics, and functionality. One of the primary advantages is its environmental impact. Timber is a renewable resource, and modern forestry practices ensure sustainable harvesting. Timber construction also has a lower carbon footprint compared to steel or concrete, as it sequesters carbon dioxide, helping mitigate climate change.

Aesthetically, timber provides a warm, natural look that can enhance the campus environment, creating inviting and inspiring spaces for students and faculty. It can be used in various architectural styles, from traditional to contemporary, offering versatility in design.

Functionally, timber is a strong and durable material. Engineered wood products, such as cross-laminated timber (CLT), provide excellent structural integrity, allowing for larger spans and innovative architectural designs. Timber construction is often faster than traditional methods, reducing construction time and minimizing disruption on campus.

Additionally, timber buildings offer superior thermal insulation properties, contributing to energy efficiency and reducing heating and cooling costs. The acoustic properties of wood also enhance the learning environment by dampening noise and creating quieter spaces.


Regents approve updated College of Pharmacy building plan

Timber construction begins at College of Pharmacy project


National Design Specification for Wood Construction


print (“Hello World!”)

September 18, 2024
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Data Points (2023 Estimates for 193 countable nations):

Global Gross Domestic Product (GGDP) ~ $105T

Anglosphere (United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) ~ $31T (or ~32% of GGDP)

United States GDP $27T (or about 1/3rd of GGDP)


“Livres des Merveilles du Monde” 1300 | Marco Polo | Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford

Today we break down consultations on titles relevant to the technology and management of the real assets of education communities in the United States specifically; but with sensitivity to the global education markets where thousands of like-minded organizations also provide credentialing, instruction, research, a home for local fine arts and sport.

We steer away from broad policy issues and steer toward technical specifics of public consultations presented by national member bodies of the International Electrotechnical Commission, the International Organization for Standardization, the International Telecommunications Union and the American National Standards Institute.  If there is a likelihood that the titles published by these workgroups will be incorporated by reference into public safety or sustainability legislation; or integrated into the cost structure of education communities in any other way, we will listen carefully and contribute meaningfully where we can.

International Standard Classification of Education

American National Standards Institute

World Standards Week 2023

Setting the standard: Grange members can be voice of rural users in standardization system

ISO/IEC/ITU coordination – Listing of New Work Items (New: Passwords Required)

New ANSI Education Initiative Supports the Next Generation of Standardization Leaders

International Code Council

2024/2025/2026 ICC CODE DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE (3/17/2023)

International Zoning Code

International Electrotechnical Commission

International Electrotechnical Commission | CDV Consultations

IEC Open Consultations: 20 December

USNC/IEC  Current Winter 2023

IEC 87th General Meeting | Cairo, 22 – 26 October

Results from IEC General Assembly 2022 | San Francisco

Going All-Electric

Extended Versions  Certain standards are required to be read in tandem with another standard, which is known as a reference (or parent) document. The extended version (EXV) of an IEC Standard facilitates the user to be able to consult both IEC standards simultaneously in a single, easy-to-use document.

Elettrotecnico Lingua Franca

International Telecommunications Union

The case for standardizing homomorphic encryption

Outcomes of the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference

World Radiocommunication Conference

International Standardization Organization

How ISO codes connect the world

New partnership for ISO and ICC

Must-have skills for the green economy

Building Environment Design

A partial list of projects with which we have been engaged as an active participant; starting with the original University of Michigan enterprise in the late 1990’s and related collaborations with IEEE and others: (In BOLD font we identify committees with open consultations requiring a response from US stakeholders before next month’s Hello World! colloquium)

