Water and Sanitation


Water and Sanitation

June 17, 2024
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Water is essential for sanitation and hygiene — and proper sanitation is essential for protecting water sources from contamination and ensuring access to safe drinking water.  Access to safe water and sanitation is crucial for preventing the spread of waterborne diseases, which can be transmitted through contaminated water sources or poor sanitation practices. Lack of access to safe water and sanitation can lead to a range of health problems, including diarrheal diseases, cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis A.  

On the other hand, poor sanitation practices, such as open defecation, can contaminate water sources, making them unsafe for drinking, bathing, or cooking. This contamination can lead to the spread of diseases and illness, particularly in developing countries where access to clean water and sanitation facilities may be limited.

We track the catalog of the following ANSI accredited standards developers that necessarily require mastery of building premise water systems:

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers: ASHRAE develops standards related to heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration systems — and more recently, standards that claim jurisdiction over building sites.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers: ASME develops standards related to boilers, pressure vessels, and piping systems.

American Water Works Association: AWWA is a standards development organization that publishes a wide range of standards related to water supply, treatment, distribution, and storage.

ASTM International: ASTM develops and publishes voluntary consensus standards for various industries, including water-related standards. They cover topics such as water quality, water sampling, and water treatment.

National Fire Protection Association: NFPA develops fire safety standards, and some of their standards are related to water, such as those covering fire sprinkler systems and water supplies for firefighting within and outside buildings.  We deal with the specific problems of sprinkler water system safety during our Prometheus colloquia.

National Sanitation Foundation International (NSF International): NSF International develops standards and conducts testing and certification for various products related to public health and safety, including standards for water treatment systems and products.

Underwriters Laboratories (UL): UL is a safety consulting and certification company that develops standards for various industries. They have standards related to water treatment systems, plumbing products, and fire protection systems.

United States Standards System

* The evolution of building interior water systems has undergone significant changes over time to meet the evolving needs of society. Initially, water systems were rudimentary, primarily consisting of manually operated pumps and gravity-fed distribution systems. Water was manually fetched from wells or nearby sources, and indoor plumbing was virtually nonexistent.

The Industrial Revolution brought advancements in plumbing technology. The introduction of pressurized water systems and cast-iron pipes allowed for the centralized distribution of water within buildings. Separate pipes for hot and cold water became common, enabling more convenient access to water for various purposes. Additionally, the development of flush toilets and sewage systems improved sanitation and hygiene standards.

In the mid-20th century, the advent of plastic pipes, such as PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride), revolutionized plumbing systems. These pipes offered durability, flexibility, and ease of installation, allowing for faster and more cost-effective construction.

The latter part of the 20th century witnessed a growing focus on water conservation and environmental sustainability. Low-flow fixtures, such as toilets, faucets, and showerheads, were introduced to reduce water consumption without compromising functionality. Greywater recycling systems emerged, allowing the reuse of water from sinks, showers, and laundry for non-potable purposes like irrigation.

With the advancement of digital technology, smart water systems have emerged in recent years. These systems integrate sensors, meters, and automated controls to monitor and manage water usage, detect leaks, and optimize water distribution within buildings. Smart technologies provide real-time data, enabling better water management, energy efficiency, and cost savings.

The future of building interior water systems is likely to focus on further improving efficiency, sustainability, and water quality. Innovations may include enhanced water purification techniques, decentralized water treatment systems, and increased integration of smart technologies to create more intelligent and sustainable water systems.

The first mover in building interior water supply systems can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley. However, one of the earliest known examples of sophisticated indoor plumbing systems can be attributed to the ancient Romans.

The Romans were pioneers in constructing elaborate water supply and distribution networks within their cities. They developed aqueducts to transport water from distant sources to urban centers, allowing for a centralized water supply. The water was then distributed through a network of lead or clay pipes to public fountains, baths, and private residences.

One notable example of Roman plumbing ingenuity is the city of Pompeii, which was buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. The excavation of Pompeii revealed a well-preserved plumbing system that included indoor plumbing in some houses. These systems featured piped water, private bathrooms with flushing toilets, and even hot and cold water systems.

