Time Synchronization of Medium Voltage Substations


Time Synchronization of Medium Voltage Substations

February 29, 2024
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Time Synchronization of Medium Voltage Substation IEDs Using Modbus and Python

Joseph Owusu, et. al


Abstract:  Energy demand and supply all over the world is increasing in size and complexity. Anomalous conditions caused by failures in electrical components, human errors and environmental conditions result in electrical faults that can interrupt electricity flow. Substation automation requires precise time synchronization for a variety of Intelligent Electronic Devices for fault diagnosis. The quest for accurate and sequential time stamping of events compels power utility companies to adopt various techniques of time synchronization with an accuracy of a millisecond or a microsecond. Some works adopt the use of time synchronization techniques using protocols such as Network Time Protocol, Precision Time protocol, Simple Network Time Protocol and many more. This work presents time synchronization of IEDs using Modbus protocol and python programming language for a local substation. The system records the output data into a database and displays it on an application software. The time synchronization system was successful alternative for off network systems.



Time Synchronization in the Electric Power System

Security 200

February 28, 2024
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“We worry about what a child will become tomorrow,

yet we forget that he is someone today.”

– Stacia Tauscher


Today we run a status check on the stream of technical and management standards evolving to assure the highest possible level of security in education communities.  The literature expands significantly from an assortment of national standards-setting bodies, trade associations, ad hoc consortia and open source standards developers.  CLICK HERE for a sample of our work in this domain.

School security is big business in the United States.   According to a report by Markets and Markets, the global school and campus security market size was valued at USD 14.0 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach USD 21.7 billion by 2025, at a combined annual growth rate of 7.2% during the forecast period.  Another report by Research And Markets estimates that the US school security market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of around 8% between 2020 and 2025, driven by factors such as increasing incidents of school violence, rising demand for access control and surveillance systems, and increasing government funding for school safety initiatives.

Because the pace of the combined annual growth rate of the school and campus security market is greater than the growth rate of the education “industry” itself, we’ve necessarily had to break down our approach to this topic into modules:

Security 100.   A survey of all the technical and management codes and standards for all educational settings — day care, K-12, higher education and university affiliated healthcare occupancies.

Security 200.   Queries into the most recent public consultations on the components and interoperability* of supporting technologies

Video surveillance: indoor and outdoor cameras, cameras with night vision and motion detection capabilities and cameras that can be integrated with other security systems for enhanced monitoring and control.

Access control: doors, remote locking, privacy and considerations for persons with disabilities.

Panic alarms: These devices allow staff and students to quickly and discreetly alert authorities in case of an emergency.

Metal detectors: These devices scan for weapons and other prohibited items as people enter the school.

Mass notification systems: These systems allow school administrators to quickly send emergency alerts and notifications to students, staff, and parents.

Intrusion detection systems: These systems use sensors to detect unauthorized entry and trigger an alarm.

GPS tracking systems: These systems allow school officials to monitor the location of school buses and track the movements of students during field trips and other off-campus activities.

Security 300.  Regulatory and management codes and standards; a great deal of which are self-referencing.

Security 400.  Advanced Topics.

As always, we reckon first cost and long-term maintenance cost, including software maintenance for the information and communication technologies (i.e. anything with wires) installed in the United States.  Cybersecurity is outside our wheelhouse and beyond our expertise.  In order to do any of the foregoing reasonably well, we have to leave cybersecurity standards to others.

Bob Hope Primary School Kadena Air Base


Education Community Safety catalog is one of the fast-growing catalogs of best practice literature.  In developing district security plans, K-12 school leaders stress that school safety is a cross-functional responsibility and every individual’s participation drives the success of overall safety protocols.  We link a small sample below and update ahead of every Security colloquium.

Artificial Intelligence Tries (and Fails) to Detect Weapons in School

Could AI be the future of preventing school shootings?

Executive Order 13929 of June 16, 2020 Safe Policing for Safe Communities

Clery Act

National Center for Education Statistics: School Safety and Security Measures

International Code Council

2021 International Building Code

Section 1010.1.9.4 Locks and latches

Section 1010.2.13 Delayed egress.

Section 1010.2.14 Controlled egress doors in Groups I-1 and I-2.

