“Chipmunk Christmas Song”


Turkey Research

November 23, 2023
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In the pursuit of Knowledge,
every day something is added.
In the practice of the Way,
every day something is dropped.

Less and less do you need to force things,
until finally you arrive at non-action.
When nothing is done,
nothing is left undone.
— Lao Tzu


United States Department of Agriculture | Turkey Standards Country Report

Standards Pennsylvania


November 22, 2023

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December is National Eggnog Month

Historians’ best guess as to the origin of eggnog dates back to the English Middle Ages, where a warm, milky ale called ‘posset’, was consumed. Posset was often consumed with eggs and figs; eggs, figs, dairy, and sherry were products that only the wealthy could afford to enjoy at the time. Eggnog was thought to have arrived in the U.S. prior to the revolutionary war. Whereas most of the eggnog consumed in Britain was by the upper class (with sherry), as eggnog advanced throughout the U.S. like a milky river of frothy delight, it was generally consumed with rum or bourbon.

Because the agricultural-based colonies were flush with chickens and cows, the consumption of eggnog was not limited to crusty upper class Brits, but rather a drink that most people throughout the American colonies could enjoy. In fact, food historian, Emelyn Rude (2015), author of “How Eggnog (Almost) Changed the World”, explains that consumption of eggnog was a popular holiday pastime of many, even including West Point cadets, such as Edgar Allen Poe and Jefferson Davis.

The Nation’s Pioneer Land-Grant University

Nourriture Hiver

Egg Nog Riot of 1826

Thanksgiving Buenos Aires

November 22, 2023
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The University was founded by George Pepperdine, a successful businessman who found his fortune in the automobile industry (founding Western Auto) and became a philanthropist. He was inspired by his commitment to the values of Christian education and a desire to provide students with a quality education that integrated faith and learning.

The Malibu campus of Pepperdine University is situated on approximately 830 acres on the Pacific Ocean.  Student enrollment runs about 8000; undergraduate and graduate.

“Whether we are scientists or engineers, homemakers or business leaders, we must all assume responsibility not only for the kind of jobs we do but also for the kind of people we are.

Education in a Christian environment helps develop and mold tomorrow’s leaders.”

— George Pepperdine (1886-1962)



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