An Evening with Bill Evans


An Evening with Bill Evans

August 11, 2023
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Increasing energy efficiency in bakery ovens

August 11, 2023
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Increasing energy efficiency of the gases production process in bakery ovens

Chelmenciuc Corina | Thermal Power Engineering and Energetics Management Department

Technical University of Moldova

Abstract.  The current work presents the solution of increasing energy efficiency of the processes of obtaining gases, used as heat carrier for baking processes in tunnel type ovens, by integration of cogeneration. A comparative energetic analysis was carried out between the processes of obtaining gases in bakery ovens and those with integrated cogeneration. The evaluation of energy efficiency, of the proposed technical solution, is based on drawing up the energy balance of processes, the one with gases production in the combustion chamber of classic bakery oven and that of the internal combustion engine. The evaluation of energy efficiency of the classical gas production process in the tunnel type oven is based on experimental data whereas the efficiency of method proposed in this work is based on theoretical data. The energetic analysis was performed in order to demonstrate that the integration of a cogeneration installation in bakery ovens contribute to reducing losses in the processes of obtaining gases, thus increasing the energy efficiency.

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Evensong “My Life Flows On in Endless Song”

August 10, 2023
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Bibliography: Climate “Change”

August 9, 2023
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Where There is Smoke…There Doesn’t Have to be Fire

August 9, 2023

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The ASTM International business model features a strong product certification component and a weaker interoperability component therefore we place ASTM titles at lower priority in our coverage of the best practice literature that supports our safety and sustainability agenda.  Nevertheless, leading practice discovery and promulgation processes for product certification bears a strong similarity to the processes that provide the structure for interoperability standards.

Today we select a Case Study from ANSI’s Committee on Education which is relevant to today’s fire safety colloquium; open to everyone.

ASTM Fire Standards and Flammability Standards


ANSI Committee on Education: Questions and Answers

We hope quick access to this content will encourage students and faculty to participate in the annual ANSI Student Paper Competition, sponsored by ANSI’s Committee on Education in which we are a member.  We meet again in July and will determine the winner(s) the 2021 competition and select a topic for the 2022 competition.  We are happy to explain further during today’s colloquium.  At any time you may communicate directly with Lisa Rajchel (


2023 Student Paper Competition




Border Collie Optimization

August 9, 2023

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Border Collie Optimization

University Institute of Technology, Burdwan, India
CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru, India
Sukanta Mahavidyalaya, Jalpaiguri, India
FEECS, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic


Abstract:  In recent times, several metaheuristic algorithms have been proposed for solving real world optimization problems. In this paper, a new metaheuristic algorithm, called the Border Collie Optimization is introduced. The algorithm is developed by mimicking the sheep herding styles of Border Collie dogs. The Border Collie’s unique herding style from the front as well as from the sides is adopted successfully in this paper. In this algorithm, the entire population is divided into two parts viz., dogs and sheep. This is done to equally focus on both exploration and exploitation of the search space. The Border Collie utilizes a predatory move called eyeing.

This technique of the dogs is utilized to prevent the algorithm from getting stuck into local optima. A sensitivity analysis of the proposed algorithm has been carried out using the Sobol’s sensitivity indices with the Sobol g-function for tuning of parameters. The proposed algorithm is applied on thirty-five benchmark functions. The proposed algorithm provides very competitive results, when compared with seven state-of-the-art algorithms like Ant Colony optimization, Differential algorithm, Genetic algorithm, Grey-wolf optimizer, Harris Hawk optimization, Particle Swarm optimization and Whale optimization algorithm. The performance of the proposed algorithm is analytically and visually tested by different methods to judge its supremacy. Finally, the statistical significance of the proposed algorithm is established by comparing it with other algorithms by employing Kruskal-Wallis test and Friedman test.

CLICK HERE to order the complete article (Free public access)




Wiring Fire Prevention in Hospitals

August 8, 2023
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Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli / Rome, Italy

Localized fire ignition hazard in branch circuits, cords and connected equipment

Electrical Engineering Department, Sapienza Università di Roma
Italian National Fire Department

Abstract.  In electrical power systems, the fire ignition can be originated by incident energy of faults. Faults involve overheating, arcing and burning for all the wiring exposed to mechanical damage and other insulation stresses especially wiring connected by flexible cords and cables. The mechanical damage of the stranded bare conductors can degrade the effective sizing of the total cross section, causing anomalous conditions of local overcurrent. To highlight the local incident energy in case of fault, the parameters steady current and transient current densities can assist in analyzing the event. The conductors size reduction, degrading locally the thermal withstand capability, makes ineffective the protection coordination amplifying the anomalous effect of current no detectable adequately by overcurrent protective devices. The faulted cords remain so energized and present electric shock and fire hazards. Generally and especially in strategic buildings as hospitals, preventing ignition is better than promptly extinguishing. An efficient protection can be achieved by integration of active and passive techniques : by adoption of the special device Arc-fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI) that recognize the arcing; by wiring the circuits, particularly extension cords, with Ground-Fault-Forced Cables, GFFCs, that convert faults into ground faults easily protected by ground fault protective devices (GFPDs).

Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli / Rome, Italy



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