Free Access: NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code

Free Access: NFPA 731 Standard for the Installation of Premises Security Systems

IEEE: Design and Implementation of Campus Security System Based on Internet of Things

APCO/NENA 2.105 Emergency Incident Data Document 

C-TECC Tactical Emergency Casualty Care Guidelines

Department of Transportation Emergency Response Guidebook 2016

NENA-STA-004.1-2014 Next Generation United States Civic Location Data Exchange Format

Example Emergency Management and Disaster Preparedness Plan (Tougaloo College,  Jackson, Mississippi)

Partner Alliance for Safer Schools

Federal Bureau of Investigation Academia Program

Most Dangerous Universities in America

Federal Bureau of Investigation: Uniform Crime Reporting Program

ICYMI: Guide to Campus Security

* Interoperability refers to the ability of different technologies or systems to communicate and work together seamlessly. In the context of school security technologies, interoperability can help improve the effectiveness of security systems and make it easier for school personnel to manage and respond to potential security threats.  Here’s what we look for:

  1. Standardization: By standardizing communication protocols and data formats, school security technologies can be made more compatible with each other, making it easier for different systems to communicate and share information.
  2. Integration: School security technologies can be integrated with each other to provide a more comprehensive security solution. For example, access control systems can be integrated with video surveillance systems to automatically trigger alerts when an unauthorized person enters a restricted area.
  3. Open Architecture: Open architecture solutions enable different security systems to be connected and communicate with each other regardless of their manufacturer or supplier. This approach makes it easier to integrate different technologies and avoid vendor lock-in.
  4. Cloud-based Solutions: Cloud-based security solutions can enable interoperability by providing a centralized platform for managing and monitoring different security systems. This approach can also simplify the deployment of security technologies across multiple locations.
  5. Collaboration: School security technology providers can work together to develop interoperability standards and best practices that can be adopted across the industry. Collaboration can help drive innovation and improve the effectiveness of security systems.





February 28, 2024
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We have shouted from the mountaintops — beginning in the 2002 National Electrical Code and later in the International Building Code — that “ingress” concepts (the opposite of the canonical term “egress”; meaning the way INTO a building during an emergency) should become part of the vocabulary when exploring best practice concepts for security in education settlements.

Alas, so far without success.  Evidently, the term “ingress” has been appropriated by a variant — accessibility — which re-directs the discussion toward the American with Disabilities Act?

What about people who are not disabled who seek to enter a building?

We cite a 1981 study, sponsored by what is now the National Institute of Standards and Technology — Crowd ingress to Places of Assembly: Summary and Proceedings of an Experts’ Workshop –– to enlighten understanding how ingress is different from the term access.

We maintain this topic on all of our Security related colloquia; hosted on days that appear on our CALENDAR.  Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

Entrance door to Standards Michigan Ann Arbor office

Means of Egress




February 27, 2024

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Ampere current flows through copper or aluminum conductor due to the movement of free electrons in response to an applied electric field of varying voltages.   Each copper or aluminum contributes one free electron to the electron sea, creating a vast reservoir of mobile charge carriers. When a potential difference (voltage) is applied across the ends of the conductor, an electric field is established within the conductor. This field exerts a force on the free electrons, causing them to move in the direction of the electric field.  The resulting current flow can be transformed into different forms depending on the nature of the device.

Heating: When current flows through a resistor, it encounters resistance, which causes the resistor to heat up. This is the principle behind electric heaters, toasters, and incandescent light bulbs.

Mechanical Work: Current flowing through an electric motor creates a magnetic field, which interacts with the magnetic field of the motor’s permanent magnets or electromagnets. This interaction generates a mechanical force, causing the motor to rotate. Thus, electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy; including sound.

Light: In an incandescent light bulb, a filament heats up ( a quantum phenomena) due to the current passing through it. This is an example of electrical energy being converted into light energy; including the chemical energy through light emitting diodes

Today we dwell on how conductors are specified and installed in building premise wiring systems primarily; with some attention to paths designed to carry current flowing through unwanted paths (ground faults, phase imbalance, etc).   In the time we have we will review the present state of the best practice literature developed by the organizations listed below:

International Electrotechnical Commission

60304 Low voltage installations: Protection against electric shock

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

National Electrical Safety Code

Insulated Cable Engineers Association

International Association of Electrical Inspectors

National Fire Protection Association

National Electrical Code

Code Making Panel 6

Transcript of CMP-6 Proposals for 2026 NEC

Other organizations such as the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, ASTM International, Underwriter Laboratories, also set product and installation standards.  Data center wiring; fiber-optic and low-voltage control wiring is covered in other colloquia (e.g. Infotech and Security) and coordinated with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee.

Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.


2017 National Electrical Code § 110.5

Neher-McGrath Calculation: Cable Calculation ampacity and Thermal Analysis

ETAP: Cabling Sizing – Cable Thermal Analysis


System Aspects of Electrical Energy

Impedance Grounding for Electric Grid Surviability

Electric Power Availability: Cold Weather Preparedness

Architecture of power systems: Special cases

Outdoor Deicing & Snow Melting

Campus Outdoor Lighting

High Voltage Electric Service

Campus Bulk Electrical Distribution

Electric Power Availability: Cold Weather Preparedness

February 27, 2024
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PUBLIC LAW 109–58—AUG. 8, 2005 | ENERGY POLICY ACT OF 2005

Reliability v. Availability

January 25th Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and FERC: Docket No. AD06-6-000.  Given the close coupling of electric and natural gas supply with respect to power reliability, the mind boggles at the hostility of the Biden Administration to natural gas anywhere on earth.  Natural gas is critical to generation plant black start capabilities and hospitals, among others.