The Romans also invented the concept of the cloaca maxima, an ancient sewer system that collected and transported wastewater away from the city to nearby bodies of water. This early recognition of the importance of sanitation and wastewater management was a significant advancement in public health.

While the Romans were not the only ancient civilization to develop indoor plumbing systems, their engineering prowess and widespread implementation of water supply and sanitation infrastructure make them a key player in the history of building interior water systems.

Pecan Pie

June 16, 2024
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University of George Financial Report 2022 | $2.1B



University of Georgia: Cranberry Pecan Pie

The popularity of Georgia pecan pie can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Abundance of Pecans: Georgia, particularly in the southern region of the United States, has a favorable climate for pecan trees. Pecans have been grown in Georgia for centuries, and the state has a long history of pecan cultivation. With such abundance, pecans became a staple ingredient in many traditional Southern recipes, including pecan pie.
  2. Southern Culinary Tradition: Southern cuisine, known for its comfort foods and indulgent desserts, heavily features pecans in various recipes. Pecan pie is a classic Southern dessert that has been passed down through generations, becoming deeply ingrained in the culinary heritage of the region. Georgia, as a quintessential Southern state, plays a significant role in promoting and preserving these culinary traditions.
  3. Cultural Significance: Pecan pie is not only a delicious dessert but also holds cultural significance in the South. It is often served during holidays and family gatherings, evoking feelings of warmth, nostalgia, and tradition. The act of sharing a slice of pecan pie with loved ones is a cherished tradition for many families in Georgia and throughout the South.

Standards Georgia

Alexis de Tocqueville on the Foundations of American Democracy

June 16, 2024
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Alexis de Tocqueville was born in Paris and came from a prominent lineage, with his father serving as a royalist prefect under the Bourbon restoration.

In 1831, at the age of twenty-five, Alexis de Tocqueville made his fateful journey to America, where he observed the thrilling reality of a functioning democracy. From that moment onward, the French aristocrat would dedicate his life as a writer and politician to ending despotism in his country and bringing it into a new age.

Quotes from Alexis de Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America”:

  1. “The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults.”
  2. “Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.”
  3. “In democratic ages, human beings rarely sacrifice themselves for one another voluntarily; they almost always do so because they are impelled to by some power outside themselves.”
  4. “Despotism often presents itself as the repairer of all ills suffered, the support of just rights, defender of the oppressed and founder of order.”
  5. “The best laws cannot make a constitution work in spite of morals; morals can turn the worst laws to advantage.”
  6. “I do not know if the people of the United States would vote for superior men if they ran for office, but there can be no doubt that such men do not run.”
  7. “The most dangerous moment for a bad government is when it begins to reform.”
  8. “The Americans combine the notions of Christianity and of liberty so intimately in their minds that it is impossible to make them conceive the one without the other.”
  9. “The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.”
  10. “Americans combine the notions of Christian morality and of liberty so intimately in their minds that it is impossible to make them conceive the one without the other.”
  11. “In the United States, the most enlightened are the most religious; and the most religious are the most enlightened.”
  12. Americans of all ages, all conditions, and all dispositions constantly form associations… Wherever at the head of some new undertaking you see the government in France, or a man of rank in England, in the United States you will be sure to find an association.”


What is Happening to the Family, and Why?

June 16, 2024
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“The family is nature’s masterpiece”
George Santayana

In popular culture:

Falsus in uno, Falsus in omnibus

June 15, 2024

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To what degree does the endless and, frankly shameless, on-air fundraising by an organization with widely tolerated bias constitute de facto political fundraising for the Democratic Party? In Southeastern Michigan — in less than a 50 mile region — you can hear the same NPR “content” from six different universities: Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Toledo, Detroit, East Lansing, and Flint.

There has been some relatively recent legislative proposals to restore NPR to its original charter of cultural content (music, book reviews, agricultural information, etc.) but these proposals never moved beyond the relevant committee.

