Color Measurement


Color Measurement

April 18, 2023
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Standard Practice for Determination of Graffiti Resistance

April 18, 2023
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Graffiti on building and structures is an ongoing and increasing problem. A number of coatings have been produced that are intended to be resistant to the application of a graffiti marking, or to provide a surface from which such markings can be easily removed. The procedures described in this practice provide a standard set of conditions that can be used to evaluate the graffiti resistance of a surface.

Standard Practice for Determination of Graffiti Resistance

We place this title on the standing agenda of our periodic Paint colloquia; open to everyone.  Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

Paint Shop

April 18, 2023

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Electric Vehicle Charging

April 17, 2023
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According to the New Zealand Transport Agency there were approximately 23,000 electric vehicles registered in New Zealand or about 1% of the total vehicle fleet.  The government has set ambitious targets for electric vehicle adoption including build out of public charging stations in homes, workplaces, and public spaces.   The cost of electricity for public charging stations is typically borne by a combination of public and private entities, with the specific arrangements varying depending on local policies and market conditions.

Facility Management

The Myth of Carbon Pollution

April 17, 2023
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Selected Quotes:

…”The climate is always changing.  It has never been stable…It is not going to stop changing if we stop changing CO2…

…”CO2, far from being a pollutant is actually making the world a better place…”

“…Advice for Chicken Little: If the sky seems to be falling, look for the fox!…”

“…If you are being panicked and all you are panicky stories seeing in the media you ought to stop and think is it to somebody’s benefit?  Cui Bono as they say in the law…”

“…Politics to slow CO2 emissions are based on flawed computer models which exaggerate warming by factors of 2 or 3.   More CO2 is an overall benefit so costly “mitigation” schemes are harmful…”

Mass Formation Psychosis

Climate Psychosis

Souls Without Longing

April 16, 2023
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“Education is simply the soul of a society

as it passes from one generation to another”

— G.K. Chesterton


An introduction to the IEC

April 11, 2023

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The IEC was founded by a group of pioneers in the field of electricity and electrotechnology, including prominent figures such as Charles Le Maistre, Lord Kelvin (William Thomson), Emil Rathenau, Charles Steinmetz, and Thomas Edison. These individuals recognized the need for international standardization in the growing field of electrical engineering, as electrical technologies were rapidly advancing and becoming more prevalent around the world. The IEC was established as a non-profit organization with the goal of creating and promoting consensus-based standards that would be recognized and adopted globally. 


Better World Project: True Tissue

April 10, 2023

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The Association of University Technology Managers publishes a variety of open-source documents related to technology transfer and intellectual property management. 

AUTM Technology Transfer Practice Manual: This is a comprehensive guide to best practices in technology transfer and intellectual property management, written by AUTM members.

AUTM Better World Report: This is an annual publication that highlights the impact of academic research and technology transfer on society and the economy.

AUTM Public Policy Priorities: This document outlines AUTM’s advocacy priorities related to intellectual property and technology transfer, and provides guidance for members on engaging with policymakers.

AUTM Resource Library: This is a collection of resources related to technology transfer and intellectual property management, including webinars, case studies, and templates.

These open-source documents are freely available on the AUTM website and can be accessed by anyone interested in learning more about technology transfer and intellectual property management.

Appian Way

April 9, 2023

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