Energy Standard for Data Centers


Energy Standard for Data Centers

June 11, 2024
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No public consultations have been released on this title as of April 9, 2024.

2024 Update to ASHRAE Position Statements

List of Titles, Scopes and Purposes of the ASHRAE Catalog

Public Review Draft Standards

As of the date of this post, no proposed revisions to the ASHRAE 90.4 have been released for public consultation.  Keep in mind that its normative reference — ASHRAE Standard 90.1: Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings — is continually under revision; frequently appearing in electrical engineering design guidelines, construction specifications, commissioning and O&M titles in our industry and others.

ASHRAE 90.4 defines an alternate compliance path, specific to data centers, while the compliance requirements for “non-data center” components are contained in ASHRAE 90.1 .  The 90.4 structure also streamlines the ongoing maintenance process as well ensures that Standards 90.1 and 90.4 stay in their respective lanes to avoid any overlap and redundancies relating to the technical and administrative boundaries.  Updates to ASHRAE 90.1 will still include the alternate compliance path defined in ASHRAE 90.4. Conversely the 2022 Edition of 90.4-2022 refers to ASHRAE 90.1-2022; cross-referencing one another synchronously

Links to noteworthy coverage from expert agencies on the 2022 revisions:

Addendum g modifies Sections 3 and 6 to support the regulation of process heat and process ventilation

HPC Data Center Cooling Design Considerations

ASHRAE standard 90.4 updates emphasize green energy

ASHRAE updated its standard for data centers

How to Design a Data Center Cooling System for ASHRAE 90.4

Designing a Data Center with Computer Software Modeling

This title resides on the standing agenda of our Infotech 400 colloquium; hosted several times per year and as close coupled with the annual meetings of ASHRAE International as possible.  Technical committees generally meet during these meetings make decisions about the ASHRAE catalog.  The next all committee conference will be hosted January 20-24, 2024 in Chicago.  As always we encourage education industry facility managers, energy conservation workgroups and sustainability professionals to participate directly in the ASHRAE consensus standard development process.  It is one of the better facilities out there.

Start at ASHRAE’s public commenting facility:

Online Standards Actions & Public Review Drafts

Energy Standard for *Sites* and Buildings

Update: May 30, 2023

Proposed Addendum g makes changes to definitions were modified in section 3 and mandatory language in Section 6 to support the regulation of process heat and process ventilation was moved in the section for clarity. Other changes are added based on comments from the first public review including changes to informative notes.

Consultation closes June 4th

Update: February 10, 2023

The most actively managed consensus standard for data center energy supply operating in education communities (and most others) is not published by the IEEE but rather by ASHRAE International — ASHRAE 90.4 Energy Standard for Data Centers (2019).  It is not required to be a free access title although anyone may participate in its development.   It is copyrighted and ready for purchase but, for our purpose here, we need only examine its scope and purpose.   A superceded version of 90.4 is available in the link below:

Third ISC Public Review Draft (January 2016)

Noteworthy: The heavy dependence on IEEE power chain standards as seen in the Appendix and Chapter 8.  Recent errata are linked below:

We provide the foregoing links for a deeper dive “into the weeds”.  Another addendum has been released for consultation; largely administrative:

ASHRAE 90.4 | Pages 60-61 | Consultation closes January 15, 2023.

It is likely that the technical committee charged with updating this standard are already at work preparing an updated version that will supercede the 2019 Edition.  CLICK HERE for a listing of Project Committee Interim Meetings.

We maintain many titles from the ASHRAE catalog on the standing agenda of our Mechanical, Energy 200/400, Data and Cloud teleconferences.   See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

Originally posted Summer 2020.


ASHRAE International has released four new addenda to its energy conservation consensus document ASHRAE 90.4-2016 Energy Standard for Data Centers.  This document establishes the minimum energy efficiency requirements of data centers for design and construction, for the creation of a plan for operation and maintenance and for utilization of on-site or off-site renewable energy resources.

It is a relatively new document more fully explained in an article published by ASHRAE in 2016 (Click here).   The addenda described briefly:

Addendum a  – clarifies existing requirements in Section 6.5 as well as introduce new provisions to encourage heat recovery within data centers.

Addendum b  – clarifies existing requirements in Sections 6 and 11 and to provide guidance for taking credit for renewable energy systems.

Addendum d  – a response to a Request for Interpretation on the 90.4 consideration of DieselRotary UPS Systems (DRUPS) and the corresponding accounting of these systems in the Electrical Loss Component (ELC). In crafting the IC, the committee also identified several marginal changes to 90.4 definitions and passages in Section 8 that would add further clarity to the issue. This addendum contains the proposed changes for that aim as well as other minor changes to correct spelling or text errors, incorporate the latest ELC values into Section 11, and to refresh information in the Normative Reference.