IEC/TC 8, et al System aspects of electrical energy supply

IEC/TC 22 Power electronic systems and equipment

IEC/TC 34 Lighting

IEC/TC 62 Electrical equipment in medical practice

IEC/TC 64 Electrical installations and protection against electric shock

IEC/TC 82 Solar photovoltaic energy systems

IEC/SYC Electrotechnical Aspects of Smart Cities

SyC Smart Energy

Standards Michigan Workspace for IEC/ITU Consultations

ISO/IEC JTC 1 Information Technology, et. al

ISO/TC 205 Building environmental design

ISO/TC 215 Health Informatics

ISO/TC 229 Nanotechnologies

ISO/TC 232 Education and Learning Services

ISO/TC 251 Asset Management

ISO/TC 260 Human Resource Management

ISO/TC 267 Facility Management

ISO/TC 268 Sustainable cities and communities

ISO/TC 274 Light and Lighting

ISO/TC 276 Biotechnology

ISO/TC 301 Energy management and energy savings

ISO/TC 304 Healthcare organization management

ISO/TC 336 Laboratory Design

We collaborate with the appropriate ANSI US TAG; or others elsewhere in academia.   We have begun tracking ITU titles with special attention to ITU Radio Communication Sector.

main( ) {
        printf("hello, world\n");

We have collaborations with Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Sapienza – Università di Roma, Universität Zürich, Universität Potsdam, Université de Toulouse. Universidade Federal de Itajubá, University of Windsor, the University of Alberta, to name a few — most of whom collaborate with us on electrotechnology issues.  Standards Michigan and its 50-state affiliates are (obviously) domiciled in the United States.  However, and for most issues, we defer to the International Standards expertise at the American National Standards Institute


Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.



These three regions make up 50% of world GDP



Data Point: Global Construction Market is Expected to Reach $11 trillion by 2031

General Public Participation in ANSI ISO Activities

March 2021 edition of the TMB Communiqué.

ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1

ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO Supplement

International Electrotechnical Commission Annual Report 2019

ISO Update  2021-02-09

ANSI Education & Training Overview

ANSI Guide for US Delegates

ITU Digital Technical Standards

* A “Hello, World!” program generally is a computer program that outputs or displays the message “Hello, World!”. Such a program is very simple in most programming languages (such as Python and Javascript) and is often used to illustrate the basic syntax of a programming language. It is often the first program written by people learning to code. It can also be used as a sanity test to make sure that a computer language is correctly installed, and that the operator understands how to use it.


Building Environment Design

September 18, 2024
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I don’t build in order to have clients.

I have clients in order to build.

Ayn Rand

Google Data Center


“Détruire est facile ; construire est difficile.”

— Victor Hugo


The highest level of standardization for the building interiors on the emergent #SmartCampus originates in ISO TC 205 — Building Environment Design.  This committee is charged with standards setting in the design of new buildings and retrofit of existing buildings for acceptable indoor environment and practicable energy conservation and efficiency. Building environment design addresses the technical building systems and related architectural aspects, and includes the related design processes, design methods, design outcomes, and design-phase building commissioning. Indoor environment includes air quality, and thermal, acoustic, and visual factors.  The business plan is linked below:


Some of the key ideas in the scope of this project are listed below:

– the design of energy-efficient buildings
– building control systems design
– indoor air quality
– indoor thermal environment
– indoor acoustical environment
– indoor visual environment
– radiant heating and cooling systems
– heating and cooling systems
– building commissioning planning
– moisture in buildings

We see many of the foregoing ideas in the catalog of ASHRAE International — ANSI’s US Technical Advisory Group Administrator in this project, as well as a number of others (CLICK HERE).   There are 31 Participating member and 28 Observing member nations.

Generally speaking, ISO consensus products are performance standards and contrast sharply with prescriptive standards in the energy-related domains in the United States.  Prescriptive standards are easy to enforce but difficult to write.  Performance standards are easy to write but difficult to enforce.

Facility managers that oversee building automation units in education communities in the United States are encouraged to participate in the development of ISO 205 by communicating directly with Brian Cox at ASHRAE (  We keep all ISO standards on the standing agenda of our periodic Global and AEdificare standards colloquia.  We also maintain this committee’s catalog on the standing agenda of our Mechanical colloquium.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meetings; open to everyone.

Issue: [10-30]

Category: International, Mechanical, Energy, Facility Asset Management

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Richard Robben, Larry Spielvogel




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