Readings / The Administrative State


Readings / The Administrative State

September 15, 2023
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“And though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the earth,, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously, by licensing and prohibiting, to misdoubt her strength. Let her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter?” — “Areopagitica” 1644 John Milton

“The university is a home of the human spirit,
and when it is ruled by bureaucracy and mediocrity,
the spirit is killed.”
Roger Scruton

Further Reading:

“How Many Federal Agencies Exist? We Can’t Drain The Swamp Until We Know”, Clyde Wayne Crews Jr, Forbes.  July 5, 2017

Franz Kafka Bibliography

  1. “How to Get a Job in the Federal Government” by Lily Whiteman
  2. “Careers in Government: When Public Service Calls, Opportunities and Options for Making a Difference” by Bruce Maxwell
  3. “Guide to U.S. Government Practice on Global Sharing of Personal Information” by Inside the Minds Staff
  4. “Working in the Shadows: A Year of Doing the Jobs (Most) Americans Won’t Do” by Gabriel Thompson
  5. “Federal Resume Guidebook” by Kathryn K. Troutman
  6. “The Complete Guide to Writing a Federal Resume” by Diane Hudson
  7. “Roadmap to Federal Jobs” by Kathryn K. Troutman
  8. “The Federal Jobs Book: Your One-Stop Guide to Government Employment” by Dennis V. Damp
  9. “The New SES Application: Writing the Traditional ECQs and the New Five-Page Senior Executive Service Federal Resume” by Kathryn K. Troutman

Drivers and Barriers to Implementation of Connected, Automated, Shared, and Electric Vehicles

September 14, 2023
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Drivers and Barriers to Implementation of Connected, Automated, Shared, and Electric Vehicles

An Agenda for Future Research


Abstract:  Several converging trends appear to reshape the way citizens and goods move about. These trends are social, including urbanization and population growth, and technological, such as increased automation and connectivity. All these factors influence the market for connected, automated, shared and electric (CASE) vehicles, which presents many opportunities and challenges. The pace of the shift to a profoundly penetrated market for CASE vehicles is far from secure. Such transformation depends on the development of technologies, consumer attitudes, and policies. An expanding body of research has investigated the potential social and behavioral results of deploying CASE vehicles. However, most academic literature to date concentrates on technological issues linked to these vehicles.

There are several teams from federal and state agencies, OEMs, academia, startups, and consortiums working on this complex subject. This study investigates several academic papers, as well as federal and industry reports, considering all the stakeholders mentioned above. Its aim is to present a comprehensive picture of the implementation barriers and drivers of CASE vehicle usage and provide suggestions to solve them. The findings confirm that several issues are currently affecting the implementation of CASE vehicles on the road. Although there have been significant partnerships and collaborations between CASE vehicle stakeholders, namely technology companies, federal-state agencies, and academic scholars, considerable work is still required to solve the remaining barriers facing CASE-related technologies. This would enable decision-makers to create effective policies for future transportation networks and increase the speed of CASE vehicle market penetration to enhance road network’s level of service.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Gallery: Electric Vehicle Fire Risk

A BIM-Based Coordination Support System for Emergency Response

September 12, 2023
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A BIM-Based Coordination Support System for Emergency Response

Yanxiao Feng, et. al

Department of Architectural Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University

Abstract: In fire emergencies, timely communication with on-site coordinators and accurate localization of first responders facilitates effective task assignment and resource allocation in harsh, low-visibility environments. Building information modeling (BIM) is widely accepted in the architecture, engineering, and construction industries as a central repository of building information. It could provide both the geometric building data and semantic information; however, the convenient linkage and integration with indoor location technologies for emergency purposes have not been addressed according to the authors’ knowledge.

A stand-alone BIM-based indoor location (BIMIL) framework and portal were designed and tested to enable the automatic extraction, transformation, and visualization of BIM-related data for public safety purposes in this study. Based on current information technology, this research reduces the gap in cross-application by supporting indoor location to overcome the primary shortcoming of existing indoor building models. Eliminating the need for specific software and skill in data processing, this portal will support on-site coordinators’ importation of BIM files, allowing them to convert those files into processed and visualized indoor information containing key yet simplified geometric building data and essential emergency-related information such as fire rating hours, egresses, and hazardous materials. Additionally, the indoor location data can be integrated into a generalized 3D building model to support decision-making activities and management tasks in the field.