Addendum e adds language to Section 11 intended to clarify how compliance with Standard 90.4 can be achieved through the use of shared systems.

Comments are due September 6th.   Until this deadline you may review the changes and comment upon them by by CLICKING HERE

Universitat de Barcelona


Proposed Addendum g

Education facility managers, energy conservation workgroups and sustainability professionals are encouraged to participate directly in the ASHRAE standard development process.   Start at ASHRAE’s public commenting facility:

Online Standards Actions & Public Review Drafts

The ASHRAE catalog is a priority title in our practice.  This title appears on the standing agenda of our Infotech sessions.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

"One day ladies will take their computers for walks in the park and tell each other, "My little computer said such a funny thing this morning" - Alan Turing

Issue: [12-54]

Category: Telecommunications, Infotech, Energy

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Robert G. Arno, Neal Dowling, Jim Harvey, Mike Hiler, Robert Schuerger, Larry Spielvogel

Workspace / ASHRAE



June 11, 2024
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“Python is the programming equivalent

of a Swiss Army Knife.”

— Some guy


The Python Standard Library

Open source standards development is characterized by very open exchange, collaborative participation, rapid prototyping, transparency and meritocracy.   The Python programming language is a high-level, interpreted language that is widely used for general-purpose programming. Python is known for its readability, simplicity, and ease of use, making it a popular choice for beginners and experienced developers alike.  Python has a large and active community of developers, which has led to the creation of a vast ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and tools that can be used for a wide range of applications. These include web development, scientific computing, data analysis, machine learning, and more.

Another important aspect of Python is its versatility. It can be used on a wide range of platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and even mobile devices. Python is also compatible with many other programming languages and can be integrated with other tools and technologies, making it a powerful tool for software development.  Overall, the simplicity, readability, versatility, and large community support of Python make it a valuable programming language to learn for anyone interested in software development including building automation.

As open source software, anyone may suggest an improvement to Python(3.X) starting at the link below:

Python Enhancement Program

Python Download for Windows

Python can be used to control building automation systems. Building automation systems are typically used to control various systems within a building, such as heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, security, and more. Python can be used to control these systems by interacting with the control systems through the building’s network or other interfaces.

There are several Python libraries available that can be used for building automation, including PyVISA, which is used to communicate with instrumentation and control systems, and PyModbus, which is used to communicate with Modbus devices commonly used in building automation systems. Python can also be used to develop custom applications and scripts to automate building systems, such as scheduling temperature setpoints, turning on and off lights, and adjusting ventilation systems based on occupancy or other variables. Overall, Python’s flexibility and versatility make it well-suited for use in building automation systems.


Building Automation & Control Networks

How to Make Baby Food

June 10, 2024

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How to Make Banana Puree for Babies

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children

Before the commercialization of baby food, parents typically prepared homemade baby food using simple kitchen tools and ingredients. Here’s a general overview of how baby food was made traditionally:

Selection of Ingredients: Parents would select fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, and meats suitable for their baby’s age and dietary needs. These ingredients were chosen based on their nutritional value and ease of digestion.

Cooking: The selected ingredients would be cooked using methods such as boiling, steaming, or baking to soften them and make them easier for the baby to eat. Cooking methods were chosen to preserve as much of the natural nutrients as possible.

Mashing or Pureeing: Once cooked, the ingredients would be mashed or pureed into a smooth consistency suitable for a baby’s developing digestive system. This could be done using tools like a fork, potato masher, food mill, or blender.

Straining (Optional): Some parents might choose to strain the pureed food to remove any seeds, skins, or fibers that could be difficult for a baby to digest or might pose a choking hazard.

Storage: Homemade baby food could be stored in small containers or ice cube trays and frozen for future use. This allowed parents to prepare larger batches of baby food at once and thaw individual portions as needed.

Feeding: When it was time to feed the baby, parents would simply thaw the desired portion of homemade baby food and serve it to their baby using a spoon or by bottle-feeding.

Variety: Parents would typically introduce a variety of flavors and textures to their baby over time, gradually expanding their palate and exposing them to a wide range of nutrients.

Overall, making homemade baby food required time, effort, and attention to detail, but many parents preferred it because they had control over the quality and ingredients used, ensuring that their baby received nutritious and wholesome meals.

Standards Iowa

Health 400 | OB-GYN

June 10, 2024
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Today we break down regulations, codes, standards and open-source literature governing the safety and sustainability of university-affiliated medical research and healthcare delivery facilities.  Because of the complexity of the topic we break down our coverage:

Health 200.   Survey of all relevant codes, standards, guidelines and recommended practices for healthcare settings.