A selection of the presentations:

“Long Term Reliability Assessment” – Presented by Mark Lauby, Senior Vice President and Chief Engineer, NERC

“Grid Reliability Overview & Updates” – Presented by David Ortiz, Director of the Office of Electric Reliability

“Status of Standards and Implementation for Cold Weather Preparedness and Applicability to Nuclear Plants” – Presented by David Huff, Electrical Engineer, Office of Electric Reliability

“Gas-Electric Coordination Since Winter Storm Uri” – Presented by Heather Polzin, Reliability Enforcement Counsel, Office of Enforcement

“Overview of Power Reactor Activities” – Presented by Andrea Kock, Deputy Office Director for Engineering, NRR

“Grid Reliability Updates” – Presented by Jason Paige, Chief, Long-Term Operations and Modernization Branch, Division of Engineering and External Hazards, NRR

Electrical Resource Adequacy


Utah State University: History of Probability

Sample Probability and Statistics Problem from Professional Electrical Engineer’s Examination

Loss-of-load-based reliability indices

Chicken and Dumplings

February 26, 2024

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Standards Wyoming

Appetite for Knowledge

Cozy Chicken and Dumplings


February 26, 2024
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Hephaestus: God of Fire, Metalwork, and Building

Today we survey the broad sweep of the International Code Council catalog of best practice titles; incorporated by reference into public safety regulations in most of the United States.  This session will be a “survey” and “organizational” session when we limit detail and simply identify priority titles and the technical specifics in play over the next twelve months.

Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

2024/2025/2026 International Code Council Code Development Schedule

Complete Monographs (To be posted soon)

International Green Construction Code: Definitions

International Fire Code

Storm Shelters


International Energy Conservation Code

Sport Occupancies

International Mechanical Code

Higher Education Laboratories

Interior Finishes

Morning Shower

International Building Code | Electrical

Day Care

Stadium & Arena Structural Engineering

Off-Site Construction

K-TAG Matrix for Healthcare Facilities


FinTech 100

February 25, 2024

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“The most important role of technology is to create time.

Information technology epitomizes this role.

And wealth creation is ultimately about time,

freeing human time from labor.”

— George Gilder

L’italiano Luca Pacioli, riconosciuto come “Il padre della contabilità e della contabilità” è stato il primo a pubblicare un’opera sulla partita doppia, e ha introdotto il campo in Italia.


“Hatred of the rich is the

beginning of all wisdom” 

— H.L. Mencken


Today we break down the literature that informs the finances of the real assets of education settlements.   We examine a few publicly available university annual budget documents and, lately, have been looking ahead at innovation in distributed ledger solutions, digital currencies and blue sky conceptions of a circular economy which has captured the imagination of trendsniffers in every nation.

Since our 2016 estimate of $300 billion — triangulated from several private and public databases; the number that measures construction spend coupled with operations and maintenance — a fair estimate of growth is likely closer to  $500 billion now.  Based upon the US Census Bureau monthly construction spend reports we have seen a slight uptick in construction spend. We still see construction activity running at an $85-$90 billion clip.


During 2023-2024 we will be breaking down this subject into manageable segments as interest in it clarifies.  For now it is enlightening to approach finance standards with an examination of a few operating budgets:

San Jose State University 2022/2023 SJSU Budget Report

University of Minnesota 2022 Final Capital Budget Requests with Governor’s Recommendations

The 2022-2023 Budget: Overview of the Governor’s Higher Education Budget Proposals (California)

Prince George County Public Schools Operating Budget 2022 

University of Illinois Deferred Maintenance 

Central Michigan University Capital & Deferred Maintenance Budgets

Every dollar passing through the business or academic side of the education industry has rules for how it is received and tracked.*   At the moment we track, but do not dwell, on the grant management standards asserted by state and federal funding agencies.  When we do, we place them on the agenda of the appropriate colloquium.

Appropriate use of public funding underlies some — but not all — of the accounting burden of the education industry. We steer clear of the grant management requirements public funding agencies place upon the education industry; maintain focus on the titles developed and published by organizations that have a due process platform.  For example:

Accredited Standards Committee X9

Financial Industry Standards: Program of Work

Preparing for the Quantum Era

Open-IX Association

Data Center OIX-2 Certification

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board

X12 Incorporated

There are several trackworthy non-ANSI accredited standard developing organizations:

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board


Public Consultation of Implementation (This statement fairly compares with ANSI’s Due Process Guidance.   Comments due January 20, 2023)

Real Estate Information Standards Board

Kuznets curve


Send bella@standardsmichigan.com an email for a detailed advance agenda.  To join the colloquium today use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

“De armen en het geld” 1882 Vincent van Gogh



Community FY22 Appropriations Request Letterdocx

PFN_InfraInvLtr_June 2021


Half the people working in schools aren’t classroom teachers—so what?


Syllabus: Fintech 100

*Electronic Code of Federal Regulations

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