Human Resources 100


Human Resources 100

September 16, 2024
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Office in a Small City 1953 Edward Hopper


“Choose a job you love,

and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

Kong Fuzi, Confucius


Today we dwell on titles that inform management of the education industry in the United States specifically; but also more generally in global markets where the education industry is classified as a Producer and a User of human resources.  It is an enormous domain; likely the largest.

Human Resources 100 covers skilled trade training in all building construction disciplines.

Human Resources 200 covers the range of skills needed to manage the real assets of educational settings — school district properties, college and university campuses

Human Resources 300 covers higher level management of these settings.  (Representative Organization Charts)

Human Resources 500 covers everything else

Human Resources 500

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Engineering a Fair Future: Why we need to train unbiased AI

Recommended Reading:

“The Human Side of Enterprise” 1960 by Douglas McGregor | MIT Management Sloan School

University of Chicago Press: Readings in Managerial Psychology




Lee Webster

Virginia Commonwealth University: “Self Reliance” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Paris Review: The Myth of Self-Reliance

Using ANSI Human Resource Standards to Create Business Advantage in the Workplace

Colleges and Organizational Structure of Universities

Apprenticeships: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice

“Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber” James Damore


Qualification Standard for Power Plant Operators

September 16, 2024
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EPRI is an independent, nonprofit organization that is primarily funded by its member utilities. These member utilities are typically electric power companies, and they contribute financially to EPRI to support its research and development activities.

While EPRI is not directly funded by the government, it does collaborate with various government agencies on research projects and receives funding for specific initiatives through government grants and contracts. Additionally, some of EPRI’s research and development efforts align with government priorities in areas such as renewable energy, environmental sustainability, and grid modernization.

Qualification Standard for Power Plant Operators

EPRI 2024 Research Portfolio: Building on Success to Drive Progress

Electrical inspectors (See NFPA 1078) typically do not have jurisdiction over electrical power plants. Electrical power plants, especially large-scale utility power plants, are subject to much more stringent regulations and oversight than regular electrical installations. The responsibility for inspecting and ensuring the safety and compliance of power plants falls under various government agencies and organizations.

In the United States, for example, power plants are subject to federal regulations set forth by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for nuclear power plants or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for fossil fuel power plants. Additionally, state regulatory agencies and utility commissions may have their own specific requirements and oversight for power plants within their jurisdictions.

Power plants typically undergo rigorous inspections and audits to ensure compliance with safety, environmental, and operational standards. These inspections are conducted by specialized teams of engineers, experts, and representatives from relevant regulatory bodies and utilities.

While electrical inspectors may not have jurisdiction over power plants, they play a crucial role in inspecting and ensuring the safety of electrical installations in other settings, such as smaller power generation facilities (i.e. district energy plants) that are not exempted by self-assessment charters granted to many large university power plants.

Gallery: School, College & University Electric Systems


Certifying the Certifiers

September 16, 2024
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Accreditation and certification are relatively modern concepts that have evolved over time as formalized methods of establishing and maintaining standards in various fields. The concept of accreditation or certification, as it is understood today, may not have existed in the same form in the distant past. However, there were likely individuals or groups who played roles similar to that of accreditation or certification specialists in history, although the formalized systems of accreditation or certification that exist today were not present.

For example, in ancient times, there were guilds and associations in various professions that set standards for their members, oversaw training and apprenticeship programs, and ensured the quality of their work. These guilds and associations, which existed in various civilizations such as ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, could be seen as early forms of accreditation or certification bodies.

Similarly, in religious contexts, there were individuals who held authority to certify or accredit others. For instance, in medieval Europe, there were religious orders, such as the Knights Templar, who were known for their specialized skills and were often called upon to certify the expertise of others in their areas of knowledge, such as architecture or finance.

In the field of education, ancient universities and centers of learning, such as the ancient Indian Nalanda University or the Islamic madrasas, could also be seen as early forms of accreditation or certification bodies, where scholars were recognized and certified based on their knowledge and expertise.

However, it’s important to note that the formalized systems of accreditation or certification that we are familiar with today, with standardized processes, documentation, and oversight, have developed over time and are relatively modern phenomena. The history of accreditation or certification is complex and multifaceted, with various practices and traditions that have evolved and influenced the modern systems we have today.

Abiit sed non oblitus | James Earl Jones

September 16, 2024
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Encyclopedia Britannica



Born in Tate County Mississippi. His family moved to Manistee County Michigan during the Great Northward Migration of 1910-1970 and where he began his career in the dramatic arts as a stage carpenter at the Ramsdell Theater Regional Center for the Arts. He graduated from Dickson Brethren Agricultural High School and the University of Michigan School of Music Theater and Dance, Class of 1955

Materiality of Human Capital Metrics

September 16, 2024

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Famous People Painting – Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante


Materiality of Human Capital Metrics

Lee S. Webster | University of Texas Medical Branch


Since the advent of scientific management in the late 19th century, investors have remained unpersuaded if not dismissive of human capital measures when determining the cumulative financial value of publicly traded companies. This reluctance stems from a perceived arbitrariness and empirical uncertainty that has attached to the measurement of workforce contributions to organizational value. Past critics of the use of human capital metrics frequently claim these measures are unproven, unserious, and immaterial disclosures that fail to meet the standard of relevant information for investors to consider. Contemporary management and investment experts challenge that reasoning and offer a more expansive and inclusive perspective of what investors need to know to make informed decisions. The publication of ISO 30414:2018 Human resource management* recommends that stakeholders revisit the relevance of human capital measurement in both American and international board rooms, investment banks, regulatory agencies, and security markets.  These stakeholders now have the means to explore whether human capital measures can provide faithfully and rigorously derived material information for investors.


