Cowboy Coffee


Cowboy Coffee

April 24, 2024
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“We wish to suggest a structure

for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA).

This structure has novel features

which are of considerable biological interest….”

James Watson | “Nature” April 1953

“The Valley of Wyoming” 1865 Jasper Cropsey

University of Wyoming 2021

This simple method preparing hot coffee evolved from open flame; out on the range.  The result is a strong, robust cup that retains grittiness due to the coarse grind and the absence of a filter. Cowboy coffee is more about utility and simplicity rather than precision and refinement, which aligns with the rugged and practical nature of cowboy life.  Here’s how it’s typically made:


Coarsely ground coffee beans, water.


A pot (often a simple metal or enamel coffee pot), a heat source (campfire or portable stove), and a way to separate the grounds from the liquid (like pouring or using a fine mesh strainer).


Add coarsely ground coffee to the pot. The amount can vary based on personal preference, but it’s generally a couple of tablespoons of coffee per cup of water.

Add water to the pot. Again, the ratio of coffee to water can be adjusted based on taste preferences.

Place the pot on the heat source and bring it to a near-boil. Watch it carefully to avoid boiling over.

Once it’s heated, let it steep for a few minutes. Some cowboys might toss in a crushed eggshell to help settle the grounds.

Remove the pot from the heat and let it sit for a moment to allow the coffee grounds to settle.

Pour the coffee carefully to avoid pouring the grounds into your cup.

Locals swear by it:

“Cowboy coffee ain’t as easy as it looks. It takes some know-how to make it right.” – Unknown

“You can’t compromise with a cup of weak coffee.” – Cowboy Proverb

“There are only two things that a cowboy can’t do without – his horse and his coffee.” – Unknown

“A cowboy’s day starts with coffee and ends with whiskey.” – Unknown

“Life is too short for bad coffee.” – Unknown

“Cowboy coffee: where the grounds are meant to be chewed, not sipped.” – Unknown


Athletics facilities upgrades: $390 Million

April 24, 2024
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Program Title Page

OSU was founded in 1890 as Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College under the Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862 set in motion by President Abraham Lincoln. It has approximately 30,000 students across 1500 acres with 400 buildings. Its athletic department runs an operating budget of about $100 million.

Facilities Management

Standards Oklahoma

Orange Crush Couples

Voice Communications Devices for Use by Emergency Services

April 24, 2024
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The frequency differences between public safety radio and public broadcasting radio are mainly due to their distinct purposes and requirements.

  • Public safety radio operates on VHF and UHF bands for emergency services communication These radio systems are designed for robustness, reliability, and coverage over a specific geographic area. They prioritize clarity and reliability of communication over long distances and in challenging environments. Encryption may also be employed for secure communication.
  • Public broadcasting radio operates on FM and AM bands for disseminating news, entertainment, and cultural content to the general public.  These radio stations focus on providing a wide range of content, including news, talk shows, music, and cultural programming. They often cover broad geographic areas and aim for high-quality audio transmission for listener enjoyment. Unlike public safety radio, public broadcasting radio stations typically do not require encryption and prioritize accessibility to the general public.

Standard on Fire and Emergency Service Use of Thermal Imagers, Two-Way Portable RF Voice Communication Devices, Ground Ladders, and Fire Hose, and Fire Hose Appliances

NFPA 1930 is in a custom cycle due to the Emergency Response and Responder Safety Document Consolidation Plan (consolidation plan) as approved by the NFPA Standards Council.  As part of the consolidation plan, NFPA 1930 is combining Standards NFPA 1801, NFPA 1802, NFPA 1932, NFPA 1937, and NFPA 1962.

Firefighter radio communication faces several special technical challenges due to the nature of the environment they operate in and the criticality of their tasks. Here are some of the key challenges:

  1. Interference and Signal Degradation: Buildings, debris, and firefighting equipment can obstruct radio signals, leading to interference and degradation of communication quality.
  2. Multipath Propagation: Radio signals can bounce off surfaces within buildings, causing multipath propagation, which results in signal fading and distortion.
  3. Limited Bandwidth: Firefighter radio systems often operate on limited bandwidths, which can restrict the amount of data that can be transmitted simultaneously, impacting the clarity and reliability of communication.
  4. Noise: The high noise levels present in firefighting environments, including sirens, machinery, and fire itself, can interfere with radio communication, making it difficult for firefighters to hear and understand each other.
  5. Line-of-Sight Limitations: Radio signals typically require a clear line of sight between the transmitter and receiver. However, in complex urban environments or within buildings, obstructions such as walls and floors can obstruct the line of sight, affecting signal strength and reliability.
  6. Equipment Durability: Firefighter radio equipment needs to withstand harsh environmental conditions, including high temperatures, smoke, water, and physical impacts. Ensuring the durability and reliability of equipment in such conditions is a significant challenge.
  7. Battery Life: Prolonged operations in emergency situations can drain radio batteries quickly. Firefighters need reliable battery life to ensure continuous communication throughout their mission.
  8. Interoperability: Different emergency response agencies may use different radio systems and frequencies, leading to interoperability issues. Ensuring seamless communication between various agencies involved in firefighting operations is crucial for effective coordination and response.
  9. Priority Access: During large-scale emergencies, such as natural disasters or terrorist attacks, communication networks may become congested, limiting access for emergency responders. Firefighters need priority access to communication networks to ensure they can effectively coordinate their efforts.
  10. Training and Familiarity: Operating radio equipment effectively under stress requires training and familiarity. Firefighters must be trained to use radio equipment efficiently and effectively, even in challenging conditions, to ensure clear and concise communication during emergencies.