National Public Radio follows guidelines and best practices when conducting fundraising campaigns, but they’re not so much strict “rules” as they are principles and standards upheld by NPR and its member stations. Here are some common practices and considerations:

  1. Transparency: NPR and its member stations are typically transparent about their funding needs and where the money goes. They often provide detailed breakdowns of their budgets and expenses.
  2. Ethical Solicitation: Fundraising efforts should be conducted ethically and in accordance with NPR’s values. This means avoiding misleading tactics and being honest about the need for funding.
  3. Listener Support: NPR often emphasizes the importance of listener support in funding their programming. They encourage individuals to contribute at various levels, often with incentives like member benefits.
  4. Corporate Sponsorship: NPR also receives funding from corporate sponsors,but they are careful to maintain editorial independence.” Sponsored content is clearly labeled, and NPR maintains strict guidelines to ensure that sponsors do not influence editorial decisions.
  5. Member Stations: NPR member stations across the country conduct their own fundraising campaigns, often in conjunction with national NPR campaigns. These stations rely heavily on listener support and may have their own guidelines and practices.
  6. Regulatory Compliance: NPR and its member stations must comply with relevant laws and regulations governing fundraising, including those related to nonprofit organizations and broadcasting.
  7. Stewardship: NPR and its member stations typically prioritize stewardship of donor funds, ensuring that donations are used effectively and efficiently to support their mission and programming.

While there may not be hard and fast rules for NPR fundraising, adherence to these principles helps maintain trust with listeners and supporters.

Swarthmore College Pennsylvania


To become a National Public Radio (NPR) member station or broadcaster, certain criteria must be met. NPR is a mission-driven organization that partners with independently owned and operated public radio stations across the United States to deliver its programming. Here are the typical criteria for becoming an NPR member station:

  1. Nonprofit Status: NPR member stations must be nonprofit organizations, often affiliated with universities, community organizations, or governmental bodies.
  2. Broadcast License: Stations must hold a valid broadcast license issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States. This license authorizes the station to broadcast on a specific frequency within a designated geographic area.
  3. Commitment to NPR’s Mission: Member stations are expected to share NPR’s mission of providing high-quality, non-commercial programming that serves the public interest. This includes delivering news, cultural content, and educational programming to their local communities.
  4. Financial Stability: Stations must demonstrate financial stability and viability to ensure they can fulfill their commitments to NPR and their local communities over the long term.
  5. Technical Requirements: Stations must meet certain technical requirements to ensure they can receive and broadcast NPR programming effectively. This includes having appropriate transmission equipment and meeting FCC regulations for broadcast quality and coverage.
  6. Membership Dues: Member stations are required to pay annual membership dues to NPR, which help support NPR’s operations and programming.
  7. Compliance with NPR Policies: Stations must adhere to NPR’s policies and guidelines regarding programming standards, ethics, and editorial independence.
  8. Community Engagement: NPR values stations that are actively engaged with their local communities, including through outreach, events, and partnerships with local organizations.
  9. Programming Commitment: Member stations are expected to broadcast a significant portion of NPR programming, including flagship shows like “Morning Edition” and “All Things Considered,” as well as other NPR-produced content.
  10. Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: NPR values diversity in its member stations and encourages stations to reflect the diversity of their communities in their programming and staffing.

Overall, becoming an NPR member station involves a combination of legal, financial, technical, and cultural considerations, all aimed at supporting NPR’s mission of providing high-quality public radio programming to audiences across the United States.

A significant portion of NPR member stations are associated with universities or colleges. These stations are often operated by the educational institution’s media departments or affiliated broadcasting organizations. They serve as valuable training grounds for students studying journalism, communications, broadcasting, and related fields.

While the exact number of NPR member stations associated with universities or colleges may vary over time, it’s safe to say that a substantial portion of the network falls into this category. Many universities and colleges across the United States operate their own radio stations, and a portion of these stations choose to affiliate with NPR to access its programming and resources.

Errors of omission, lost opportunities, are generally more critical than errors of commission. Organizations fail or decline more frequently because of what they did not do than because of what they did. - Russell L. Ackoff


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 National Center for Charitable Statistics

H.R. 3410 Prohibit Federal funding of National Public Radio

“A half truth is a whole lie” — Yiddish proverb

Summer Week 25 | June 17 – June 23

June 14, 2024
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Monday | 17 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC


Tuesday | 18 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC


Wednesday | 19 June | Colloquium 15:00 UTC

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