Maternity Metrix


Maternity Metrix

June 10, 2024

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The De-Population Bomb

June 10, 2024
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February 16, 2024: North Shore Medical Center abruptly closes neo-natal, labor and delivery units



























“In 1970, Stanford professor Paul Ehrlich published a famous book, The Population Bomb, in which he described a disastrous future for humanity: 

‘The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now.’

That prediction turned out to be very wrong, and in this interview American Enterprise Institute scholar Nicholas Eberstadt tells how we are in fact heading toward the opposite problem: not enough people. For decades now, many countries have been unable to sustain a #population replacement birth rate, including in Western Europe, South Korea, Japan, and, most ominously, China. The societal and social impacts of this phenomenon are vast. We discuss those with Eberstadt as well as some strategies to avoid them.”

Out take [35:22]:

“…All right this gets us right to the heart of of your essay and of the matter quoting you yet again the single best predictor for National fertility rates happens to be wanted family size as reported by women now you note there are polls that ask women how many children they’d like and you know that this doesn’t correlate perfectly with birth rates but it’s the best indicator in one sense this is a reassuring even heartening finding it highlights the agency at the very heart of our Humanity…

[“You’re talking about free will there people choosing their family size but if we permit the non-material realm of life to figure into our inquiry we may conclude that proposals to revive the American birth rate through subsidies vastly underestimate the challenge the challenge May ultimately prove to be civilizational in nature”] 

okay so I look at first of all that hits like a two by four — civilizational in nature — and on the one hand I think to myself wait a minute aren’t we all supposed to be delighted that in this modern world women are in a position to participate in the workforce they’re in a position to choose more carefully more explicitly more intentionally the number of children they’d like to have aren’t we supposed to believe that that’s a wonderful thing and that releasing that many women to the workforce should increase the dynamism and growth of our [economy]…and all that…good, good, good…”

Evensong “A Boy and A Girl”

University of Rochester New York

Day Care

Why Daycare Is So Expensive In America

Children’s Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care

Health 400 | OB-GYN

Healthcare Facilities Code

Design & Operation of Health Care Facilities

Evensong “Sonata for Arpeggione and Piano” (Franz Schubert)

June 9, 2024
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Evensong is a traditional Anglican choral service that takes place in the late afternoon or early evening, typically around sunset. It is also known as Evening Prayer or Vespers.

The service consists of a series of prayers, psalms, canticles, and readings from the Bible, which are sung or chanted by a choir in four-part harmony. The choral music often features elaborate harmonies and complex counterpoint, and is usually accompanied by an organ or other instruments.

Evensong has been an important part of the British choral tradition for centuries, and is still performed in many Anglican churches throughout the UK and beyond. The tradition is particularly strong in Oxford and Cambridge, where the famous college choirs perform regular Evensong services that are open to the public.

The origins of Evensong can be traced back to the monastic offices of the Middle Ages, when monks would gather in the evening to sing the psalms and other prayers. Over time, these services evolved into more elaborate and musically sophisticated forms, which were eventually adopted by the Anglican Church and other Protestant denominations.

Today, Evensong is appreciated for its beauty and spiritual depth, as well as its contribution to the rich heritage of British choral music.

Abiit sed non oblitus | Wisconsin

June 9, 2024
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A message from Stritch President Dr. Dan Scholz

“Saint Francis with the Animals” 17th Century / Lambert de Hondt

Standards Wisconsin

Rooibos Tea

June 7, 2024
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Rooibos tea, also known as red bush tea, is a popular herbal tea that is native to South Africa. It is made from the leaves of the Aspalathus linearis plant, which is found only in the Western Cape region of South Africa.

The plant grows in a microclimate where it is exposed to a combination of hot, dry summers and cold, wet winters, which gives it its distinctive flavor and aroma.  It is used in cooking and baking, and can be found in a variety of products, including desserts, skincare products, and even beer.

EU protection for Rooibos tea is good news for South African agriculture


Coffee Time!

June 7, 2024

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Universities Wisconsin | Annual Financial Reports

Victor Davis Hanson

“…The veneer of civilization is very very thin. Once you strip off that thin layer of civilization
you get human nature in the raw and it’s not a pretty sight…”

Standards Wisconsin


Aaron Copland “Our Town”

June 7, 2024
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Azusa Pacific University Symphony Orchestra | Susanna Cervantes, Graduate Conductor

Recorded Nov. 10, 2018 at the Haugh Performing Arts Center, Glendora CA

Copland wrote the score to the film version of Thornton Wilder’s play in 1940. Comparable to Copland’s other orchestral suite, Appalachian Spring, Our Town is smaller in scale, but holds the same traditional Copland characteristics: the sunrise wake up call in the beginning, the call and response, exploiting the reflective quality of the woodwinds, brass chorales, and the desperately aching sounds of the strings.

He explained, “For the film version, they were counting on the music to translate the transcendental aspects of the story. I tried for clean and clear sounds and in general used straight-forward harmonies and rhythms that would project the serenity and sense of security of the story.” It is dedicated to Leonard Bernstein.

Su Jin Susanna Cervantes is professional freelancer actively working in the greater Los Angeles area. As a cellist, Susanna has played in multiple ensembles such as Hollywood Youth Orchestra, USC Thornton Symphony, and APU Symphony Orchestra.