Health 400.  All of the above with special consideration needed for obstetrics, gynecological and neonatal clinical practice and research.

Today we confine our interest to systems — water, power, telecommunication and security; for example — that are unique to campus-configured, city-within-city risk aggregations.  Electrotechnologies (voltage stability, static electricity control, radio-interference, etc.) in these enterprises are subtle, complex and high risk.  Sample titles from legacy best practice literature in this domain are listed below:

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: Levels of Maternal Care

Provision of Care, Treatment, and Services standards for maternal safety

Since our interest lies in the habitable spaces for these enterprises we usually start with a scan of the following titles:

International Building Code Section 407 (Institutional Group I-2) identifies requirements specific to healthcare settings, covering aspects such as fire safety, means of egress, and smoke compartments. Maternity and obstetric facilities within hospitals fall under this classification.

K-TAG Matrix for Healthcare Facilities

NFPA 70 National Electrical Code Article 517

NFPA 99 Healthcare Facilities Code

NFPA 101 Life Safety Code Chapters 18 & 19

ASHRAE 170 Ventilation of Healthcare Facilities

ASHRAE 189.3: Design, Construction and Operation of Sustainable High Performance Health Care Facilities

Relevant Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers research

Towards Deeper Neural Networks for Neonatal Seizure Detection

A System to Provide Primary Maternity Healthcare Services in Developing Countries

Deep Learning for Continuous Electronic Fetal Monitoring in Labor

Reorganizing of University Hospital of Oran’s operating theatre: Simulation approach

Finally, we collaborate with the IEEE E&H Committee on the following IEC committee projects from IEC/TC 62 Electrical equipment in medical practice:

– Common aspects of electrical equipment used in diagnostic imaging equipment

– Equipment for radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and radiation dosimetry

– Electromedical equipment for neonatal care



Journal of Healthcare Management Standards: Operational Resilience of Hospital Power Systems in the Digital Age

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Health care cost as percentage of Gross Domestic Product for six representative nations.

Association of Academic Health Centers

International Conference on Harmonization: The ICH guidelines provide guidance on the development of pharmaceuticals and related substances, including clinical trials, drug safety, and efficacy.

Animal Welfare Act and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Good Laboratory Practice: GLP is a set of principles that ensure the quality and integrity of non-clinical laboratory studies. It ensures that data generated from non-clinical laboratory studies are reliable, valid, and accurate.

International Code Council Representation of Interests

University of Chicago

Children’s Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care

June 10, 2024
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Some of the common electro-technologies used in a neonatal care unit include:

  • Incubators: These temperature-controlled units create a controlled environment to keep premature or sick infants warm and protected.
  • Ventilators: Mechanical ventilators assist newborns with respiratory distress by delivering oxygen and helping them breathe.
  • Monitors: These devices track vital signs such as heart rate, oxygen levels, blood pressure, and temperature to ensure the baby’s health and detect any abnormalities.
  • Phototherapy Lights: Special lights are used to treat jaundice in newborns, helping to break down excess bilirubin in the blood.
  • Intravenous (IV) Pumps: These pumps are used to deliver medications, fluids, and nutrients directly into the baby’s bloodstream.
  • Feeding Tubes: For infants who are unable to feed orally, feeding tubes are used to deliver breast milk or formula directly into their stomach.
  • Blood Gas Analyzers: These machines measure the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other gases in a baby’s blood to monitor respiratory status and acid-base balance.
  • Infusion Pumps: Used to administer controlled amounts of fluids, medications, or nutrients to newborns.
  • CPAP/BiPAP Machines: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) and Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) machines help newborns with breathing difficulties by providing a continuous flow of air pressure.
  • Neonatal Resuscitation Equipment: This includes equipment such as resuscitation bags, endotracheal tubes, laryngoscopes, and suction devices used during emergency situations to assist with newborn resuscitation.

It’s important to note that specific tools and equipment may vary depending on the level of neonatal care provided by the unit, the needs of the infants, and the policies of the healthcare facility.