International Fire Code

Life Safety Code

Means of Egress

Pathway Illumination

September 12, 2023
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“Nighthawks” 1942 Edward Hopper

The Illumination Engineering Society is one of the first names in standards-setting organizations with a catalog routinely referenced in design guidelines and construction projects.  Because of the money flow into illumination technologies worldwide the IES occupies a domain that is relatively crowded:

  • National Electrical Manufacturers and Medical Imaging Association; whose interest lies in leveling the playing field for about 300 electrical equipment manufacturers
  • Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers; whose interest lies in the research activity in seeing sciences, the luminescence sources and the power chain
  • American Society of Heating and Refrigeration Engineers; whose interest lies in energy conservation
  • National Fire Protection Association; whose interest lies in fire safety of lighting systems within building premises.
  • International Code Council; whose interest lies in pulling together all of the relevant standards for lighting egress paths of the built environment
  • International Electrotechnical Commission; whose interest lies in the administration of global electrical and electronic technologies
  • International Commission on Illumination; the international authority on light, illumination, colour, and colour spaces

There are others.  With illumination power requirement on a downward trajectory where footcandles can be driven at information & communication technology voltage and current levels; we find relatively new entrants into the market with deep pockets and for good reason.  In a typical building, the interior lighting load is the major electrical load (on the order of 40 percent) and a major contributor to the functionality of the building.  There are a number of other trade associations that are participants in research and open source standards for faster moving parts of the illumination science.  We will cover these in future, related posts.

Last year a new standardization project was launched by the IES. From the project prospectus:

IES LP-2-201x, Designing Quality Lighting for People in Outdoor Environments (new standard)

Project Need: This document is not intended to supersede existing IES application RPs, rather it will link the various documents together, augmenting them in subject areas not otherwise covered, including but not limited to sidewalks, bikepaths, pedestrian paths, parks, outdoor malls, pedestrian-only business districts, plazas, amphitheaters, large outdoor gathering areas, campuses, pedestrian bridges, and pedestrian underpasses.

Stakeholders: Lighting practitioners, electrical engineers, civic planners, civil engineers, architects, community-based planning groups, general public.  Lighting recommendations for non-vehicular pedestrian applications using recommendations beyond illuminance only, which ultimately fails to provide a complete guideline for the visual experience of pedestrian-based tasks. The RP will be a comprehensive approach for light levels, glare, adaptation, spectrum, and contrast while addressing safety, timing, and perceived security. Application of these recommendations will ultimately enhance the pedestrian’s visual experience while also respecting the environment.

Soon to be released, a related product covering technical specifics of a familiar battleground — lighting controls:

IES LP-12 Lighting Practice: IoT Connected Lighting

The consultation closed May 24th and the agenda of the committee writing this standard is being administered.  Very often technical committees are receptive to new ideas after a comment deadline if those ideas are submitted to a committee member directly.   We invite anyone with an interest in this topic to click in to any of our daily colloquia to begin that process.

Not far into the future: individually controlled luminaires responsive to the use of campus pathways.  There are already some pilot projects on higher education campuses.

IES Standards in Public Review

A few other technical committees relevant to educational communities should be identified, though we will sort through the standards setting activity in separate posts:

Edu-Lib-Ofc Lighting Committee

Outdoor Environmental Lighting Committee

Outdoor Public Spaces Committee

Roadway Lighting Committee  (Many large research universities own miles of roads)

We always encourage direct participation by space planners, workpoint experts and academic unit facility managers in IES standards development process.  Contact: Patricia McGillicuddy, (917) 913-0027, 120 Wall Street, Floor 17, New York, NY.

We  coordinate most of our electrotechnology standards advocacy with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee which meets 4 times monthly in European and American time zones.  Its meeting agendas and login credentials are available on its website.   Since illumination technologies are present in all spaces in education communities, IES consensus products will appear on the standing agenda of most disciplines.  See our CALENDAR.

Issue: [19-50]

Category: Electrical, Space Planning

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Kane Howard, Glenn Keates, George Reiher

*We find that when the SSO has heavy manufacturer support, its standards development facility lies in the upper-quality tier.

Dynamic Exit Signs

September 12, 2023

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Dynamic exit signs are a type of emergency exit signage that uses active illumination and changes in light to draw attention to the nearest exit in case of an emergency. Unlike traditional exit signs that use static or passive lighting to indicate exit locations, dynamic exit signs incorporate lighting systems that respond to specific environmental conditions or power outages, which can help to guide people to safety more efficiently.

There are several types of dynamic exit signs, including:

  • Photoluminescent exit signs: These signs absorb and store light energy from ambient sources, such as room lighting or sunlight, and then glow brightly in the dark when the power goes out.
  • LED exit signs: These signs use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to create animated or flashing signs that can better catch people’s attention.
  • Electroluminescent exit signs: These signs use electrically charged phosphors to produce a bright, uniform light source that can be more visible in low-light or smoke-filled environments.

Overall, dynamic exit signs are designed to enhance visibility and guide people to safety during an emergency, and they can be an important part of an overall emergency preparedness plan.