She has also performed in multiple chamber groups performing works by Barber, Brahms, Borodin, Franck, Mendelssohn, Rachmaninoff, and many more. She has performed in masterclasses with Daniel Hoffman, Lynn Harrell, and Alisa Weilerstein. In addition, she frequents in collaboration with singer-songwriters such as Sleeping At Last, whose hits are featured on ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy; grammy-nominated artist, Michelle Bloom; British Christian singer-songwriter, Matt Redman; and singer/actress, Jackie Tohn.

Susanna is an academic instructor at Orange County School of Arts, teaching String Literature and Music History. She is also a strings coach for the Symphony Orchestra at San Marino High School. Since 2011, Susanna has been a pianist and a music associate at First Baptist Church of Glendale, facilitating services and contracting musicians for the church. Susanna has been teaching cello privately throughout Southern California since 2010.

Susanna has received her BM in Cello Performance from Azusa Pacific University, and is currently studying with Professor Christopher Russell at Azusa Pacific University and will receive her MM in Instrumental Conducting in May of 2019.

Audio and Music Engineering

Entertainment Occupancies

June 7, 2024
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2024 GROUP A PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE I-CODES | Complete Monograph 2658 Pages


“View from the Ancient Theater in Taormina to Mount Etna” c. 1880 Carl Wuttke

Safety and sustainability for any facility begins with an understanding of who shall occupy it.  University settings, with mixed-use phenomenon arising spontaneously and temporarily, present challenges and no less so in  square-footage identified as performing arts facilities.  Education communities present the largest installed base of mixed use and performing arts facilities.  A distinction is made between supervised occupants that are in secondary schools (generally under age 18) and unsupervised occupants that are in university facilities (generally above age 18).

First principles regarding occupancy classifications for performing arts facilities appear in Section 303 of the International Building Code Assembly Group A-1.  The public edition of the 2021 IBC is linked below:

2021 IBC Chapter 3: Occupancy Classification and Use

Each of the International Code Council code development groups A, B and C; fetch back to these classifications.   You can sample the safety concepts in play with an examination of the document linked below:



Each of the foregoing documents are lengthy so we recommend using search terms such as “school”, “college”, ‘”university”, “auditorium”, “theater”, “children”, “student” to hasten your cut through it.

We find continuation of lowering of the lighting power densities as noteworthy.  Technical committees assembled and managed by the International Code Council, the American Society of Heating & Refrigeration Engineers and the Illumination Engineering Society are leaders in developing consensus products that drive the LED illumination transformation.


The revision schedule for the next tranche of ICC titles that are built upon the foundation of the IBC is linked below:


We encourage experts in education communities — facility managers, research and teaching staff, architectural and engineering students — to participate directly in the ICC Code Development process at the link below:

We reserve a place on the agenda of our standing Lively 200 colloquia on this topic.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.


Issue: [18-166]

Category: Architectural, Healthcare Facilities, Facility Asset Management

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Richard Robben

Arenas, Lecture Halls & Theaters

June 7, 2024
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National Fire Protection Association | 2022 Revenue $82M

2026 NEC Code Panel 15 Public Input Report with Committee Response

Note in the transcript above that the four proposals submitted by Standards Michigan relate to healthcare facilities.  Code Panel 15 receives proposals for healthcare and assembly occupancy wiring safety concepts.

Marcel Jambon for an 1895 Paris production of Giuseppe Verdi’s Otello.

The standard of care for electrical system safety in dramatic art facilities in the education, and other industries, is largely established in Articles 518 through Article 540 of the National Electrical Code (NEC).   In some instances, dramatic art activity takes place in athletic arenas so we are mindful of parent standards for assembly occupancies generally; found in Chapter 3 of the International Building Code.

Free public access to the current 2023edition of the NEC is linked below:

2023 National Electrical Code

Of particular interest is the “technical power system” found in Article 640: Audio Signal Processing, Amplification, and Reproduction Equipment.

Access to the International Building Code on “related” occupancies is linked below (Chapter 3 Occupancy Classification and Use):

2021 International Building Code

Note the imperfect correlation between the NFPA and ICC occupancy definitions.  This never happens by design but is sometimes necessary.  Some risk aggregations have to be understood as terms of art; to be understood by seasoned experts in context.  Also, keep in mind that the NEC is a wiring installation safety code.

Proposals for revisions to assembly-related installations in the for 2023 is linked below:

NFPA 70 Public Input Report for 2023 Assembly Occupancies 

Second Draft Report for all articles assigned to CMP-15

The so called “song and dance” sections of the NEC have been fairly “stable” in recent cycles.  Changes to these articles in the NEC 2020 revision are incremental — i.e clarifications on grounding, wiring methods, cord wiring, illumination — and helpful for designers and inspectors.  Nothing budget busting.   Convergence of fire safety, mass notification,  environmental air and visual experiences continues as once-independent technologies continue integration.

2026 National Electrical Code Workspace


We collaborate with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee which meets 4 times monthly in Europe and the Americas.   See our CALENDAR for the next online teleconferences; open to everyone.

Issue: [Various]

Category: Sport, Electrical, Telecommunications, Fire Protection, Arts & Entertainment Facilities, Lively Art

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Matt Dozier, Jim Harvey


BS 7827_2011 – Code of practice for designing, specifying, maintaining and operating emergency sound systems at sports venues

Requirements for Hybrid Media Production

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