Neonatal care, as a specialized field, has been shaped by the contributions of several pioneers in medicine. Here are a few notable figures who have made significant advancements in neonatal care:

  • Dr. Virginia Apgar was an American obstetrical anesthesiologist who developed the Apgar score in 1952. The Apgar score is a quick assessment tool used to evaluate the overall health of newborns immediately after birth. It assesses the baby’s heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex irritability, and color, providing valuable information for prompt intervention and monitoring.
  • Dr. Martin Couney, a pioneering physician, established incubator exhibits at world fairs and amusement parks in the early 20th century. He promoted the use of incubators to care for premature infants and played a significant role in popularizing the concept of neonatal intensive care.
  • Dr. Virginia A. Apgar, an American pediatrician and neonatologist, made significant contributions to the field of neonatology. She specialized in the care of premature infants and conducted extensive research on neonatal resuscitation and newborn health. She also developed the Apgar scoring system, although unrelated to Dr. Virginia Apgar mentioned earlier.
  • Dr. Lula O. Lubchenco was an influential researcher and neonatologist who made important contributions to the understanding of newborn growth and development. She developed the Lubchenco Growth Chart, which provides a standardized assessment of a newborn’s size and gestational age, aiding in the identification and monitoring of growth abnormalities.
  • Dr. Mary Ellen Avery was a renowned American pediatrician and researcher whose work focused on understanding and treating respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in premature infants. She identified the importance of surfactant deficiency in RDS and contributed to the development of surfactant replacement therapy, revolutionizing the care of preterm infants.

These individuals, among many others, have played pivotal roles in advancing the field of neonatal care, improving the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, and overall outcomes for newborn infants.

Healthcare Facilities Code

IEEE  Education & Healthcare Facility Electrotechnology


Maternity Metrix

June 10, 2024

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The De-Population Bomb

June 10, 2024
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February 16, 2024: North Shore Medical Center abruptly closes neo-natal, labor and delivery units



























“In 1970, Stanford professor Paul Ehrlich published a famous book, The Population Bomb, in which he described a disastrous future for humanity: 

‘The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now.’

That prediction turned out to be very wrong, and in this interview American Enterprise Institute scholar Nicholas Eberstadt tells how we are in fact heading toward the opposite problem: not enough people. For decades now, many countries have been unable to sustain a #population replacement birth rate, including in Western Europe, South Korea, Japan, and, most ominously, China. The societal and social impacts of this phenomenon are vast. We discuss those with Eberstadt as well as some strategies to avoid them.”

Out take [35:22]:

“…All right this gets us right to the heart of of your essay and of the matter quoting you yet again the single best predictor for National fertility rates happens to be wanted family size as reported by women now you note there are polls that ask women how many children they’d like and you know that this doesn’t correlate perfectly with birth rates but it’s the best indicator in one sense this is a reassuring even heartening finding it highlights the agency at the very heart of our Humanity…

[“You’re talking about free will there people choosing their family size but if we permit the non-material realm of life to figure into our inquiry we may conclude that proposals to revive the American birth rate through subsidies vastly underestimate the challenge the challenge May ultimately prove to be civilizational in nature”] 

okay so I look at first of all that hits like a two by four — civilizational in nature — and on the one hand I think to myself wait a minute aren’t we all supposed to be delighted that in this modern world women are in a position to participate in the workforce they’re in a position to choose more carefully more explicitly more intentionally the number of children they’d like to have aren’t we supposed to believe that that’s a wonderful thing and that releasing that many women to the workforce should increase the dynamism and growth of our [economy]…and all that…good, good, good…”

Evensong “A Boy and A Girl”

University of Rochester New York

Day Care

Why Daycare Is So Expensive In America

Children’s Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care

Health 400 | OB-GYN

Healthcare Facilities Code

Design & Operation of Health Care Facilities

Evensong “Sonata for Arpeggione and Piano” (Franz Schubert)

June 9, 2024
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Evensong is a traditional Anglican choral service that takes place in the late afternoon or early evening, typically around sunset. It is also known as Evening Prayer or Vespers.

The service consists of a series of prayers, psalms, canticles, and readings from the Bible, which are sung or chanted by a choir in four-part harmony. The choral music often features elaborate harmonies and complex counterpoint, and is usually accompanied by an organ or other instruments.

Evensong has been an important part of the British choral tradition for centuries, and is still performed in many Anglican churches throughout the UK and beyond. The tradition is particularly strong in Oxford and Cambridge, where the famous college choirs perform regular Evensong services that are open to the public.

The origins of Evensong can be traced back to the monastic offices of the Middle Ages, when monks would gather in the evening to sing the psalms and other prayers. Over time, these services evolved into more elaborate and musically sophisticated forms, which were eventually adopted by the Anglican Church and other Protestant denominations.

Today, Evensong is appreciated for its beauty and spiritual depth, as well as its contribution to the rich heritage of British choral music.

Abiit sed non oblitus | Wisconsin

June 9, 2024
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A message from Stritch President Dr. Dan Scholz

“Saint Francis with the Animals” 17th Century / Lambert de Hondt

Standards Wisconsin

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