International Building Code: Chapter 10 Means of Egress

Life Safety Code: Chapter 7 Means of Egress

National Electrical Code: Article 700 Emergency Systems 

Life Safety Code

Emergency and Standby Power Systems

Household Words

September 11, 2023
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Management of Assets in Power Systems

September 11, 2023
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“Mount Fuji from Lake Yamanaka” Takahashi Shōtei (1871-1945) | Los Angeles County Museum of Art

The Japanese Standards Association is the Global Secretariat for a standardization project devoted to the discovery and promulgatation of common methods and guidelines for coordinated lifetime management of network assets in power systems to support good asset management.  In addition, this may include the development of new methods and guidelines required to keep pace with development of electrotechnologies excluding generation assets; covered by other IEC standards.

There has, and will continue to be significant investment in electricity assets which will require ongoing management to realise value for the organizations. In the last 5 years, there has been USD 718 billion investment for electricity, spending on electricity networks and storage continued, reaching an all-time high of USD 277 billion in 2016. In the United States (17% of the total) and Europe (13%), a growing share is going to the replacement of ageing transmission and distribution assets.  A more fully dimensioned backgrounder on the business environment that drives the market for this title is available in the link below:

IEC/TC 123 Strategic Business Plan

Begun in 2018, this is a relatively new project with three stabilized titles:

IEC 60050-693 ED1: Management of network assets in power systems – Terminology

IEC 63223-2 ED1: Management of network assets in power systems – Requirements

IEC TS 63224 ED1: Management of network assets in power systems – Practices and case studies

Electropedia: The World’s Online Electrotechnical Vocabulary

It is early in this project’s lifecycle; far too early to find it referenced in public safety and energy laws in the United States where it would affect #TotalCostofOwnership.   Where we should, we follow the lead of the USNC/IEC for the United States, while still mindful that many of our IEEE colleagues follow the lead of their own national standards body.

Because this project fills an obvious gap in good practice literature we maintain this project on our 4 times monthly electrotechnology colloquium that we co-host with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee.   See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

World Standards Day 2023 webinars on latest information technologies

The importance of functional safety | 2023-10-11  IEC Editorial Team


USNC/IEC Workspace


Facility Management

September 11, 2023
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“The work of the eyes is done.
Go now and do the heart-work
on the images imprisoned within you.”

Rainer Maria Rilke (1929 “Letters to a Young Architect”)

“Architect’s Dream” 1840 | Thomas Cole

The internationalization of the education industry continues at a brisk pace and so do the enterprises that support the primary business of learning, teaching and discovering.   Educational campuses, and related university-affiliated medical research and healthcare enterprises, represent one of the largest assets owned and operated by any state.

In a state such as the State of Michigan, for example, with a gross state product of about $500 billion, the value of public real property assets may be on the order of $50 billion*.  If taking 2 percent off the cost owning, operating and maintaining those assets every year resulted in a savings of $1 billion million every year simply because conformance to a standard that reduced destructive competition and redundancy is meaningful, then those agencies should pay attention.   Alas, they do not, or not yet; a condition we describe in our ABOUT.

There is no reason to believe that internationalization of campus facility management practices cannot be as transformative to an industry as the ISO 9000 catalog of management standards were to, say, to the Michigan automobile industry 50-odd years ago.   In other words, the Michigan experience with globalization of its core industry was hastened precisely because of the conformance template that the ISO-9000 suite provided.

ISO/TC 267 Project Kickoff Meeting | Berlin 2012 | The University of Michigan was the first US university to participate in the launch of this standard and acted as a technical liaison for IFMA.

The business plan for this committee is linked below and provides a high level overview of committee goals and organization:

ISO/TC 267 / Facility Management / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY



The landing page for this committee is linked below:

ISO/TC 267

The list of work ISO/TC 267 titles are listed in the link below.  Four are published standards and two are currently under development:

ISO 267 Facility Management Standards Catalogue

Note that ISO 41018 — Facility management — Development of a facility management policy — was published in July 2022.

At the moment ANSI has identified the US TAG Administrator as the International Facility Management Association however direct management of the US delegation is also being supported by ANSI staff.   You are encouraged to communicate directly with ANSI’s US Technical Advisory Group leader to TC 267.   Contacts at ANSI are Jason Knopes <> and Rachel Hawthorne

We place ISO/TC 267 consensus products on each of our monthly Management, and International Standards.  See our CALENDAR for next online meetings, open to everyone.

Issue: [11-33]

Category: Facility Asset Management, International

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Christine Fischer, Jack Janveja, Richard Robben


ISO Focus January 2015 Anthony-Robben – Education Enterprise pp 33-37



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