National Institute of Standards & Technology

Testing of Portable Radios in a Fire Fighting Environment


April 23, 2024

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Sie strahlt vor Freude über ihre Auszeichnung – TH-Alumna Melanie Klaus. Für ihre Bachelorarbeit im Bereich Erneuerbare Energien wurde sie vom Solarenergieförderverein Bayern geehrt. In ihrer Bachelorarbeit im Studiengang Elektro- und Informationstechnik untersuchte sie das Zusammenspiel von Wind- und Solarenergie und den Nutzen, der sich hieraus für die regenerative Energieerzeugung erzielen lässt. Untersucht wurde also die Nutzung der natürlichen Kombination von Wind und Sonne für die Energieerzeugung. Um die Rentabilität dieser Einspeisekombination zu ermitteln, hat Melanie Klaus ein Software-Tool entwickelt, welches zur Planung und Simulation abgestimmter Photovoltaik-Wind-Kombinationen dient und bereits für die Errichtung einer Photovoltaik-Anlage zu einem Windpark eingesetzt wird.

Starting 2023 we break away the topic of solar energy standards from our standing Electrical and Energy colloquia.   We start with the following titles

IEC TC 82 Solar photovoltaic energy systems

Underwriters Laboratories 1703 PV Module Certification

ASTM E772 Standard Terminology of Solar Energy Conversion

IEEE 1562 Guide for Array and Battery Sizing in Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems

NEMA Solar Photovoltaic Council

NECA 412 Standard for Installing and Maintaining Photovoltaic Power Systems

NFPA 70 Articles 690-691

NFPA 70 Articles 705 & 855

International Code Council Section 1607 Photovoltaic panels or modules

ASHRAE International: 90.1 Building Energy Code & 189.1 Green Energy Code

Time permitting: Example design specification and construction contract.

"Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another" - G.K. Chesterton

Other standards developers and publishers are also present in this domain but this list is where we will start given that we only have an hour.   Join us today at 16:00 with the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.


What are the hidden costs of solar panels?

Do We Have Enough Silver, Copper, And Other Materials To Keep Up With The Growth Of Solar?

Mining Raw Materials for Solar Panels: Problems and Solutions

Grid-Connected Microgrid Battery Energy Storage Systems

Solarvoltaic PV Systems

April 23, 2024

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“Icarus” Joos de Momper

National Electrical Code Articles 690 and 691 provide electrical installation requirements for Owner solarvoltaic PV systems that fall under local electrical safety regulations.  Access to the 2023 Edition is linked below;

2023 National Electrical Code

Insight into the technical problems managed in the 2023 edition can be seen in the developmental transcripts linked below:

Panel 4  Public Input Report (869 pages)

Panel 4  Second Draft Comment Report (199 pages)

The IEEE Joint IAS/PES (Industrial Applications Society & Power and Energy Society) has one vote on this 21-member committee; the only pure “User-Interest” we describe in our ABOUT.  All other voting representatives on this committee represent market incumbents or are proxies for market incumbents; also described in our ABOUT.

The 2026 National Electrical Code has entered its revision cycle.  Public input is due September 7th.

We maintain these articles, and all other articles related to “renewable” energy, on the standing agenda of our Power and Solar colloquia which anyone may join with the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.   We work close coupled with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee which meets 4 times monthly in American and European time zones; also open to everyone.





Gallery: Other Ways of Knowing Climate Change

April 22, 2024
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Life-cycle cost of education community settings are informed by climate change assumptions.  In addition to the flow of research money to faculty for laboratory space, graduate student support, supercomputer installations, conference travel; these assumptions inform the architectural character of a campus — i.e. the design and operation its buildings and infrastructure.  These assumptions swing back and forth over these eternal institutions with cyclical assumptions about global cooling and global warming.  In the late 1960’s academic researchers found evidence of global cooling.  Fifty years on academic researchers assume the earth is warming.  We just roll with it as we do with all the other policy “givens” we accommodate.    Stewardship of the planet — keeping it clean for those who follow us — Yes.  Catastrophilia — the love of catastrophone so well documented in history — not so much.

As with all emotional issues, language changes mightily.  We refer you to our journey through technical standard language HERE.

According to a report by the Congressional Research Service, federal funding for climate research and related activities totaled approximately $13.8 billion in fiscal year 2020. This funding was distributed across various agencies and programs, including the National Science Foundation’s Climate and Large-Scale Dynamics program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s climate Program Office, and the Department of Energy’s Office of Science.

Not included in this figure is the opportunity cost and loss of brand identity of not conforming to the climate change agenda.

The “Narrative”

Mass Formation Psychosis

Climate Psychosis

Climate Science: What Does it Say?

Dialectic: Climate Change

Readings / The Administrative State

If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself. - Joseph Goebbels

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