Human resource management — Guidelines for internal and external human capital reporting

CLICK HERE for access to complete article

Human Resource Management



Roger Scruton Memorial Lectures

September 15, 2024
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“Stand up for your friends especially when they’re right.  There is every reason in the world to do so but one is not obvious — although perhaps it should be — and it’s this:  it might be the only chance you get to show them how much they mean to you if you don’t seize this opportunity whenever it comes along. 

To save the truth of your feelings for their funeral or obituaries it’s not much use to anyone then but if you defend a friend while they’re alive you might just give them the slightest intimation of how much you value them and love them and how much other people love them too…”

Douglas Murray


Designing Lighting for People and Buildings

September 14, 2024
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Public Consultation on IES RP-6 Recommended Practice: Lighting Sports and Recreational Areas closes October 7

Sport Lighting

“Electrical Building World’s Columbian Exposition Chicago 1892

Today we feature the catalog of the Illumination Engineering Society — one of the first names in standards-setting in illumination technology, globally* with particular interest in its leading title IES LP-1 | LIGHT + DESIGN Lighting Practice: Designing Quality Lighting for People and Buildings.

From its prospectus:

“…LIGHT + DESIGN was developed to introduce architects, lighting designers, design engineers, interior designers, and other lighting professionals to the principles of quality lighting design. These principles; related to visual performance, energy, and economics; and aesthetics; can be applied to a wide range of interior and exterior spaces to aid designers in providing high-quality lighting to their projects.

Stakeholders: Architects, interior designers, lighting practitioners, building owners/operators, engineers, the general public, luminaire manufacturers.  This standard focuses on design principles and defines key technical terms and includes technical background to aid understanding for the designer as well as the client about the quality of the lighted environment. Quality lighting enhances our ability to see and interpret the world around us, supporting our sense of well-being, and improving our capability to communicate with each other….”

The entire catalog is linked below:

IES Lighting Library

Illumination technologies run about 30 percent of the energy load in a building and require significant human resources at the workpoint — facility managers, shop foremen, front-line operations and maintenance personnel, design engineers and sustainability specialists.  The IES has one of the easier platforms for user-interest participation:

IES Standards Open for Public Review

Because the number of electrotechnology standards run in the thousands and are in continual motion* we need an estimate of user-interest in any title before we formally request a redline because the cost of obtaining one in time to make meaningful contributions will run into hundreds of US dollars; apart from the cost of obtaining a current copy.

We maintain the IES catalog on the standing agendas of our Electrical, Illumination and Energy colloquia.   Additionally, we collaborate with experts active in the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee which meets online 4 times monthly in European and American time zones; all colloquia online and open to everyone.   Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page to join us.

Issue: [Various}

Category: Electrical, Energy, Illumination, Facility Asset Management

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Gary Fox, Jim Harvey, Kane Howard, Glenn Keates, Daleep Mohla, Giuseppe Parise, Georges Zissis

Brownian Motion” comes to mind because of the speed and interdependencies.

“Season of Light Illumination”




Bucolia 300

September 13, 2024
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Why the “Arbor” in Ann Arbor Michigan?

Other Ways of Knowing Climate Change

Anglo-americká vysoká škola, z.ú. Czech Republic

Today we walk through literature governing the safety and sustainability of the open space features of education community estates.   Unlike the titles for the building envelope, which are known to most design professionals and contractors, the standards for grounds and landscaping are widely scattered; many of them occupational safety related; created, administered and enforced by units of government.

During the fair seasons we examine the moment in landscape, garden, tree and water literature.  We also track titles about the reclamation of building roofs for permeable surfaces and gardens.

During the winter months in the northern hemisphere we include snow and ice management; while covering summer month technologies for southern hemisphere (and vice-versa).  Snowfalls in the southern hemisphere are mainly contained to the highlands and mountain ranges, which are almost exclusively in Victoria and Southern New South Wales, as well as the mountains in Tasmania.   Winter does not pose as much of a cost burden to education facilities in the southern hemisphere as it does in the northern hemisphere.


Landscape standards refer to guidelines or regulations that specify the requirements for the design, installation, and maintenance of outdoor spaces such as parks, gardens, streetscapes, and public spaces. Landscape standards typically cover various aspects of landscape design, including vegetation selection, planting arrangements, irrigation systems, hardscape materials, and lighting.

These standards may be set by government agencies at the federal, state, or local level, or by professional organizations such as the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). Landscape standards aim to ensure that outdoor spaces are safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing while also promoting sustainability and environmental protection.

Landscape standards may also address issues such as accessibility for people with disabilities, water conservation, stormwater management, and erosion control. They may vary depending on the specific location, climate, and intended use of the outdoor space. Compliance with landscape standards may be required for approval of development projects, public funding, or other permits.

Father Marquette Catholic Academy | Marquette County Michigan

We track the standards catalog of two ANSI-accredited standards developers:

American Hort

Tree Care Industry Association

Additional practice titles applicable to accessory systems:

ASABE/ICC 802 Landscape Irrigation Sprinkler and Emitter Standard 

National Electrical Code: Article 411 Low-Voltage Lighting

Upcode Article 411

National Electrical Code: Article 225: Outside Branch Circuits and Feeders

Illumination Engineering Society (Lighting Library)

Land F/X: Landscape Lighting, Codes, Guidelines and Techniques  

OSHA Landscape and Horticultural Services

As a cross-cutting subject involving soil and water and sun many other standards developers, and all levels of government, produce best practice literature for today’s topic.  We’ll have a look at what’s moving among those.

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Standing Agenda / Bucolia

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